Minimum Wage 1968=$1.60. With grown and distribution it would be $21.16 today?

And to answer your simple minded question;
Construction workers who kill their bodies for a wage are paid VERY well instead of the American standard of "uneducated work". Monopolies don't control the Country, the people do.

Who are ”The People” Goober? Isn’t America a government “of the ”people,” by the ”people” and for the ”people” Goober? Is America socialist? Is America a monopoly of the ”people”????

Who decides in a socialist country what construction workers get paid Goober and why do those who decide that have the power to decide that and how much more can they decide the construction workers get paid? Are all wages in a socialist country decided by a referendum vote by the ”people” Goober?
And to answer your simple minded question;
In contrast there are Socialist Countries that let their Government decide what pay certain occupations get through the voting process like Australia. I'm not going to elaborate for you but do you think it's any different than America today under Citizens United? Nope, worse.....barely.

But you’ve already elaborated Goober and you’ve proven you know squat about socialism. You can’t name a single nation in the world that now or ever fit your definition of socialism. Your elaboration is simply a drug induced collection of blather, bullshit and Gobble-D-Gook.

You sir are a fucking idiot!!!
Your signature explains the 10th kiddo. "Nor prohibited by the states".......This means everything not prohibited by a state is fair game for that state when it comes to the Constitution.

Actually moron the correct verse is “nor prohibited by it to the States,” (referencing the CONSTITUTION), not the fucking state……………..This means everything not prohibited by the “CONSTITUTION” for the States, (plural), to do is reserved to the States to do and thereby prohibited by ”THE CONSTITUTION" for the fucking federal government to do. “The powers NOT DELEGATED to the United States by the Constitution.”

None, I say again Goober NONE of your left-assed socialist programs are delegated to the United States Federal Government by the Constitution.
WHo cares if labor is a big part of a small businesses expenses. They'll have to adjust. They'll factor it into their business plan, and get financed accordingly, like everything else. How is that an argument against minimum wages?

Who cares? Everybody should care since small business is the life blood of every successful economy. But who would ever think a fucking leftist moron like you would understand any of that Goober?

“Get financed accordingly?” By WHO Goober?

Of course Goober none of anything logical is an argument against your idiotic left-ass ideology, you’re a fucking moron.

The increase in spending is only negligible? Yeah, that's how poor they are. That "slight increase in consumer spending ", is poor people improving their horrid existence.

So then poor people being forced to spend more is simply “poor people improving their horrid existence?” You don’t have a fucking clue what the fuck you’re even talking about, huh Goober?

Oh, and the assumption that if it's a part time job they're obviously not depending on it is a conclusion of tautological ignorance so vacuous that my eyes glazed over.

Your glazed eyes are surely the result of the majority of your fucking pea-brain running down your daddy’s leg, huh Goober???
Who cares? Everybody should care since small business is the life blood of every successful economy. But who would ever think a fucking leftist moron like you would understand any of that Goober?

“Get financed accordingly?” By WHO Goober?

Of course Goober none of anything logical is an argument against your idiotic left-ass ideology, you’re a fucking moron.

So then poor people being forced to spend more is simply “poor people improving their horrid existence?” You don’t have a fucking clue what the fuck you’re even talking about, huh Goober?

Your glazed eyes are surely the result of the majority of your fucking pea-brain running down your daddy’s leg, huh Goober???

then why the fuck do you back things that destroy it in the name of the uber rich?

like the walmart family.
Your argument is so educated. It was like you received knowledge and held a strong debate on what is right. Though some of those "LIBERALS" would say you just copy/posted a deer eating popcorn and trolled like a 12 year old. No right wingers would ever call you uneducated and a waste of space.

Once again you get it wrong dunce; I've learned that arguing with idiots only leads to a never ending circle of stupidity. Therefore, one can only watch your utter buffoonery and call it what it is with amusement.

But in case you missed my arguments earlier, let me summarize them for you again; only ignorant dunces believe that arbitrary increases to the minimum wage will battle poverty and make things better for low skilled workers.

Carry on dimwit.
WHo cares if labor is a big part of a small businesses expenses. They'll have to adjust. They'll factor it into their business plan, and get financed accordingly, like everything else. How is that an argument against minimum wages?

The increase in spending is only negligible? Yeah, that's how poor they are. That "slight increase in consumer spending ", is poor people improving their horrid existence.

Oh, and the assumption that if it's a part time job they're obviously not depending on it is a conclusion of tautological ignorance so vacuous that my eyes glazed over.

Dear dunce; how many businesses have you started or run? Nothing can be more ironic than watching economically clueless dunces giving advice on how to finance a business while arguing for an arbitrary minimum wage that has historically done nothing to eliminate poverty or improve the lives of low skilled workers.

You dullards really are incredibly naive and THAT incredibly stupid.
then why the fuck do you back things that destroy it in the name of the uber rich?

like the walmart family.

Further proof you are a brain dead dullard who parrots the idiot lefts talking points like a trained circus monkey; yes, you really are THAT stupid.

I know you learn Libertarian (the far right) but that is just ignorance.

Well Goober if libertarian is “far right” and my opinions like the fucking government has no business deciding which adults can and which adults cannot make marriage contracts with one another and my agreement with the Eisenhower warning about the evils of the Military Industrial Complex and the federal government has no business deciding who can and who cannot have an abortion and that abortion is God’s business not government’s and that adult people that call themselves free should have the exclusive right to decide for themselves what they will or will-not put into their own bodies and that’s no business of the fucking government, well Goober I’m proud to be a ”far right libertarian/constitutionalist what’s your claim to fame?????
WHo cares if labor is a big part of a small businesses expenses. They'll have to adjust. They'll factor it into their business plan, and get financed accordingly, like everything else. How is that an argument against minimum wages?

The increase in spending is only negligible? Yeah, that's how poor they are. That "slight increase in consumer spending ", is poor people improving their horrid existence.

Oh, and the assumption that if it's a part time job they're obviously not depending on it is a conclusion of tautological ignorance so vacuous that my eyes glazed over.

Here you go - now get busy and do something, other then bitching and moaning.
Does the left care about the top 1% of wage earners/people Goober who’s bank accounts the left is always trying to extort and use the loot to bribe the votes of society’s drones with unconstitutional federal socialist programs?

What about unborn babies/people Goober Do the left’s hearts bleed for them?

Do leftist hearts bleed for Republicans too or just Democrats Goober?????

Does the Left care about the top1%? Have you seen the stock market Bush vs. Obama kiddo? The Left simply doesn't want you to get rich by ripping off other Americans kid. Where in the world did you get the idea the Left doesn't support the 1%............( I typed it and knew the answer before you said it, Fox News)

You bring up abortion which I do not support. But Right Wing policy stands in the way of making abortion obsolete. AND the right kills people in unnecessary war at about the same rate abortion does.

Ask a Leftist on your last issue. I'm a Christian so I understand the bleeding heart. I care about everyone. I care so much I get on forums to educate the less educated in hopes to make them better humans.
So then good socialism is when the government has no control over the voting process but the people do, right Goober? Who are those people that decide when to vote, where to vote and what the rules of the voting process are Goober? Who are those people who decide who those people are that decide all of that Goober?

This is seriously why I made the "socialism" post to begin with. I shouldn't spend all day explaining each and every "Socialist" countries process to you. I know you don't realize that socialism isn't communism and you don't realize that there are different forms of socialism but that is because you are uneducated and want me to do your homework for you.

Just do some research instead of putting all of your hope and faith in this country in Fox News small brain. I can't copy/post all of the Socialist countries agendas in one post. It's too much to read and by my guess, you stopped reading after the title, it's a right wing thing.
Well Goober if libertarian is “far right” and my opinions like the fucking government has no business deciding which adults can and which adults cannot make marriage contracts with one another and my agreement with the Eisenhower warning about the evils of the Military Industrial Complex and the federal government has no business deciding who can and who cannot have an abortion and that abortion is God’s business not government’s and that adult people that call themselves free should have the exclusive right to decide for themselves what they will or will-not put into their own bodies and that’s no business of the fucking government, well Goober I’m proud to be a ”far right libertarian/constitutionalist what’s your claim to fame?????

You don't type things that are smart very often. This is ......2.

What is my claim to fame? I stand against and for all parties. I educate myself on all parties. Democrat, Republican, Green, Libertarian, Constitutionalist. When you are educated you can never be wrong.

The funny thing is you claim to be Libertarian/Constitutionalist and don't notice that without State refusal, the Federal Government can do anything with a Congress vote. The States have been voting for these changes for decades and you think that since the Constitution never stated "that's ok" it can't be a possibility.

You are smart, (gonna take a steel wool bath after that one) but you are bias smart.

Your constant "The Constitution never said the states could vote and accept that" policy is worn out and makes you look stupid because the Constitution clearly stated they could. But just like the Bible, small groups can get together and drive small minds into thinking old scripts can mean different things, which happens a lot.

You are a cultist. :palm:
Does the Left care about the top1%? Have you seen the stock market Bush vs. Obama kiddo?

What does Obama or Bush have to do with the stock market Goober? Every idiot should know by now that the stock market is controlled by the Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke who’s been pumping funny fait monopoly money into the economy like it was going out of style creating the next inflation bubble.
The Left simply doesn't want you to get rich by ripping off other Americans kid.

Yeah right Goober that’s why the left writes all of those government regulations that eliminate much of the smaller competition to their 1% asshole crony buddies on Wall Street.

Where in the world did you get the idea the Left doesn't support the 1%............( I typed it and knew the answer before you said it, Fox News)

I never said the left didn’t support the 1% Goober I simply ask you if they did. I knew it would be interesting to see your uneducated answer. Fact is Goober both left and right have made an entire industry out of supporting their particular share of the 1%ers in exchange for campaign loot.
You bring up abortion which I do not support. But Right Wing policy stands in the way of making abortion obsolete. AND the right kills people in unnecessary war at about the same rate abortion does.

Fact check for ya Goober, the fucking left does everything in its power to make abortions as easy and free to access for their major voter population, (women in poverty and Hollywood millionaire types) and when they can get away with it paid for with taxpayers loot and you seem to ignore the fact that both right and left kill people in unnecessary unconstitutional undeclared wars and the question was about the left, so why are you attempting to justify actions of the left with actions of the right? Oh! That’s right because you’re a leftist moron, huh?
Ask a Leftist on your last issue. I'm a Christian so I understand the bleeding heart. I care about everyone. I care so much I get on forums to educate the less educated in hopes to make them better humans.

You get on political forums because like everybody else here you’re a fucking partisan or you love to waste your time arguing with fucking idiots. Larry, Mo and Curley are better teachers than you Goober, they’re twice as smart. Your heart only bleeds for idiots that vote for Democrats and hate Fox News. You’re a lefty looney and a Democrat partisan hack.