
I will say again bring back the fairness doctrine.

I would love to see these hate spreading pundits have to air opposing viewpoints.
IHG, feel free to dispute me on anything I've said here. I'm extremely fascinated by this subject and am constantly reading more and more about it. The reading on this can get difficult, because you know, the really interesting stuff isn't Betty Friedan. That is so white bread, it's not even funny. You first get opened to the some class perspective, and some Freudian and Marx perspective when you read DeBeauvoir, and you know where my heart leans to, and that just leads you to if you want to read American feminists, to the black intellectuals because they are nearly the only ones writing from not just the gender perspective, and definitely not from the priviledged class' perspective.

And I am open to other viewpoints on this, which, on many things I am not. lol

I know exactly what you mean. One of my wife's ex-girlfriends described feminism as "that shit's for white women." She obviously felt marginalized by the movement.

She is an interesting case in herself. She strove to emulate men in every fashion yet in her emulation of men selected the very worst negative stereotypes of men and chose to amplify them to a hyper level.

My wife told me her girlfriend wanted her to get pregnant by her brother. She suspected that this would complete her cycle of negative male behavior by giving her the opportunity to be a "trife-ass baby daddy".

Freakin sociopath.
Sexism afflicts a greater number of people than racism does. Ironically, it impacts the majority of people in the United States, in fact. By that standard alone I think it's legitimate to say it's a bigger problem. In addition, I believe that many of the effects of sexism on the individual are actually more like the effects of racism than IH8 is crediting.

You can't just use numbers alone to say one is worse though. It is a qualitative as well as a quantitative issue. Is anti-muslim sentiment less of a problem than anti-semitism because there are less Muslims. I would say no.
Of this I am not sure I agree with you. You could be right. However, there are more females than ethnic minorities in the House and Senate. The Presidency is another matter but it seems than more men have been pulling a lever for a female than for a non-white candidate. Granted Women make 51% of the population so it could be simply that their are more female candidates because there are more females. I do not know if the proportion favors one group over the other. Ok, my first thought was, yes but women are the majority. You over that and conclude that you're not sure...neither am I. I also have to wonder if men are pulling the lever for women, would they differentiate in their minds between a congressional rep and the office of the President? I think so. But I can't prove it now.

Within the realm of television punditry I would say the voice of sexism is stronger than racism. In other social situations the force of racism may be stronger than sexism. It really depends. If you watch your local television news you can see that it is doing more to promote racism than sexism by always being sure to show the picture of the big scary black man. True. And the dead party girl, and the dead slut...etc. I feel like we have an entire country that feeds on the degradation of women. Take anna nicole smith. I was at a birthday party recently, and I could not even believe how many women and men, both, knew every detail of that! And you know, I was totally lost. And they're going on and on and on, and they knew every name of every alleged father, and what his claim was and all this crapola. And all I can think first of all is, hello! do any of you even know the name of your frigging congressperson? And secondly, one of them has the nerve to make a comment about how "she would sleep with anything" about nicole smith. So finally I had had it, and I said, yes perhaps, but, we as a soceity feed on the degradation of women, and we sit around with our tounges hanging out waiting for the next one to implode." And by "we" I meant "Morons like you" but you know, it wasn't a message board it was like, polite society, so I had to be all diplomatic like. And she says to me "well but she has to some responsibility too". And I said, hello, she's dead! Whether she took responsibility or not, she certainly paid the ultimate price, what price do the people who get off on her and perpetuate this cycle, ever pay?

I might not get invited to the next birthday, but anyway, my point is, both of them are there IHG. But regarding racism, this reminds, did you see BOrat? Personally, I did not care for it and didn't think it was as funny as everyone said. I mean, it was ok. But one of the most striking things about that film, was when he, and you have to remember he stayed in character no matter what happened, was at the rodeo vs when he was on a city street with a bunch of black males hanging out on a corner. So where do you think he comes closer to getting himself killed? lol. The black guys, were so nice to him. Not once, was he in any danger there. And he said nothing about this but let it speak for itself, and I think if you were listening, it really did speak. But, yes, on the news, the black male murderer and the black male rapist are still garnering number one spots. And even though no white woman I have ever known has ever even been accosted by a black man, they are still trained to fear them above all. It's f'd up. And I in no way deny that.
IHG, feel free to dispute me on anything I've said here. I'm extremely fascinated by this subject and am constantly reading more and more about it. The reading on this can get difficult, because you know, the really interesting stuff isn't Betty Friedan. That is so white bread, it's not even funny. You first get opened to the some class perspective, and some Freudian and Marx perspective when you read DeBeauvoir, and you know where my heart leans to, and that just leads you to if you want to read American feminists, to the black intellectuals because they are nearly the only ones writing from not just the gender perspective, and definitely not from the priviledged class' perspective.

And I am open to other viewpoints on this, which, on many things I am not. lol

I know exactly what you mean. One of my wife's ex-girlfriends described feminism as "that shit's for white women." She obviously felt marginalized by the movement.

She is an interesting case in herself. She strove to emulate men in every fashion yet in her emulation of men selected the very worst negative stereotypes of men and chose to amplify them to a hyper level.

My wife told me her girlfriend wanted her to get pregnant by her brother. She suspected that this would complete her cycle of negative male behavior by giving her the opportunity to be a "trife-ass baby daddy".

Freakin sociopath.

Maybe she was abused by men while a child. Usually that kind of extreme behavior can only be traced back to childhood abuse, and since hers is directed by men, well...
I will say again bring back the fairness doctrine.

I would love to see these hate spreading pundits have to air opposing viewpoints.

You may have unknowingly made a double entendre there USC. Fairness Doctrine is also an idea attached to feminism.
True. And the dead party girl, and the dead slut...etc. I feel like we have an entire country that feeds on the degradation of women. Take anna nicole smith. I was at a birthday party recently, and I could not even believe how many women and men, both, knew every detail of that! And you know, I was totally lost. And they're going on and on and on, and they knew every name of every alleged father, and what his claim was and all this crapola. And all I can think first of all is, hello! do any of you even know the name of your frigging congressperson? And secondly, one of them has the nerve to make a comment about how "she would sleep with anything" about nicole smith. So finally I had had it, and I said, yes perhaps, but, we as a soceity feed on the degradation of women, and we sit around with our tounges hanging out waiting for the next one to implode." And by "we" I meant "Morons like you" but you know, it wasn't a message board it was like, polite society, so I had to be all diplomatic like. And she says to me "well but she has to some responsibility too". And I said, hello, she's dead! Whether she took responsibility or not, she certainly paid the ultimate price, what price do the people who get off on her and perpetuate this cycle, ever pay?

Double standards. A woman's value is increased the more chaste she is. A man's value increases the more promiscuous he is (Interestingly this adjective is not often applied to males). This is somewhat tied to mammalian biology but is still no excuse. As often depicted in our talk shows. A woman who has many partners is a ho. A man who does so is a hero.

did you see BOrat

I didn't but it is on my netflix queue.

But, yes, on the news, the black male murderer and the black male rapist are still garnering number one spots. And even though no white woman I have ever known has ever even been accosted by a black man, they are still trained to fear them above all. It's f'd up. And I in no way deny that.

It is messed up. People are even afraid of my wife. This makes no sense to me. She is one of the most unthreatening people I could imagine. But as Ani Difranco has said "White people are so afraid of black people."
Maybe she was abused by men while a child. Usually that kind of extreme behavior can only be traced back to childhood abuse, and since hers is directed by men, well...

Rape victim.
It is my belief that being a victim of such a thing can sometimes lead to the quest for power for protection. She probably saw uber-masculinity as the ultimate protection.

She also idolized her father even though he was a terrible husband and abused his wife. She expressed a philosophy of life that you were either a pimp or a ho. Better to be the pimp.
Darla said:
And it is constant. Night after night after night. Just the most absolute, nastiest misogynistic, woman-bashing and passing of negative stereotypes. "Every man in America has heard that shrill voice at one time or the other from their wives".

I just wanted to add, personally I find McCain to be more of a "shrill". He's notorius for his annoying sanctimonius diatribes.
Newt Gingrich sounds like Kermit the Frog when he talks. His voice is like half an octave higher than your average male.

I never see any commenting on his bizzare voice and tonal inflections.
Newt Gingrich sounds like Kermit the Frog when he talks. His voice is like half an octave higher than your average male.

I never see any commenting on his bizzare voice and tonal inflections.
If he actually was in the primaries I would bet you would from pundits from the other side. Like both parties were about the Ferengi when he was running.
you're kidding IHG.

compare the voices of John Edwards, Barack Obama, Mitt Romeny, or Bill Clinton, or John Kerry - and then listen to Newt.

Newt voice is wierd. It's like half an octave in tone higher than those other men, and it sounds a little like Kermit the Frog.
you're kidding IHG.

compare the voices of John Edwards, Barack Obama, Mitt Romeny, or Bill Clinton, or John Kerry - and then listen to Newt.

Newt voice is wierd. It's like half an octave in tone higher than those other men, and it sounds a little like Kermit the Frog.

Huh. I'll tell you, I hadn't noticed that about Newt either. Maybe because I haven't heard him enough?

But as to Tiana's point about McCain, that, I have not only noticed, but I'm at the point where his voice makes me cringe.

Honestly, between McCain and Gonzolez it would be hard to say who has the gayer voice. (is that really un-pc?) Well, whatever! Their voices are womanish ok? There's no getting around it.
Like both parties were about the Ferengi when he was running.

Bush ? he has the Ferengi pro capitalism mentality and the ears too.
But then Clowntoon liked his women undressed apparently.
Like both parties were about the Ferengi when he was running.

Bush ? he has the Ferengi pro capitalism mentality and the ears too.
But then Clowntoon liked his women undressed apparently.

Right, and most men hate an undressed woman! No really, I see it all the time. Men yelling "for christ sakes, would you put some damned clothes on!"

No, I am wondering too, who "the ferengi" is.