APP - Modern Day Miracles

Dood, Mormonism is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Catholics have saints too. Do you know what a saint is?

Yes. They are clearly a branch off from Christianity, but I think they are different enough that you could call them a different religion, just like Christianity is a branch from Judaism.

WHAT? You mean he's not really performing miracles???

Of course it's all a trick, Damo. The point is that even poor magicians when they perform their art in backwards, illiterate parts of the world can find people (in this case millions, and in Jesus' case quite a few less than millions during his life) who will believe they're genuine and that the magician is in fact some kind of god.
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WHAT? You mean he's not really performing miracles???

Of course it's all a trick, Damo. The point is that even poor magicians when they perform their art in backwards, illiterate parts of the world can find people (in this case millions, and in Jesus' case quite a few less than millions during his life) who will believe they're genuine and that the magician is in fact some kind of god.

dude....give it weren't there when jesus performed miracles so all you have is belief he didn't....don't try and act like your beliefs are facts

and i notice you and waterbong keep ignoring that this was predicted
Yes. They are clearly a branch off from Christianity, but I think they are different enough that you could call them a different religion, just like Christianity is a branch from Judaism.
Are you suggesting that a religion that celebrates Christ and has Christ in its name isn't Christian? LOL
Are you suggesting that a religion that celebrates Christ and has Christ in its name isn't Christian? LOL

I can live with that.....when Mormonism was founded, it's beliefs WEREN'T Christian....they denied the divinity of Jesus, which I would consider a prerequisite for a "Christian" religion.....without that it would only be legitimate to call themselves "Jesus-onian", their official doctrines acknowledge his divinity.....
I can live with that.....when Mormonism was founded, it's beliefs WEREN'T Christian....they denied the divinity of Jesus, which I would consider a prerequisite for a "Christian" religion.....without that it would only be legitimate to call themselves "Jesus-onian", their official doctrines acknowledge his divinity.....

The divinity of Jesus was something Christians, again, pulled out of their asses in the 4th century.

Are you literally going to say that the Jehova's Witnesses and other primitivists are not Christians, but Mormons are?
The divinity of Jesus was something Christians, again, pulled out of their asses in the 4th century.

hardly, Jesus himself said that he was God....

Are you literally going to say that the Jehova's Witnesses and other primitivists are not Christians, but Mormons are?
???...I have said nothing at all about Jehovah's the moment I don't recall what their doctrine is regarding divinity, and I'm too lazy to look it up merely to appease your curiosity.....
???...I have said nothing at all about Jehovah's the moment I don't recall what their doctrine is regarding divinity, and I'm too lazy to look it up merely to appease your curiosity.....

The Jehovah's witnesses hold a unitarian instead of trinitarian view of god.

I'm not sure there are non-primitivist churches that are unitarian and not post-Christian (Unitarian Universalists started off as Christian but have abandoned all creed, and so they're usually called a post-Christian religion). Our second president was a Unitarian, though.
then by my definition I would not give them the name Christian....."Christ" denotes the concept of 'savior' definition a non-divine Jesus could not be "Christ", therefore it would not be appropriate to call oneself a "Christ"ian....such could be followers of Jesus, but would not be followers of Christ.....