Did your book tell you that he plagiarized most of his speeches and cheated on his wife?

He was with a whore in the hotel the day he was shot.

I'm guessing it was a fluff book.

Nyet, comrade Tink. It did mention Mother Russia put money into the Civil Rights movement to spread dissension among Americans....just like you do now, tovarish!
The History of Russian Involvement in America's Race Wars
From propaganda posters to Facebook ads, 80-plus years of Russian meddling.

According to a spate of recent reports, accounts tied to the St. Petersburg-based Internet Research Agency—a Russian “troll factory”— used social media and Google during the 2016 electoral campaign to deepen political and racial tensions in the United States. The trolls, according to an interview with the Russian TV network TV Rain, were directed to focus their tweets and comments on socially divisive issues, like guns. But another consistent theme has been Russian trolls focusing on issues of race. Some of the Russian ads placed on Facebook apparently targeted Ferguson and Baltimore, which were rocked by protests after police killings of unarmed black men; another showed a black woman firing a rifle. Other ads played on fears of illegal immigrants and Muslims, and groups like Black Lives Matter.

Except for the technology used, however, these tactics are not exactly new. They are natural outgrowths of a central component of covert influence campaigns, like the one Russia launched against the United States during the 2016 election: make discord louder; divide and conquer. “Covert influence campaigns don’t create divisions on the ground, they amplify divisions on the ground,” says Michael Hayden, who ran the NSA under Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush and then became CIA director. During the Cold War, the Kremlin similarly sought to plant fake news and foment discontent, but was limited by the low-tech methods available at the time. “Before, the Soviets would plant information in Indian papers and hope it would get picked up by our papers,” says John Sipher, who ran the CIA’s Russia desk during George W. Bush’s first term. The Soviets planted misinformation about the AIDS epidemic as a Pentagon creation, according to Sipher, as well as the very concept of a nuclear winter. “Now, because of the technology, you can jump right in,” Sipher says....
The other fascinating part of the book was the politics and specifically his relationship with Johnson. They worked closely together on the passage of the Civil Rights bills but once King started speaking out against Vietnam their relationship became strained and they did not talk. In fact Johnson seemed to turn against King and almost enjoyed to updates from Hoover about his philandering.

Regarding your personal experience marching, do you recall if the march was directed at the South and the work King was doing there? Or was it more directed locally and what was happening in Boston?

If I recall, the local problems developing in the schools brought King to town.
However, most of the white marchers were college kids, not Boston natives, who weren't particularly aware of local issues.
They marched with King over civil rights in general.
If I recall, the local problems developing in the schools brought King to town.
However, most of the white marchers were college kids, not Boston natives, who weren't particularly aware of local issues.
They marched with King over civil rights in general.

Both Malcom and Stokely upset a lot of civil rights marchers because they said that blacks had to do the organizing and speaking. In the beginning, it was whites and many Jews who were experienced in organizing and speaking, who directed the marches. They were trying to do good, and felt rejected when they were being pushed out. It had to happen.
Both Malcom and Stokely upset a lot of civil rights marchers because they said that blacks had to do the organizing and speaking. In the beginning, it was whites and many Jews who were experienced in organizing and speaking, who directed the marches. They were trying to do good, and felt rejected when they were being pushed out. It had to happen.
There's a difference between a group learning to fend for themselves and turning on those who helped them. The fact black separatist groups are often antisemitic is sad. It didn't have to happen.
Easy to reflect back on a person’s biography and highlight shortcomings or criticism, some accurate, others exaggerated. MLK focused on the Northern States, that is where the money was to fund his campaigns, and if you need a measurement of his influence just look at the reaction to his death

MLK was killed before I was born and I in no way claim to be a scholar of the man. That said, I still don’t follow your post. Are you saying what the author stated in telling his story was inaccurate? And who is questioning his influence?
MLK was killed before I was born and I in no way claim to be a scholar of the man. That said, I still don’t follow your post. Are you saying what the author stated in telling his story was inaccurate? And who is questioning his influence?
IMO, what he's saying is that all men are flawed. There's no such thing as a perfect hero.* That said, MLK was a very positive influence upon American ideals and ensuring our Constitution treated all Americans equally.

*one of my heroes is Thomas Jefferson. Even though he was both a slaver and a rapist he also laid out the blueprint for American ideals. Like MLK, his accomplishments exceeded his flaws.
"Let no man pull you low enough to hate him."...MLK He would be so disappointed in many who post such hate here...
"Let no man pull you low enough to hate him."...MLK He would be so disappointed in many who post such hate here...

That they accuse you of what they are doing themselves, every...single...time ;)
"Let no man pull you low enough to hate him."...MLK He would be so disappointed in many who post such hate here...

You are clueless and wear your ignorance as a badge of honor. To you and your kind, MLK is bumper sticker slogans

Where were you during the fight for civil rights other then making racist jokes in the lunch lady lounge