Let's go Brandon!
Ignore guano it's a useless piece of shit...literally
I like to hose shit back into the gutter where it came from.
Ignore guano it's a useless piece of shit...literally
Creepy Dutch, fishing for personal information. That gets you thread banned, remember?
Naw. Just like to watch the fish nibble on the worm. LOL
Oh you a creeper all right, one excuse after another.
You mom didn't think so. She thought I was a perfect gentleman and very entertaining.![]()
My mom would have instructed her husband to cut your dick and balls off and stuff them up every available orifice in what would have been left of your carcass.
Because that's how your family rolled? Fascinating!
You know, we could talk about a lot of things other than your family's dynamics, but you don't seem interested. Why is that?
Because my personal life is none of your business, Creeper.
You're the one who brought up your family was like the Sawyer family on the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
You're the one who attacked my mother. In my day you do that shit at your peril. So, fuck you.
Awesome. Another Momma's Boy who can qualify for Social Security.
Obviously you're they type that prefers to attack the innocent, especially when their not here to respond.
So defending ones family, in your world, makes me a "momma's boy". I wear that badge proudly then. Again, fuck you.
Only a Mama's Boy would plead being a victim.![]()
MLK was killed 53 years ago. His fight for Black voting rights has yet to be won
and I'm sure he would share your opinion that black people are not allowed to vote......well maybe not......he was an educated man and probably would consider you a fucking idiot......MLK was murdered while supporting the sanitation workers strike by a peckerwood and was a vocal critic of the war in Vietnam
Although I never met MLK I was friends with john Lewis and Elijah Cummings they would laugh at an uneducated asswipe such as yourself
However, a contrasting element exists in King’s thinking. While he never completely abandoned his commitment to traditional American principles, towards the end of his life King embraced views which were more in line with progressives like Franklin Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson than Abraham Lincoln or the Founders. For example, King advocated for extensive anti-poverty and wealth redistribution programs.
Black people can vote all the same as white people can.
Oh, and fuck your racism, racist.
How does standing up for one's family make them a "victim", dumbass?
Dude, everyone can see Mama's Boys get more excited about this shit than anyone else. You're very excited, son. Try to calm down.
How ironic. You probably had a hard-on writing that.