Into the Night
Verified User
Which is why all the rich guys get the new tech first. No doubt it will be Gates, Bezos or some other billionaire who has the first fully automated voice-activated flying car. Basically Alexa mated to a helicopter drone but FAA approved.
The stick in the mud FAA??? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! They won't approve a modern engine on a 1960 Cessna unless it's relicensed as 'experimental'. They would rather stick with an engine design out of the 30's!
Even some lawnmowers don't have magnetos anymore. No car bothers with carburetors anymore either. Even in the 50's, the updraft carburetor was abandoned...except on Cessna and Piper aircraft!
The FAA is scared to death of software controlling flight surfaces for passenger aircraft. Boeing only managed to get one built through some serious bribery.
The Alexa service itself requires the internet to run. That's not always available in aircraft. It fucks up a lot too. You want that controlling aircraft YOU are sitting in?