Misogynists in the news

Legion Troll

A fine upstanding poster
Brock Turner, the ex-Stanford swimming star convicted of sexually assaulting an unconscious woman on campus, formally registered as a sex offender Tuesday in Xenia, Ohio.

Turner, now 21, served three months of a six-month sentence shortened by "good behavior" while in California's Santa Clara County Jail. The Ohio native, expelled from the prestigious university before completing his freshman year, was released Friday and returned to his parents' Bellbrook home.

On Tuesday, Turner reported to the Greene County Sheriff's Office to complete the paperwork. He will be registered as a sex offender for life and must serve three years probation.

Turner will be required to update his registration every three months. Neighbors will be sent postcards alerting them that a sex offender lives nearby, and officers will make random, unannounced visits to his home .

“We follow the same procedure when they come in to register,” Sheriff Gene Fischer told the Dayton Daily News. "Nothing different today than any other sex offender that’s come in.”

Turner, who claimed the victim consented, could have faced more than a decade in prison on the convictions — assault with intent to commit rape of an intoxicated/unconscious person, penetration of an intoxicated person and penetration of an unconscious person— stemming from the attack next to a trash bin outside a fraternity party.

The relatively light sentence set off a national firestorm, and the sentencing judge faces a recall effort in California.

The parent company of Fox News Channel, apologized Tuesday to Gretchen Carlson as it agreed to pay $20 million to the former Fox broadcaster to settle a sexual harassment lawsuit she filed against Fox News' ex-CEO Roger Ailes, according to a person briefed on the settlement terms.

The person requested anonymity because the settlement terms aren't revealed publicly.

"During her tenure at Fox News, Gretchen exhibited the highest standards of journalism and professionalism," the company said in a statement. "She developed a loyal audience and was a daily source of information for many Americans. We are proud that she was part of the Fox News team. We sincerely regret and apologize for the fact that Gretchen was not treated with the respect and dignity that she and all of our colleagues deserve.”

Since Carlson filed her lawsuit in early July, other women have come forward with their claims of sexual harassment at Fox News.

21st Century Fox, controlled by billionaire mogul Rupert Murdoch, also has settled other claims.

A New York woman on vacation in Thailand broke her spine after falling off a cliff’s edge while fleeing from a local tour guide who was sexually harassing her.

Hannah Gavios, 23, a Bayside, Queens native who is living in Vietnam as an English teacher, lay helpless for several hours while rescue crews and local rock climbers searched for her following the harrowing fall.

Gavios did not immediately respond to a request for comment, but she is still in the hospital. Gavios' parents are on their way from New York to be with her while she recovers in a hospital in Krabi, a province on the west coast of southern Thailand.

Her guide made sexual advances on the young tourist, causing Gavios to panic and run away from the sexual predator. She fell down a steep trail and landed roughly 50 feet from a stream.

The guide told local police that when he found Gavios lying between two rocks he groped the incapacitated woman, but did not rape her. Gavios bit him on the ear to fend him off.

A woman was left terrified after waking in the middle of the night to find a stranger licking her privates while her partner slept next to her.

A vile misogynist has been caged for two years after he broke into the home of the couple and began sexually assaulting the sleeping woman.

The 35-year-old beast crept into the couple's bedroom and spotted his victim sleeping with one leg out of the covers.

His victim then woke at around 3.30 am to find someone licking her private parts.

She then dug her nails into her boyfriend's arm and whispered: "Someone is here."

Her partner then jumped out of bed and shouted "What the f***. Who are you?"

He was grabbed by police 'nervous and sweating' and immediately arrested.

The beast appeared in court this week where he pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a woman.

For 11 days this summer, Tierne Ewing was tortured by her husband.

Kevin Ewing kidnapped her, beat her, locked her in a closet, hit her in the head with a pistol, strangled her, burned her with a hot stick and made her sleep with a rope around her neck, according to Pennsylvania law enforcement. More than once, he put her in the bathtub and pointed a gun at her, threatening to kill them both.

On July 8, she managed to escape when Kevin allowed her to enter a bank. She was hysterical, and begged the bank tellers to call the police. After law enforcement arrived, she was too frightened to leave the building, telling them, “I don’t want to die.”

Kevin was arrested the same day and charged with kidnapping, aggravated assault, terroristic threats, unlawful possession of a firearm and other crimes.

Less than two months later, while released on a $100,000 bond, he kidnapped his estranged wife again.

This time, he followed through on his threats.

On Aug. 30, Tierne was found shot to death in a barn. Her husband also shot himself in the head. Her death is now raising questions about what authorities in Washington County could have done differently.

A Colorado judge declared a mistrial today after the jury was deadlocked in the case of a Colorado man accused of killing a mother of three who moonlighted as an escort.

Lester Jones, 65, was arrested and charged with first and second degree murder, arson and kidnapping for the death of Paige Birgfeld. Jones, who had been one of Birgfeld’s clients, had pleaded not guilty.

The Mesa County, Colorado, jury made up of nine men and three women got the case on Tuesday in the trial’s sixth week. Unable to unanimously reach a verdict by Friday afternoon after three and a half days of deliberations, the judge declared a mistrial. Jones showed no emotion as the decision was announced.

Five of the 12 jurors spoke to ABC News after the trial and said in the end, nine were in favor of "guilty" and three were in favor of "not guilty."

"Nobody in their minds didn’t think that he wasn't doing something wrong... but couldn’t get past the 'reasonable doubt,'" said juror Bobbi Sanabria, who said she was leaning towards not guilty. "There were just too many holes in the scenario that played out. Nobody wanted it to be this outcome."

The jurors said at times deliberations became "very passionate." Foreman Lance Erdmann, who said he was in favor of a guilty verdict, said a lot of the jurors were "on the fence" because they thought much of the evidence was "circumstantial." "We gave it a valiant effort for sure," he said.

Juror William Sullivan, who was in favor of a guilty verdict, said, "I hope they try it again hopefully there will be a better outcome."

"It just doesn’t add up," he added.

Prosecutors asked for a week to determine a date for a new trial.

Donald Trump will speak at the funeral of Phyllis Schlafly on Saturday, the conservative icon known for her outspoken opposition to feminism and abortion rights.

Trump announced his plans during a speech in Washington, D.C., Friday at the Values Voter Summit, an annual gathering of social conservative activists and leaders.

A judge is facing the possibility of removal from the bench after he faulted a 19-year-old woman who said she was raped for not doing enough to defend herself during the alleged attack and suggesting that she wanted to have sex.

According to a notice of allegations posted on the Judicial Council website, among Federal Court Justice Robin Camp's remarks during a 2014 sexual assault trial was:

"Why couldn't you just keep your knees together? Why didn't you just sink your bottom down into the basin so he couldn't penetrate you?"

Young women, the judge said, "want to have sex, particularly if they're drunk," according to the notice.

He also said that "some sex and pain sometimes go together" and "that's not necessarily a bad thing."

Brock Turner, the ex-Stanford swimming star convicted of sexually assaulting an unconscious woman on campus, formally registered as a sex offender Tuesday in Xenia, Ohio.

Turner, now 21, served three months of a six-month sentence shortened by "good behavior" while in California's Santa Clara County Jail. The Ohio native, expelled from the prestigious university before completing his freshman year, was released Friday and returned to his parents' Bellbrook home.

On Tuesday, Turner reported to the Greene County Sheriff's Office to complete the paperwork. He will be registered as a sex offender for life and must serve three years probation.

Turner will be required to update his registration every three months. Neighbors will be sent postcards alerting them that a sex offender lives nearby, and officers will make random, unannounced visits to his home .

“We follow the same procedure when they come in to register,” Sheriff Gene Fischer told the Dayton Daily News. "Nothing different today than any other sex offender that’s come in.”

Turner, who claimed the victim consented, could have faced more than a decade in prison on the convictions — assault with intent to commit rape of an intoxicated/unconscious person, penetration of an intoxicated person and penetration of an unconscious person— stemming from the attack next to a trash bin outside a fraternity party.

The relatively light sentence set off a national firestorm, and the sentencing judge faces a recall effort in California.


He just looks so innocent


imagine how many years if he looked different.:palm:

Kylr Yust is facing charges in the burning of a vehicle belonging to a 21-year-old Missouri woman who has been missing since last week.

Yurst, also considered a person of interest in his ex-girlfriend's disappearance and now charged with burning another missing Missouri woman's car, spent time in jail for assaulting another pregnant then-girlfriend in 2011, police and court records show.

The 18-year-old woman in the 2011 incident later won a protection order against Yust after she reported he drunkenly choked her. She told authorities that during the attack Yust said, "I've killed people before, girlfriends. I will kill you," according to a police report.

Yust later pleaded guilty and served 120 days in jail. Police did not immediately return messages Tuesday seeking comment about the alleged threat regarding killings and whether investigators followed up on it.

Kylr (pronounced "killer") was the subject of a protection order by his then-girlfriend Kara Kopetsky, who accused him of kidnapping and abuse. That filing alleged Yust kidnapped and restrained the teenager, choked her and threatened to cut her throat during their nine-month relationship. Kopetsky disappeared and remains missing.


Kylr Yust is facing charges in the burning of a vehicle belonging to a 21-year-old Missouri woman who has been missing since last week.

Yurst, also considered a person of interest in his ex-girlfriend's disappearance and now charged with burning another missing Missouri woman's car, spent time in jail for assaulting another pregnant then-girlfriend in 2011, police and court records show.

The 18-year-old woman in the 2011 incident later won a protection order against Yust after she reported he drunkenly choked her. She told authorities that during the attack Yust said, "I've killed people before, girlfriends. I will kill you," according to a police report.

Yust later pleaded guilty and served 120 days in jail. Police did not immediately return messages Tuesday seeking comment about the alleged threat regarding killings and whether investigators followed up on it.

Kylr (pronounced "killer") was the subject of a protection order by his then-girlfriend Kara Kopetsky, who accused him of kidnapping and abuse. That filing alleged Yust kidnapped and restrained the teenager, choked her and threatened to cut her throat during their nine-month relationship. Kopetsky disappeared and remains missing.


Killer Yurts?

Police have arrested a man in connection with a burglary and rape.

Devon Grounds was arrested and faces preliminary charges of rape, burglary and theft. He was also wanted for leaving the scene of an accident in an unrelated case.

Police say a woman living in the 2000 block of North Walnut Street woke up to a man in her room.

She said he threatened to kill her then raped her.

Police have slammed a former mayor who said rape is "easy to report" and suggested police should stop recording reports of rape.

"It's a claim, or an allegation - easy to make, difficult to prove," he said. "But surely you can only do that on the basis of convictions? Unless there's been a conviction you can't say that offense has occurred."

Tory Councilor Alan Amos made the shocking comments after official figures revealed a 168% rise in reports of rape nationally since 2011.

Over the last five years, over a thousand rapes were reported to police, including a record high in 2015.

Controversial councilor Amos, who represents Gorse Hill and Warndon in Worcestershire, stunned superintendent Kevin Purcell of West Mercia Police.

Superintendent Purcell challenged him saying: "If you say 'we've got a burglary' we don't say 'wait until we've got a suspect arrested and charged, we don't believe you' - we'd deal with it.

WFSB reports that 72-year-old Victor Handal turned himself in after police issued a warrant for his arrest.

Police said they received a complaint in March 2016 that Handal inappropriately touched a 9-year-old girl in a sexual manner.

Police said Handal also sent inappropriate text messages to the same girl.

Handal was charged with risk of injury to a minor by impairing morals and risk of injury to a minor by sexual contact. He posted a $30,000 bond and will appear in court on Sept. 29.

Alex Smith and Jonas Dick considered themselves part of the elite.

The two men were instructors in the community of pickup artists—men who obsessively study and practice methods of meeting and sleeping with as many women as possible. Some men in the community say pickup is about self-actualization, and finding meaning in their lives.

But according to San Diego’s district attorney, Alex and Jonas—both 27 years old—are predators and the pursuit of their “art” has led to the rape of multiple women.

In what may be a first for the pickup community, the two men—along with their “student,” 28-year-old Jason Berlin—were charged in 2015 with the rape of a San Diego woman.

Jonas and Jason pleaded guilty to the charges; Alex has maintained his innocence, claiming—contrary to Jason and Jonas’s sworn pleas—that the events of that night were consensual.

The investigation of the San Diego charges not only uncovered another victim of Jonas Dick’s—a 16-year-old girl for whose rape Jonas also pleaded guilty—but suggested the possibility that many more victims could remain unidentified.

Jonas received eight years in state prison for the two rapes; his student Jason faces a maximum eight-year sentence. Both will spend a lifetime on the sex offender registry.

Meanwhile, Alex Smith went to trial last week, before a jury of 10 men and two women. (At an emotional jury selection, the majority of female candidates said they couldn’t remain impartial at Alex’s trial, citing a personal account or relationship with a woman who had been raped under similar circumstances.)

Alex’s defense lawyer, Samantha Greene—a charismatic former deputy district attorney—laid out her client’s case in opening statements, taking the line that the woman (we’ll call her Claire, though that’s not her real name) had consented and now regretted it. “This case is about Claire being embarrassed, not rape,” she told the mostly-male jury.

For years, feminists and bloggers have lambasted pickup websites and blogs as echo chambers for misogyny, criticized their “techniques” as de facto harassment or assault, and called the group’s leaders advocates for rape.

Pickup’s thousands of fans and followers—who congregate with other anti-feminists in the online space known as the “manosphere”—have roundly dismissed that criticism as “blue pill” thinking (a reference to the Matrix).

In contrast, pickup artists and others in the Men’s Rights Movement think they’ve swallowed the “red pill” and can see through the evils of a politically-correct society whose supposed goal is to kill what remains of the world’s masculinity.

From 2011 to 2013, Alex Smith, Jonas Dick, and Jason Berlin congregated in pickup’s corner of the manosphere, indoctrinated themselves with the teachings of their pickup artist heroes, and contributed to its chatter in a series of concerning online blog posts. It’s what they did with that ideology in the real world that’s now at issue for a San Diego jury.


Stephanie Littlewood had her jaw broken and three teeth knocked out when she told Wayne Hoban that she wasn’t in the mood.


Hoban beat the 32-year-old so badly in a 45 minute long attack that she was left unconscious.

