Mmmm...fried squirrels

:thup:Fried Squirrel is good. You all can poo poo them all you want. I don't know about frying them in a pop corn popper but I have had deep fried squirrel. Tastes like chicken.
Then why bother with a scrawny squirrel to begin with.

More evidence of the Matrix!
I've had rabbit before and it tastes like chicken.

I'm with you Desh. I'll just stick to chicken. I'm not very open when it comes to different meats. I'm trying to cut back as it is.

It does...but more meaty...I can't eat rabbit dad cooked my pet rabbit as a kid...we raised chickens and when the stock was down my dad snagged my rabbit...I did not know I was eating him until mom said dad cooked him...I think I barfed...and to this day I don't eat rabbit...too bad cause it is tasty!
I've had rabbit before and it tastes like chicken.

I'm with you Desh. I'll just stick to chicken. I'm not very open when it comes to different meats. I'm trying to cut back as it is.
Rabbit tastes like rabbit. If it tasted like chicken somebody deep fried the thing in the same oil as they deep fried the chicken.

Rabbit tastes like rabbit. If it tasted like chicken somebody deep fried the thing in the same oil as they deep fried the chicken.

rabbit does taste like rattlesnake does not taste like has it's own flavor(people say this about snake to get ya to try it)...not my cup of tea!:cof1:
I do like to eat ocean stuff like fish ,lobster ,crab, scallops mmmmmmmmmmmmm.

My favorite is a great Halibut steak....way better than crusty critters of the deep...numa numa!
but I also love a good or great....battered,deep fried squid!(Calimari)
rabbit does taste like rattlesnake does not taste like has it's own flavor(people say this about snake to get ya to try it)...not my cup of tea!:cof1:
I think reptile is like a cross between chicken and fish. I have eatten rattlesnake but as far as reptiles go I prefer Gator. Gator chili and BBQ Gator are my favs.
My favorite is a great Halibut steak....way better than crusty critters of the deep...numa numa!
but I also love a good or great....battered,deep fried squid!(Calimari)
I used to love swordfish. There is a place here called Fresh Fish Company. They serve this Deep Fried Lobster dish on a stuffed crab over (they use potatoes but my allergies made me use rice) rice. OMFG! It was nearly orgasmic. Almost makes me want to go get more of that juicy cholesterol....
I think reptile is like a cross between chicken and fish. I have eatten rattlesnake but as far as reptiles go I prefer Gator. Gator chili and BBQ Gator are my favs.

Never tried gator...maybe someday...if I am buzzed enough...just like my first go at rattlesnake...only after 'half' a twelve pack...I no my bad...but what can I say...just being honest!:cof1:
Swordfish is also good........

I used to love swordfish. There is a place here called Fresh Fish Company. They serve this Deep Fried Lobster dish on a stuffed crab over (they use potatoes but my allergies made me use rice) rice. OMFG! It was nearly orgasmic. Almost makes me want to go get more of that juicy cholesterol....

gotta be careful though...cause some restaurante's use shark as a substitute...similar taste but not as good!
Look Care, I have my stereotypes and I'd like to keep them as is. Please stop infesting this board with your "facts". 'kay?! Thanks.

Anywayz how are you!? did I tell you I got a house last year?

Hahahahahaha! lol Tiana!

I am doing good, how about you?

Noooo, the last i kept up, ummmm let's see i think you had put in an offer on a house and your mom wanted you to go thru her for the financing....and maybe that house fell thru and you guys put a bid in on another one and you were bargaining with them back and forth, but never saw the fianal tado on that this the one you were bargaining on or another one?


How's it feel?

don't want to burst anyone's preconceived ideas about the north verses the South, but Maine must be backwards, cuz i was reading the state booklet on hunting season for deer and moose and guess what else was listed as game with a hunting season? Grey squirrel..... yuk! and i don't believe in the continental usa you can get farther north than us!!!



I've never seen bigger hicks than I saw in upstate new york. Only place I ever met a person who did not attend any school ever.

And I know of several people in Connecticut who used to kill and eat squirrel. Tastes like chicken, I'm told. Never tried it myself, but I'm sure I would.

Now I'm hungry LOL

I've never seen bigger hicks than I saw in upstate new york. Only place I ever met a person who did not attend any school ever.

And I know of several people in Connecticut who used to kill and eat squirrel. Tastes like chicken, I'm told. Never tried it myself, but I'm sure I would.

Now I'm hungry LOL

Hey stirfy!(alla tinfoil)

you still out west or ever make it back to connecticut?
