Minimum Wage 1968=$1.60. With grown and distribution it would be $21.16 today?

Welcome to politics kid.

It is PROFIT that is important to business. Cost is only part of it small brain.

Speaking of small brains, how does one derive profit dimwit?

The balance is small business cost/profit vs large corporation cost/profit.

Another incredible stupid dullard comment that makes ZERO sense; you really are a "small brained" dimwit.

Our biggest employer in America does not provide Health Insurance and asks management to hand out pamphlets on welfare. Wal-Mart.

Another incredibly stupid lie; Walmart does indeed provide all of its FULL TIME workers health insurance and many PART TIME workers depending on hours worked and status.

Why do leftist tools feel compelled to foolishly parrot union lies without at least doing some research on the facts; because they really are THAT stupid.
ASA is actually a totalitarian globalist jew, happy with people being wards of the state. Go back to Israel, traitor jew.

ASA actually has a brain and makes coherent, thoughtful, polite arguments based on facts; something an uneducated dullard like you cannot hope to attain.

You really are THAT stupid and repugnant.
As you know, all the black ops are off the books. So the real numbers are not actually accessible.

That's pretty convenient, but the CBO reconciled every dollar spent each year; whatever is off the books at the Pentagon, is on the books for defense spending in the aggregate.
Speaking of small brains, how does one derive profit dimwit?

Another incredible stupid dullard comment that makes ZERO sense; you really are a "small brained" dimwit.

Another incredibly stupid lie; Walmart does indeed provide all of its FULL TIME workers health insurance and many PART TIME workers depending on hours worked and status.

Why do leftist tools feel compelled to foolishly parrot union lies without at least doing some research on the facts; because they really are THAT stupid.

I would say because I do homework which is my common denominator with the Left. Wal-Mart cuts hours just below the mark for insurance. It's why you see all the protestors holding signs that say "I want full time work" not "I want 15.00 an hour"

Welcome to America bone head. Do more research.
That's pretty convenient, but the CBO reconciled every dollar spent each year; whatever is off the books at the Pentagon, is on the books for defense spending in the aggregate.

Before 2010 this wouldn't be a fact. A bill in 2010 made all war spending show up on "National Defense". It's why the Bush turds thought war was free.
Before 2010 this wouldn't be a fact. A bill in 2010 made all war spending show up on "National Defense". It's why the Bush turds thought war was free.

Every penny of defense funds showed up on the year end reconciliation during the Bush years.
Outsourcing is the result of taxes, regulations, litigation, and costs.

Dumbest thing I've ever read.

Outsourcing is the result of ANY Country that pays their people less than we do and a Government that allows us to exploit that. If we are the most successful Country then every other Country will always be the best place to manufacture things because they aren't as successful as us.

Our success was because of OUR Industrial Revolution.

1% sending money outside of America equals an America without money to spend on the products America makes. America is the #1 consumer and we have all seen that little is selling in the recent years. It's because the 1% makes deals with monopolies, waits for the competitors to go out of business and then drives up prices.

This is pretty basic stuff.

Regulation is my favorite term here, it's one Romney repeated often. Regulation is basically Environmental issues but the Right Wing doesn't know that, they just repeat it. It's why Romney was in bed with Toxic Waste dumping and Coal Mines. Anyone with a brain knows regulation is smart for America because we don't want to be like China. But this kid has never looked at the "Free market" china has to offer such as "smog days out of school" as opposed to snow days.
Dumbest thing I've ever read.

Outsourcing is the result of ANY Country that pays their people less than we do and a Government that allows us to exploit that. If we are the most successful Country then every other Country will always be the best place to manufacture things because they aren't as successful as us.

Our success was because of OUR Industrial Revolution.

1% sending money outside of America equals an America without money to spend on the products America makes. America is the #1 consumer and we have all seen that little is selling in the recent years. It's because the 1% makes deals with monopolies, waits for the competitors to go out of business and then drives up prices.

This is pretty basic stuff.

Regulation is my favorite term here, it's one Romney repeated often. Regulation is basically Environmental issues but the Right Wing doesn't know that, they just repeat it. It's why Romney was in bed with Toxic Waste dumping and Coal Mines. Anyone with a brain knows regulation is smart for America because we don't want to be like China. But this kid has never looked at the "Free market" china has to offer such as "smog days out of school" as opposed to snow days.

I think your topped it as the dumbest. Jobs are driven out of this country.
You only believe in two bad choices. The fact is there can be trade which is not fascistic. We can have a sound currency system, and we don't have to allow unlimited corporate money to flow into the pockets of politicians. What we have now is fascism, which you don't include in your limited choice schema.

First, Fascism like Communism and Democracy are not basic fundamentalist economic institutions but rather hybrid institutions incorporating either capitalism or socialism by degree and sometimes even both at the same time. Economic actions are either capitalistic or socialistic in nature or they can even incorporate both. Example: Obama-Care. The issue is, deciding by definition what an economic action is the MOST of and thereby best defined as.

Why do you not address my insinuation that Citizens United did not only open the door for BIG corporate funding of politicians but it also opened the door for all manner of SPECIAL INTEREST funding of politicians from both the right and left? Am I correct in that assessment? If so why do you ignore that fact? Is the playing field not level?

Where is the proposed Constitutional Amendment at, that should be and could be offered up by the left and others that oppose special interest money in politics. Isn’t that the correct and constitutional action to take rather than bitch and moan that your particular political biases are facing the bribery of opposing money?
First, Fascism like Communism and Democracy are not basic fundamentalist economic institutions but rather hybrid institutions incorporating either capitalism or socialism by degree and sometimes even both at the same time. Economic actions are either capitalistic or socialistic in nature or they can even incorporate both. Example: Obama-Care. The issue is, deciding by definition what an economic action is the MOST of and thereby best defined as.

Why do you not address my insinuation that Citizens United did not only open the door for BIG corporate funding of politicians but it also opened the door for all manner of SPECIAL INTEREST funding of politicians from both the right and left? Am I correct in that assessment? If so why do you ignore that fact? Is the playing field not level?

Where is the proposed Constitutional Amendment at, that should be and could be offered up by the left and others that oppose special interest money in politics. Isn’t that the correct and constitutional action to take rather than bitch and moan that your particular political biases are facing the bribery of opposing money?

Yes. The playing field is not level considering the money corporations have, versus, any other lobbying entity.

Another correct action is to discuss with people how the Citizens United decision has deeply tilted our capitalism in the fascism direction, and that failing to recognize that and pretending otherwise is dangerous and dishonest.
That's pretty convenient, but the CBO reconciled every dollar spent each year; whatever is off the books at the Pentagon, is on the books for defense spending in the aggregate.

It's not my fault our secret government leaves no trail. And you're wrong.
How is my math idiotic; or is it that you just don't want to accept the fact that when you pay people more, you need to make the difference up somehow and that's usually by raising your prices.

Since you're so educated on how a business should be run, why don't you get some more liberals to put up their money and start up a retail store?
You could pay the workers, what you consider the should be making and see how long you survive.

That's a great idea. Use kickstarter to crowd fund a company. Exploit the fairness message and use the profits to fund more fairness!
Here! NPR will explain how to do it.
Yes. The playing field is not level considering the money corporations have, versus, any other lobbying entity.

Another correct action is to discuss with people how the Citizens United decision has deeply tilted our capitalism in the fascism direction, and that failing to recognize that and pretending otherwise is dangerous and dishonest.

How do you figure the playing field is not equal considering corporations not having constitutional rights and personhood is an anomaly in our history? Why did it not tilt our capitalist structure into Fascism before?

Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad Company (1886) and Trustees of Dartmouth College v. Woodward (1819).
Purchasing power is zero for anyone who's job has been sent overseas.

On the contrary! The State and Federal Socialist Safety Net has become so huge and prevalent these days that the purchasing power thereof is better than the minimum wage and that’s why Democrats want to raise the minimum wage, they’ve created a huge generation of couch potatoes living off of the government tit and they have to import Mexicans to actually do some work.

The answer to the exportation of jobs is to lower the corporate tax rate and shitcan thousands of idiot and corrupt government regulations that only the BIGGEST of corporations can afford who even help government to write so they can eliminate their smaller competition. Competition is effectively regulated out of this country by government to the gratitude and cheers of BIG corporations that can simply afford to avoid the regulations they lobby government to create by simply establishing the bulk of their business offshore.

It’s the “Good Ole Boy” crony capitalist racket folks! It’s not capitalism, it’s legalized criminalism.
On the contrary! The State and Federal Socialist Safety Net has become so huge and prevalent these days that the purchasing power thereof is better than the minimum wage and that’s why Democrats want to raise the minimum wage, they’ve created a huge generation of couch potatoes living off of the government tit and they have to import Mexicans to actually do some work.

The answer to the exportation of jobs is to lower the corporate tax rate and shitcan thousands of idiot and corrupt government regulations that only the BIGGEST of corporations can afford who even help government to write so they can eliminate their smaller competition. Competition is effectively regulated out of this country by government to the gratitude and cheers of BIG corporations that can simply afford to avoid the regulations they lobby government to create by simply establishing the bulk of their business offshore.

It’s the “Good Ole Boy” crony capitalist racket folks! It’s not capitalism, it’s legalized criminalism.

You're making the same errors as Assa. Everyone being on welfare is not a sustainable model for a society, yet you use that condition in your "all is well" propaganda.

And you could care less about the ongoing destruction of the middle class.
You're making the same errors as Assa. Everyone being on welfare is not a sustainable model for a society, yet you use that condition in your "all is well" propaganda.

And you could care less about the ongoing destruction of the middle class.

I have been searching frantically for my post where I said welfare is a sustainable model for a society, but am having no luck.

I must admit I have been influenced by Democrats though: "Economists agree that unemployment benefits remain one of the best ways to grow the economy in a very immediate way," Nancy Pelosi (Democrat economic genius).
I have been searching frantically for my post where I said welfare is a sustainable model for a society, but am having no luck.

I must admit I have been influenced by Democrats though: "Economists agree that unemployment benefits remain one of the best ways to grow the economy in a very immediate way," Nancy Pelosi (Democrat economic genius).

If you find you must limit your argument only to those on welfare to make globalization seem impact-free, you are implying that condition is just fine and sustainable. You need to look at the DIRECTION we're going in. You're taking one snapshot in time, including only those on welfare, and then arguing that "all is well". I call that the "all is well" propaganda.
If you find you must limit your argument only to those on welfare to make globalization seem impact-free, you are implying that condition is just fine and sustainable. You need to look at the DIRECTION we're going in. You're taking one snapshot in time, including only those on welfare, and then arguing that "all is well". I call that the "all is well" propaganda.

I have never used welfare other than to ask you to show me the impact of purchasing power of those on welfare now compared to your price of good if we went protectionist.