Dixie - In Memoriam
New member
Absolutely he does! He's also pointing out the essential politcal problem with ideologues (of any stripe). They insist on ideological purity over pragmatic compromise. In our two party winner takes all political system the art of coalition building is absolutely essential for a party to obtain a ruling coalition. The party that is better at building coalitions will be the ruling party.
The present situation is almost comical in that the Democratic party hasn't really been all that impressive at coalition building. Hell I became a Democrat by default. I tried the third party thing first and realised that was a mistake. What is interesting is that the Dems have gained ascendency, more because Republicans have been internally destroying parts of it's party coalition in the name of ideological purity. It's insane and it's political suicide but that is indeed what is happening.
Talk about comical... Mott, to hear you tell it, it's almost like the Republicans never nominated John McCain, a Senator who became legendary for bucking his party and principles, and pragmatically compromising with liberals to co-sponsor numerous pieces of legislation in bipartisan fashion. It's almost as if the election of 2008 never happened! Instead, we nominated Pat Robertson, and the Social Conservatives were handed their asses. So, now, we must move away from those terrible social conservatives and evangelicals, and nominate someone who is more moderate!
Mott, it's like you don't even live in the same reality as the rest of us. You are essentially saying the GOP should repeat the mistake of nominating a wishy-washy moderate goober again, because that is clearly what the nation is clamoring for! You are beyond insane.