MISOGYNIST HERO gets the medal of freedom from the SLUT first lady! (NSFW)

This is what the medal is for: The presidential medal seeks to recognize those people who have made "an especially meritorious contribution to the security or national interests of the United States, world peace, cultural or other significant public or private endeavors".

What in god's name has vile Rush ever done for any of those? trump just turned the Medal of Freedom into an arcade prize.

30 million listeners and a program that has increased in listeners for over 30 years. That is the definition of "cultural or other significant public or private endeavors" you repugnant, ignorant, brain dead hag.
Perhaps, GOD doesn't think his character or contribution to the world is that meritorious and is 'eliminating' him. It's God's call, right? Did he 'trigger' GOD?

Nothing defines IRONY better than a God hating, lying, low IQ, triggered leftist hack on steroids. :laugh:
No Limbaugh doesn't deserve it

I would beg to disagree. He has been phenomenal in changing radio and the political arena. What really irks the PHONY media about him and FOX is that they no longer have a monopoly in the news and cannot shape public opinion as in the past.
It's one thing to pose nude. The nude human form is often lovely. It's another to pose nude with another nude woman as though you were getting it on, eh? Would you enjoy your wife getting paid to do that? Your daughter if you have one?

Wow; so now the new leftist norm is pude? :laugh:
I would beg to disagree. He has been phenomenal in changing radio and the political arena. What really irks the PHONY media about him and FOX is that they no longer have a monopoly in the news and cannot shape public opinion as in the past.

Well there is that of course, I haven't really ever listened to much of his stuff.
It's one thing to pose nude. The nude human form is often lovely. It's another to pose nude with another nude woman as though you were getting it on, eh? Would you enjoy your wife getting paid to do that? Your daughter if you have one?

Would you disapprove of your daughter posing in those positions (after all, you support the LGBT, or what ever it is, don't you)? I don't think I would bitch, it's not like it's porn.
This just MAY be the most miserable and hateful thread starter I've seen on this site. CenterLeft's TDS is so strong, it has clouded ANY thoughts they may have. This hatred has pretty much rendered their brain inoperable. Dreadful.
Would you disapprove of your daughter posing in those positions (after all, you support the LGBT, or what ever it is, don't you)? I don't think I would bitch, it's not like it's porn.

I wouldn't care for any of them to pose nude even if it was for a "tasteful" artistic activity. Definitely not if the photo shoot involved posing nude in sexual positions with other ppl, male or female. I wouldn't want my sons doing it, either.

What does porn have to do with LGBTQ issues?

ETA: My middle daughter is a gifted artistic person. One of her art classes in college involved the class drawing a nude male who volunteered. She came home all disgusted and appalled and complained about how they had to draw "this old fat guy" and why couldn't they haven't gotten a younger, cuter model, blah blah blah. I asked to see her drawing so she reluctantly brought it out. The guy looked to be average weight and in his early to mid-30s. lol
I wouldn't care for any of them to pose nude even if it was for a "tasteful" artistic activity. Definitely not if the photo shoot involved posing nude in sexual positions with other ppl, male or female. I wouldn't want my sons doing it, either.

What does porn have to do with LGBTQ issues?

ETA: My middle daughter is a gifted artistic person. One of her art classes in college involved the class drawing a nude male who volunteered. She came home all disgusted and appalled and complained about how they had to draw "this old fat guy" and why couldn't they haven't gotten a younger, cuter model, blah blah blah. I asked to see her drawing so she reluctantly brought it out. The guy looked to be average weight and in his early to mid-30s. lol

Sexual positions? Unless there's a hidden strap-on there, it doesn't look "sexual" to me. But then, I'm not easily offended (unless it comes to my family).
well well well..............look at the hypocrisy exposed by lefties when they are 'offended'...........i guess slut shaming is ok against people you hate. is racism ok against people you hate? misogyny is all the rage against women you hate??????

how does any of that make you any different than those you claim to despise?
well well well..............look at the hypocrisy exposed by lefties when they are 'offended'...........i guess slut shaming is ok against people you hate. is racism ok against people you hate? misogyny is all the rage against women you hate??????

how does any of that make you any different than those you claim to despise?

NOTICE: FOLKS, Melania gets NO mercy from me from here on out! Nudged right up to the edge for 3 years. IT'S OVER! Unless she was drugged or her parents were being held at gunpoint last night, she is "FAIR GAME". She can flick his hand all she wants, she can give him looks that would kill any other husband. She's all in!

And I am all out. Take the money and run slut!

These are the ones I can post, the others we ALL have seen are unpostable.


Let us NOT forget when 'this one' wore a hair band and had "cankles". And her daughter was called the FAMILY PET by Limbaugh!!


Rush Limbaugh’s 9 most appalling comments about women

13 mins ago on
February 5, 2020
By AlterNet

[FONT=&]If the planet manages to survive the stupidity of its dominant species, future generations will look back in astonishment on the fact that American businesses paid tens of millions of dollars each year to a swinish, cigar-smoking hatemonger who spewed stupidity, misogyny, racism, and fear to a coast-to-coast radio audience of troglodytes who prided themselves on being Dittoheads, unable to think for themselves, and perfectly content to let Rush “think” for them.


[FONT=&]I decided to round up a sampling of Limbaugh’s views on women. What I found wasn’t pretty.[/FONT]

[FONT=&]For instance, here’s Rush imagining that women secretly want to be sexually harassed. “The sexual harassment crowd,” he said. “They’re out there protesting what they actually wish would happen to them.”
[FONT=&]According to Limbaugh, women prefer swinish men. “We’re male chauvinist pigs, and we’re happy to be because we think that’s what men were destined to be. We think that’s what women want.”
[FONT=&]And here he is, comparing women to cats. “My cat comes to me when she wants to be fed. She’s smart enough to know she can’t feed herself. She gets loved. She gets adoration. She gets petted. And she doesn’t have to do anything for it, which is why I say this cat’s taught me more about women than anything in my whole life.”[/FONT]

[FONT=&]Here he is, explaining feminism. “Feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream of society.”
[FONT=&]And here Limbaugh laments the vicious double standard that oppresses male politicians. “Female politicians get a pass on every aspect of their appearance,” he said. “There are plenty of lard-ass women in politics, and they get a total pass on it.”[/FONT]


Oh please save us your sanctimonious bullshit! What really pisses you off is Trump is able to wine and dine a woman like Melina while the best you could ever do is score with a sweat hog like Nancy Pelosi's uglier sister.
Not sure we should be building a culture of honor based on being a dick. Would you rather have Bill Cosby getting awards instead of being in jail?

Irrelevant question. Rush Limbaugh deserved his award. That leftists were forced to watch it was EPIC

cry harder for me
Irrelevant question. Rush Limbaugh deserved his award. That leftists were forced to watch it was EPIC

cry harder for me

But you said it makes it more special that he was given an award for pissing people off. So why shouldn't Bill Cosby or Harvey Weinstein be given awards now?