APP - Modern Day Miracles


Junior Member
What if I were to tell you there was a man who existed today who has been witnessed doing many miracles by countless people. This guy's no loonie fringe dude. When his followers threw him a birthday party last year, 1 million people showed up. You can even watch his miracles on YouTube. He even claims to have been born of a virgin.

What would be your reaction if I told you this?

His name is Sathya Sai Baba. If you plan to watch his miracles on YouTube, prepare to be disappointed. Yet, millions of people follow this guy as though he's a deity.

My point here is that this guy who has miracles of underwhelming proportions recorded on the internet is followed by millions as though he's a god, yet his accomplishments don't even merit an hour on the Discovery channel.

However, put a few uncorroborated miracles of a man in an ancient book of tales from the Bronze Age, and people find it a rational exercise to organize their lives around him.

Something is wrong with this picture.
odd....given he predicted this would happen

As long as you're the first guy to go on record declaring there will be false prophets, it means you're the one true prophet. Gotcha.

The fact is you have no more reason to believe Jesus did any miracles in his time than you do to believe this guy is performing them presently, considering Jesus' miracles were recorded by the most superstitious, most backward, most illiterate people in the world and you can at least watch this guy's "miracles" on youtube.
What if I were to tell you there was a man who existed today who has been witnessed doing many miracles by countless people. This guy's no loonie fringe dude. When his followers threw him a birthday party last year, 1 million people showed up. You can even watch his miracles on YouTube. He even claims to have been born of a virgin.

What would be your reaction if I told you this?

His name is Sathya Sai Baba. If you plan to watch his miracles on YouTube, prepare to be disappointed. Yet, millions of people follow this guy as though he's a deity.

My point here is that this guy who has miracles of underwhelming proportions recorded on the internet is followed by millions as though he's a god, yet his accomplishments don't even merit an hour on the Discovery channel.

However, put a few uncorroborated miracles of a man in an ancient book of tales from the Bronze Age, and people find it a rational exercise to organize their lives around him.

Something is wrong with this picture.

When people still throw birthday party's for Sathya Sai Baba in 2000 years then you can make a valid comparison with Jesus. Otherwise he's not much different than Michael Jackson, just with a different gig. *shrug*
When people still throw birthday party's for Sathya Sai Baba in 2000 years then you can make a valid comparison with Jesus. Otherwise he's not much different than Michael Jackson, just with a different gig. *shrug*

uh huh

I guarantee you Mormonism is around to stay, and we all know how much bullshit that is based on. Scientology is likely to be around a while too, and that's a religion about magical aliens in a volcano.
He's a poor magician.

[ame=""]YouTube - Sai Baba Exposed - Part 1 of 4[/ame]
uh huh

I guarantee you Mormonism is around to stay, and we all know how much bullshit that is based on. Scientology is likely to be around a while too, and that's a religion about magical aliens in a volcano.
Mormonism is a sect of Christianity; again a 2000 year religion. Scientology been around for a relative blink. *shrug*
uh huh

I guarantee you Mormonism is around to stay, and we all know how much bullshit that is based on. Scientology is likely to be around a while too, and that's a religion about magical aliens in a volcano.

Mormonism today bears little resemblance to Joseph Smith's version....if you attended a Mormon service you see little difference from a typical Episcopalian service....
Mormonism today bears little resemblance to Joseph Smith's version....if you attended a Mormon service you see little difference from a typical Episcopalian service....

You're trying to make it sound as though there's some sort of clear parity between Mormonism and Christianity. That's hugely wrong. They are very clearly doctrinally delineated, regardless of what they don't show you to your face when you show up for a service (after all, their big mission in life is to get more members and you can't do that if you freak out newcomers with your craziness - they save that for later).
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Mormonism is a sect of Christianity; again a 2000 year religion. Scientology been around for a relative blink. *shrug*

Mormonism has been around since the 1850's. Scientology since around the 60's. And scientologists actually accept Christian members; like most new-age religions, they don't discriminate based on what diety the believer is a believer in (which is great for integration into the society).

I don't really think you could consider Mormonism a sect of Christianity any more than you could Islam. They very clearly add to the doctrine in a way that Christian would not approve. If you give them 1500 years they'll be completely different, just like the Muslims.
Unless you go to a fundamentalist Moremoan church.
Of course I am not sure they will let just anyone in.

true, but then if you go to an extremely fundamentalist Christian church it doesn't look much like the rest of the religion either....or an extremely fundamentalist Muslim church and Islam......
You're trying to make it sound as though there's some sort of clear parity between Mormonism and Christianity. That's hugely wrong. They are very clearly doctrinally delineated, regardless of what they don't show you to your face when you show up for a service (after all, their big mission in life is to get more members and you can't do that if you freak out newcomers with your craziness - they save that for later).

my point is that the Mormons have softened those doctrines considerably more than just painting black over the windows to the inner sanctum....the same is true of most Christian denominations....a hundred years ago my Calvinist denomination split from another because the Synod allowed the Presbyterians to take communion with, all three take communion with everyone from Catholics to Southern Baptists.....
Mormonism has been around since the 1850's. Scientology since around the 60's. And scientologists actually accept Christian members; like most new-age religions, they don't discriminate based on what diety the believer is a believer in (which is great for integration into the society).

I don't really think you could consider Mormonism a sect of Christianity any more than you could Islam. They very clearly add to the doctrine in a way that Christian would not approve. If you give them 1500 years they'll be completely different, just like the Muslims.
Dood, Mormonism is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Catholics have saints too. Do you know what a saint is?