Missing Honeybee Phenom Contunues to grow

jimminee Christmas!

Buy those fruit and veggie seeds now!!!! Make CERTAIN they are not hybrids, they must be heirloom originals or oganic all natural seeds in order for them to produce seeds for the next season...!

"A days work for a quart of wheat" is what the Bible states will happen...

Interpretation of this is that we will be working an entire day for just a loaf of bread.

FOOD prices will skyrocket!!! From the shortages due to pestilence!!!

And YES, this is DEFINATELY Tin Foil Hat talk!

But do this anyway, pretty please! lol :)

Seeds are very expensive now too....it used to be, you could buy an envelope of seeds for 39 cents, I was at home depot yesterday and for one small envelope of beefsteak tomatoes it was $2.49!!!!! An eNvelope of cantelope seeds was $2.19 and one for broccoli was $1.99....OUTRAGEOUS!!!!

I ended up buying $50 bucks worth of seeds for my veggie garden and for some flowers for the yard which usually cost me about $20-25 bucks...UNBELIEVABLE!!!

now here is the REAL TIN FOIL HAT scenario :D....what if those seed companies that have developed varieties of all of our food with a terminator gene...(the gene that usually reproduces the seed of the veggie or fruit gets terminated so that people MUST rebuy the genetically modified seeds from the seed makers) had also created this pestilence that is killing off our bees....and without the bees, there would be no pollination, killing off all natural varieties, so that they can make a killing on their new product?

DAMN! I am in quick reply and I can't get to the TIN FOIL HAT smiley!!!!

No, I've got them all....

I built a huge sugar mound in my back garden to pull all the honey bees in.

Soon I'll have enough to start my honey bee army and then you'll all be sorry!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Perhaps this dissappearing bee problem is linked to global warming, the ozone layer, some type of polloution, etc ?
If the bees go away we will have to have naked virgins running around the fields pollenating our crops.
Its not tin foil hat talk Care.. its quite serious .... Honey Bees are vital... and besides ...there is nothing like Honey Bee Honey .....
Its not tin foil hat talk Care.. its quite serious .... Honey Bees are vital... and besides ...there is nothing like Honey Bee Honey .....

oh klaatu, i definately know it is not funny...i just accused myself of wearing the tinfoil hat BEFORE everyone else would. lol!

buy those seeds NOW....I don't believe you will regret it! ;)
Importance of Honey Bees

* Honey bees are important pollinators in agricultural, urban, and natural landscapes.
* Bees pollinate about 130 fruit, vegetable, nut, ornamental, and fiber crops in the US contributing about $15 billion annually through improved crop yield and product quality.
* Hundreds of millions of dollars are additionally generated through the sale of hive products such as honey, wax, pollen, propolis, royal jelly, and venom.
Hmm, why did Damo downplay this the other day when I brought it up ?
I didn't. I specifically stated that they were dying, not missing. The whole "They disappeared" thing is inaccurate. Beekeepers know where they are, they are dead.

So, What I said was, "They aren't missing they are dead." I didn't say that this was unimportant. At least read my posts before attempting to assign meaning to what I say.
Damo the article I read, just said missing, empty hives.....
And I said the reports here had beekeepers saying that when the thaw comes and they wake up normally, they are finding that up to 80% are dead.

Now I did discount that it was due to warming as you suggested in the thread we were in. Something is killing these bees, they are going to do a necropsy on the ones that beekeepers have that have died and attempt to ascertain the cause.

I never once said that it was unimportant to us that it was happening, just that it was unlikely to be because of warming.
We had a bee mite infestation in Oklahoma a few years back. Pollenation was definitely affected. Many of the folks in our area brought in more bee hives and since we have had plenty of honey bees for honey production and pollenation. This past year we had a guy from California buy a cattle farm and he uses all of it for bee hives now. No cattle, just bees and clover. I hate riding my motorcycle by his pastures. :)
unusually warm winters tend to result in more parasites and such. Which can affect ecosystems. Cold winters and freezing temps are what kill off most of the undesirable parasites and insects.

Not that I'm saying global warming has anything to do with it ;)
unusually warm winters tend to result in more parasites and such. Which can affect ecosystems. Cold winters and freezing temps are what kill off most of the undesirable parasites and insects.

Not that I'm saying global warming has anything to do with it ;)
And the winter here in CO has been colder than usual and will continue to be so. Climate change doesn't necessarily bring warming, or so I've heard from you before...

The likelihood that the entire planet would lose bees because of warming is so unlikely as to be non-existent. Or so the scientist in the report said. I think I'll trust him more than you...
And the winter here in CO has been colder than usual and will continue to be so. Climate change doesn't necessarily bring warming, or so I've heard from you before...

The likelihood that the entire planet would lose bees because of warming is so unlikely as to be non-existent. Or so the scientist in the report said. I think I'll trust him more than you...

Your right. No one knows what's causing it.

Is this really worldwide? Or is it just being reported from UK and US?