Minimum Income

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I recall you saying that you opted not to become a commander of marines.
You were too heroic to get your boots muddy, suffer privation, hunger, cold, heat and enemy action.
Choosing instead to impress girls in foreign ports with your fancy uniform, you did say these things didn't you?

Sipping pink gins in the ward room is not bravery.

You are not afraid of me, that's why you need your son to back you up!!

Not afraid of anything?

Because you lived a safe life of ease.

Me, I'm terrified of heights.
That's why I chose the paras.
I also know the ease of life the navy enjoy!
4 months as provost on a trident class shortly after passing my All Arms Commando Course with the Royal Marines(sea hats).
Yup, 4 months on a comfy boat, heroically sleeping 8 to 12 hours a day, working in slack, scoffing great scran, showering each day!!
For those four months I was nearly as heroic as you!!

Now the days I patrolled under fire in many of the worlds most shitty spots, that wasn't worth a damn, not compared to 3 hot meals a day, a comfy cot and a shower!
I demand the VC, I worked on a boat!
I suffered badly the last week!!
We ran out of grenadine in the mess!!
Oh the horror!

You've got it quite wrong, of course. I chose a life at sea because the ocean had fascinated me since early childhood. I never once had a pink gin or any other adult beverage in the wardroom. Clearly, you've no knowledge of Josephus Daniels and the curse he placed on the US Navy. Regardless, rest assured that I am not afraid of anything, and I certainly am not afraid of you. I don't need my son to back me up... He happens to be joining me on our trip from Maine to NYC and I'd much rather spend time with him than with you. So, if he frightens you and you'd prefer to call our meeting at Jake's off.... Just say so now, so we can make other plans to go have lunch at a really nice place in Boston instead. If it's still on, we'll be there... You can call me a coward and you can call my son fat and incompetent... And we'll see how that all shakes out. I've really had about enough of this pre-meeting talking, however. I'll be there... You should be there too. We don't need to talk about it any longer. It's on my calendar... And I won't forget... See to it that you don't forget it either.
You've got it quite wrong, of course. I chose a life at sea because the ocean had fascinated me since early childhood. I never once had a pink gin or any other adult beverage in the wardroom. Clearly, you've no knowledge of Josephus Daniels and the curse he placed on the US Navy. Regardless, rest assured that I am not afraid of anything, and I certainly am not afraid of you. I don't need my son to back me up... He happens to be joining me on our trip from Maine to NYC and I'd much rather spend time with him than with you. So, if he frightens you and you'd prefer to call our meeting at Jake's off.... Just say so now, so we can make other plans to go have lunch at a really nice place in Boston instead. If it's still on, we'll be there... You can call me a coward and you can call my son fat and incompetent... And we'll see how that all shakes out. I've really had about enough of this pre-meeting talking, however. I'll be there... You should be there too. We don't need to talk about it any longer. It's on my calendar... And I won't forget... See to it that you don't forget it either.

If you don't need him, which we know you do, then why not have him wait in the car, around the corner?
They are living in the manner they choose.
Not poverty.

So they've got boatloads of cash and great jobs... You just think they PREFER to sleep in cardboard boxes because that's much less hassle than worrying about a mortgage, or rent, or taking care of onerous shit like doing the laundry so you have clean sheets to sleep on. Homeless people in America aren't poor... They LIKE living on the street in the dead of winter!

What fucking planet were you born on?
You are afraid of nothing!!
Ha ha!!
Which is why you hide behind your son.
I will attend.
With my sons.
I will tell you that you are a coward, because you are a coward.
If your son weighs what you say he weighs and he is under 6'5" I will tell him that your obamessiah says he is obese.
What action you take from that point is up to you and your shield, I mean son!!
One thing I know, I will walk away.
Go about my life.
Only cowards claim to be afraid of nothing or no one.
Experience might teach you, but at your age, you will continue to live a safe, comfortable life of ease.
Just like you had in the navy.
can we be done jawing about it now? You show up, i'll show up. You'll call me a coward to my face... You'll call my son fat and incompetent... We'll hash that out and be on our way. See you then, Paulie Scott.
As soon as you define your cowardly term" hash out".
I will tell you to your face that you are a coward.
I will tell your son that you said he was obese.
Then I will walk away.

Nothing to hash out.
Unless you are making a threat, not that a cowards threat carries any weight, but " hash out"?
Rather an infantile term.
Even for a coward hiding behind his obese son.

I never called my son obese. You called him fat AND incompetent. He got quite a laugh out of that. He's excited to meet you and to discuss with you his supposed lack of competence. He wondered how you could make such a ridiculous statement without knowing anything about him. I'm sure you'll have a good explanation. I am not threatening anything. We'll meet. You'll call me a coward to my face, and you'll call my son fat, and more importantly, incompetent to his face. Like I said... We'll hash that all out and then we'll be on our way. Good move on your part to bring two infant boys as shields, by the way.... I certainly will be much more circumspect with little ones there...
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And, for crissakes, can you fucking speak the language, or what? If you are not familiar with the rather common idiomatic expression, "hash out", then type it into google and learn what it fucking means.
My kids won't be shields fool.
I'm not here making playground threats to violence.
Nor do I have the intention of standing around in a restaurant involved in a ranting match with a coward.
You will be told you are a coward, I will walk away, you will do nothing.

You posted here that your son was 220lbs.
If he is under 6'5" that qualifies as obese according to OBAMAS regulations on what qualifies as OBESE
You said it, not me.
I will tell him and walk away.
Any plan you have involves me walking away.
How you leave depends entirely on you.

Hash out is not a recognized English term.
Perhaps some childish term used by wannabe tough guys dressed in fancy uniforms who like to hang out with lots of other guys in close confines.
Hello sailor!
I might come to blow smoke in you mullet head kids face
My kids won't be shields fool.
I'm not here making playground threats to violence.
Nor do I have the intention of standing around in a restaurant involved in a ranting match with a coward.
You will be told you are a coward, I will walk away, you will do nothing.

You posted here that your son was 220lbs.
If he is under 6'5" that qualifies as obese according to OBAMAS regulations on what qualifies as OBESE
You said it, not me.
I will tell him and walk away.
Any plan you have involves me walking away.
How you leave depends entirely on you.

Hash out is not a recognized English term.
Perhaps some childish term used by wannabe tough guys dressed in fancy uniforms who like to hang out with lots of other guys in close confines.
Hello sailor! out

And you can explain to me why you would call any veteran a coward, and you can explain to my son why you think he is incompetent.

THEN you can turn tail and run away.
It's interesting how he keeps naming new bars all the time. I have said that the german joint in china town is fine, but he keeps tossing out new ones. I think he does that so he can claim that we must have gotten our signals crossed and he showed up at a different place than I did.
I didn't call any veteran a coward, I called you a coward.
You refused a marine command and opted for a nice safe job on a comfortable SUPPLY ship.
All nice and safe, no nasty enemy trying to kill you, or getting your pretty uniform spoiled!!

I refused nothing. I made a service selection decision based upon my preferences. I loved the ocean, and still do.... Whether you know it or not, it is a dangerous environment. And I served on a wide variety of vessels over the years... Destroyers, frigates, replenishment ships and aircraft carriers...and some interesting shore duty where nasty enemies were indeed trying to kill me all the time.... But you can go ahead and explain to me face to face why you think that makes me a coward... And then you can explain to my son why you think he is incompetent. It'll be fun to hash the whole thing out.
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