Miss New Jersey: Bring it!

Yeah. Even though she's not the cutest thing in the world, I may have to root for her if I catch it on TV this year. I like that she's like "eff that" I'm keeping my crown.

"The beauty queen from New Jersey who's being blackmailed over a few supposedly racy pictures is refusing to give in to the Internet-trolling slimeball who's trying to get her dethroned."

You know it was some jealous contestant or rejected boyfriend.

Can we stop pretending that there is any real human being who doesn't have some skeletons in the closet? Do we need to pretend that Miss America is this perfect, all-american girl?
Can we stop pretending that there is any real human being who doesn't have some skeletons in the closet? Do we need to pretend that Miss America is this perfect, all-american girl?

If there are any, I wouldn't want to go to a party with them. Bo-ring.

"The beauty queen from New Jersey who's being blackmailed over a few supposedly racy pictures is refusing to give in to the Internet-trolling slimeball who's trying to get her dethroned."

You know it was some jealous contestant or rejected boyfriend.

Good for the girl. Fuck whoever the hell wants to say shit about her, hell, ain't no-one perfect in this world!!

:gives: about that jackass. . .
Why do we even have Miss America type of things if as Cypress says we all have skeletons ?

Perhaps because the covering of some of our skeletons look better than others ?

still pretty silly.
I don't think anyone outside the pagentry circle really cares anything about them anymore. I look at it like its a hobby. I just hate it when I see little girls lined up like cattle with a ton of make up on. I think its safe to say its an antiquated and out dated institution.
I just hate it when I see little girls lined up like cattle with a ton of make up on.

Not "little" girls, they are over 18 (at least in the case of Ms. World, Universe, etc).

If you don't mind my asking, why do you hate it? You can be honest!! :)
Not "little" girls, they are over 18 (at least in the case of Ms. World, Universe, etc)

If you don't mind my asking, why do you hate it? You can be honest!! :)

I was talking about pagentry (sp?) in general. Not Miss America or Miss Universe specifically. (If I'm not mistaken you actually get a real job and/or a substantial scholarship which can lead to empowerment - I'm fine with those)

I think it sends the wrong message to little girls. They should be focused on developing skills and getting an education, not trying to "look" better than other girls. Women will grow up naturally to be very self aware of their bodies and will undoubtedly start to compare themselves to others as they get older. Why rush it? Secondly, most of these 'contests' objectify the girls. Putting them in tons of make-up to make them look "cute" or "alluring" just creeps me out big time. If its a talent show fine: judge the talent or their abilities to do something meaningful or skillfull. Beauty pagents are another story and for me are throw back to when women didn't have a voice, rights or a vote and were viewed as merely pretty silent accessories to men. Instilling that in little girls is a slap in the face to the women's movement in my opinion.
I was talking about pagentry (sp?) in general. Not Miss America or Miss Universe specifically. (If I'm not mistaken you actually get a real job and/or a substantial scholarship which can lead to empowerment - I'm fine with those)

I think it sends the wrong message to little girls. They should be focused on developing skills and getting an education, not trying to "look" better than other girls. Women will grow up naturally to be very self aware of their bodies and will undoubtedly start to compare themselves to others as they get older. Why rush it? Secondly, most of these 'contests' objectify the girls. Putting them in tons of make-up to make them look "cute" or "alluring" just creeps me out big time. If its a talent show fine: judge the talent or their abilities to do something meaningful or skillfull. Beauty pagents are another story and for me are throw back to when women didn't have a voice, rights or a vote and were viewed as merely pretty silent accessories to men. Instilling that in little girls is a slap in the face to the women's movement in my opinion.

Nah.... they should be taught to be good little stepford wives... as early as possible. :tongout:
I was talking about pagentry (sp?) in general. Not Miss America or Miss Universe specifically. (If I'm not mistaken you actually get a real job and/or a substantial scholarship which can lead to empowerment - I'm fine with those)

I think it sends the wrong message to little girls. They should be focused on developing skills and getting an education, not trying to "look" better than other girls. Women will grow up naturally to be very self aware of their bodies and will undoubtedly start to compare themselves to others as they get older. Why rush it? Secondly, most of these 'contests' objectify the girls. Putting them in tons of make-up to make them look "cute" or "alluring" just creeps me out big time. If its a talent show fine: judge the talent or their abilities to do something meaningful or skillfull. Beauty pagents are another story and for me are throw back to when women didn't have a voice, rights or a vote and were viewed as merely pretty silent accessories to men. Instilling that in little girls is a slap in the face to the women's movement in my opinion.

Well said Tiana.
I was talking about pagentry (sp?) in general. Not Miss America or Miss Universe specifically. (If I'm not mistaken you actually get a real job and/or a substantial scholarship which can lead to empowerment - I'm fine with those)

I think it sends the wrong message to little girls. They should be focused on developing skills and getting an education, not trying to "look" better than other girls. Women will grow up naturally to be very self aware of their bodies and will undoubtedly start to compare themselves to others as they get older. Why rush it? Secondly, most of these 'contests' objectify the girls. Putting them in tons of make-up to make them look "cute" or "alluring" just creeps me out big time. If its a talent show fine: judge the talent or their abilities to do something meaningful or skillfull. Beauty pagents are another story and for me are throw back to when women didn't have a voice, rights or a vote and were viewed as merely pretty silent accessories to men. Instilling that in little girls is a slap in the face to the women's movement in my opinion.
I agree, and the younger the girls in the pageant, the more depressing the whole thing is. Frankly, I wish there was a way to make them illegal for anyone under 18. The parents of that poor little girl in Colorado, the Ramseys or whatever? No one deserves what they've gone through but day-um . . . .

mind ya just my opinion...not assingning blame to anyone...but I see 'juvenile pagents' as Soft Child Porn..the parents should be ashamed...for the older gals they know what it is all about and go the route for the fame and money...end of story!
Well, BB, it does sound like you are laying blame on the parents. They are the ones that subject their daughters to that type of objectification. Not that I have a problem with you laying blame, I'm just saying....
I was talking about pagentry (sp?) in general. Not Miss America or Miss Universe specifically. (If I'm not mistaken you actually get a real job and/or a substantial scholarship which can lead to empowerment - I'm fine with those)

I think it sends the wrong message to little girls. They should be focused on developing skills and getting an education, not trying to "look" better than other girls. Women will grow up naturally to be very self aware of their bodies and will undoubtedly start to compare themselves to others as they get older. Why rush it? Secondly, most of these 'contests' objectify the girls. Putting them in tons of make-up to make them look "cute" or "alluring" just creeps me out big time. If its a talent show fine: judge the talent or their abilities to do something meaningful or skillfull. Beauty pagents are another story and for me are throw back to when women didn't have a voice, rights or a vote and were viewed as merely pretty silent accessories to men. Instilling that in little girls is a slap in the face to the women's movement in my opinion.

Wouldn't Miss World or Miss Universe send the wrong message out too then in your opinion? :)

I don't think these type of things objectify the girls. . . not any more than bodybuilding competitions objectify men, at least. I see using one's beauty for one's benefit as a sort of skill, just as I would see using one's obscene huge muscles to win a body building tournament as a sort of skill - and I's say both require hard work!

Hey, if you can benefit out of it, or make money from it, go for it is what I say. . .