Misogynistic Rant

Rstring, are you saying that your nuts fall in the water when you sit in a toilet seat? That's some weird length there dude. Might wanna get that checked out or something. I don't think balls should drop that far.

Well, I know you are still fairly young. Wait ten years. If your balls have not hit water a few times by then you do not have any.

Maybe that is why old men wear their pants above their belly button. :)
The puzzle is how does one not put the seat down if they put the cover down? Unless they have a commercial toilet seat in their home.
My nuts hang pretty low too. That's why I installed one of those handicapped toilet seats, But the splash back can be startling.
Well, I know you are still fairly young. Wait ten years. If your balls have not hit water a few times by then you do not have any.

Maybe that is why old men wear their pants above their belly button. :)

Ha I mean it might have happened once or twice during a particularly quick rush to the toilet seat but it's hardly a regular occurrence.

Then again, I'm not exactly an expert on nuts so perhaps we should ask Watermark or Asshat what a proper amount of sag is?
Rstring, are you saying that your nuts fall in the water when you sit in a toilet seat? That's some weird length there dude. Might wanna get that checked out or something. I don't think balls should drop that far.

Maybe the water level in his toilet, is just really high!! :cof1:
No, you asked me If I would prefer men. I said no because males are disgusting. I included myself to not be hypocritical.

I am disgusting because I am a harry and smelly male. I can take a shower in the evening or morning I am still going to stink (especially to a feminine nose) rather quickly. We stink. Not much I can do about that.

I don't preen, if that is what you are asking. Maybe you are a metro-sexual... cough... closet homo. I am all man and refuse to apologize for that.

Google did it the other day for some reason, but "I yam what I yam."

1. Toilet seat down: Its not about sitting down while you pee, its about keeping the seat down when you're done so she doesn't have to see your splash and pubes all over the rim.
2. Cleaning it: ditto. My wife hasn't picked up a toilet brush in 23 years. My single friends that I've clued in on this simple trick and adopted it as their own have all come back with stories of wonder and amazement. My married friends who have shunned this task as somehow beneath them have ended up with divorce papers.
3. Shower at night to make room for her shower in the morning as well as keep the bed clean, again, for her.

I assure you that the Southern Man is about as far from a metro-sexual as there could be.

Women expect their man to do life's dirty jobs, and when we clean ourselves up afterward and keep their nests clean and safe they appreciate us even more.
I am only 37. Sometimes, when I sit my baby makers hit the water. Not pleasant. I will stand, when I can, thank you. But, I have learned to check if the seat is down or up. Why can't women do the same?

This thread was supposed to be about me bitching about my relations, and warning the young fellows (like they are going to listen anyway).

Thanks, for brightening it up!

And "thanks" for paying attention to who I was replying to. I see you want this thread to be "all about you" (and thus the added extra of your ballz hitting the water brag) however, I was not responding to you.

But please do continue. I can't wait to see what you come up with next to insert in your rant du jour!
I see Mr. String. It IS complicated. That's why I'm single, well sort of, I am in a relationship with my porno site.

Yeah, you and about 8,000,000 other guys.

I say when the going gets tough, you need something you can really "hold on to" that's well within your grasp.

The reality is that is far easier to stand. Its not about manly, its about simplicity.

Believe it or not, in my 52 years I have been sick, disoriented, and drunk. But I have not put my old ass in the water.

As for the "before the sun is up", in Alabama we have these things called "electric lights" that solve the problem. You might look into it.

Yeah, well here in the San Francisco Bay Area, you must do everything you can to conserve energy, up to and including peeing in the dark, or the EnviroNazis will bust down the door and tie you to a tree.

I'll take your word on your "old ass not hitting the water".
