Misogynistic Rant

Nope. There are times I wish I could. But men are disgusting, myself included. I've always said if I were a woman, I'd be a lesbian. I don't see how they put up with us, either.
You've just identified your problem. Stop being so disgusting.

1. Do you leave the toilet seat up?
2. How often do you clean the toilet?
3. Do you shower in the morning or at night?
You've just identified your problem. Stop being so disgusting.

1. Do you leave the toilet seat up?
2. How often do you clean the toilet?
3. Do you shower in the morning or at night?

The whole "toilet seat up" is something that makes no sense to me. I have never wasted time worrying about it.

Part of the time I need it up and part of the time I need it down. I can manage to work it out to lift or lower it as needed.

Women need it down all the time. It seems to me that they could make sure it was down each time before they sit.

I am 52 years old. I have sat on a lot of toilets in those 5+ decades. Never once have I put my ass in the water.
The whole "toilet seat up" is something that makes no sense to me. I have never wasted time worrying about it.

Part of the time I need it up and part of the time I need it down. I can manage to work it out to lift or lower it as needed.

Women need it down all the time. It seems to me that they could make sure it was down each time before they sit.

I am 52 years old. I have sat on a lot of toilets in those 5+ decades. Never once have I put my ass in the water.

That's because the woman who went before you had the good sense to put it down after you left it up.

The reality is this. Men could sit down and do both business(es) but for some freaky reason they feel "less manly" when they sit to pee, versus the other.

When those 52 year old cheeks hit the freezing cold water on some morning before the sun is up and you're disoriented or sick, you might get the reason and logic behind why they call it a toilet "seat", rather than a toilet "hole".

The manufacturers were kind enough to make it go up and down. Since you're the only ones that require it up, then put the damn thing down after you're done!
You've just identified your problem. Stop being so disgusting.

1. Do you leave the toilet seat up?
2. How often do you clean the toilet?
3. Do you shower in the morning or at night?

No, you asked me If I would prefer men. I said no because males are disgusting. I included myself to not be hypocritical.

I am disgusting because I am a harry and smelly male. I can take a shower in the evening or morning I am still going to stink (especially to a feminine nose) rather quickly. We stink. Not much I can do about that.

I don't preen, if that is what you are asking. Maybe you are a metro-sexual... cough... closet homo. I am all man and refuse to apologize for that.

Google did it the other day for some reason, but "I yam what I yam."
That's because the woman who went before you had the good sense to put it down after you left it up.

The reality is this. Men could sit down and do both business(es) but for some freaky reason they feel "less manly" when they sit to pee, versus the other.

When those 52 year old cheeks hit the freezing cold water on some morning before the sun is up and you're disoriented or sick, you might get the reason and logic behind why they call it a toilet "seat", rather than a toilet "hole".

The manufacturers were kind enough to make it go up and down. Since you're the only ones that require it up, then put the damn thing down after you're done!

I am only 37. Sometimes, when I sit my baby makers hit the water. Not pleasant. I will stand, when I can, thank you. But, I have learned to check if the seat is down or up. Why can't women do the same?

This thread was supposed to be about me bitching about my relations, and warning the young fellows (like they are going to listen anyway).

Thanks, for brightening it up!
The reality is this. Men could sit down and do both business(es) but for some freaky reason they feel "less manly" when they sit to pee, versus the other.

When those 52 year old cheeks hit the freezing cold water on some morning before the sun is up and you're disoriented or sick, you might get the reason and logic behind why they call it a toilet "seat", rather than a toilet "hole".

The reality is that is far easier to stand. Its not about manly, its about simplicity.

Believe it or not, in my 52 years I have been sick, disoriented, and drunk. But I have not put my old ass in the water.

As for the "before the sun is up", in Alabama we have these things called "electric lights" that solve the problem. You might look into it.
The reality is that is far easier to stand. Its not about manly, its about simplicity.

And not getting those baby makers wet with toilet water. You guys are saying you are 52. Shit, by that time I might hit water standing.

It's easier, it's quicker it's more hygienic. You know damn well you have squatted over questionable toilets. Why should we sit when we can stand?
Rstring, are you saying that your nuts fall in the water when you sit in a toilet seat? That's some weird length there dude. Might wanna get that checked out or something. I don't think balls should drop that far.