Modern Technology Allows Us To See Obama at the End of His Term


Loyal to the end
The technology extrapolates from photos of past presidents:




And then gives us a view of our current president in four years:


And as an added bonus what Michelle will look like:
Reagan looks old at the beginning of his term, and old at the end. Clinton didn't change much. But man, Bush really didn't age well, did he?
Reagan looks old at the beginning of his term, and old at the end. Clinton didn't change much. But man, Bush really didn't age well, did he?
Reagan was old at the start of his turn. Bush aged better than Clinton did: Bill Bob's got bigger bags under his eyes than Helen Thomas and his nose looks like a partially erect penis. Barack doesn't fair so well but Michelle looks like she's actually improved. *shrug*
how many years off your life do you think the presidency takes? I remember seeing before and after pictures of lincoln and he aged really badly as well.
Bill Bob's got bigger bags under his eyes than Helen Thomas and his nose looks like a partially erect penis.

Which can easily be attributed to the fact that one was a professional photo and the other was a picture of him walking by. He had make-up on in the professional photos which got rid of the bags in his eyes. As for his nose, that doesn't change as you age. Again, it's probably just the photo.

Bush had a lot more real changes in his face. Seriously, isn't this like the saddest photo ever:


I think the presidency was really hard on Bush and I honestly feel sorry for him.
∂˚;457065 said:
how many years off your life do you think the presidency takes? I remember seeing before and after pictures of lincoln and he aged really badly as well.
Not many, as Presidents tend to live long after they leave office. When was the last one that died before 90?
Which can easily be attributed to the fact that one was a professional photo and the other was a picture of him walking by. He had make-up on in the professional photos which got rid of the bags in his eyes. As for his nose, that doesn't change as you age. Again, it's probably just the photo.

Obviously you've never read the story of Pinocchio; Bill Bob's nose got longer with each lie. He must sleep on his stomach and face because it actually got more bulbous at the end. This isn't the only photo that I've seen his nose look like a limp penis.
come on mottydud, it's just a JOKE...

Just like Letterman saying, Sarah Palin need to update her slutty flight attendant look...

or that her daughter will get knocked up in the seventh inning stretch by a baseball player..

quite being such a whiny liberal...give it a rest....sheeesh
come on mottydud, it's just a JOKE...

Just like Letterman saying, Sarah Palin need to update her slutty flight attendant look...

or that her daughter will get knocked up in the seventh inning stretch by a baseball player..

quite being such a whiny liberal...give it a rest....sheeesh

Sorry but the underlying and intended racism is hardly funny at all.
Oh that's right...we can't now or ever say anything or joke about a Black President because that will brand us all A how damn convenient is that.....

But it's OK for a comedian to call a sitting Governor of a State, looking like a slutty flight attendant...

why is that Racist, Aunt Ester and Redd Foxx was a couple of great black comedians...
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