
well hes 3.5 now and it is a 3 year program. but im torn on sending him to public kinder or here in 3rd year

this year he will be Tuesdays and Thursdays full time
next year Mondays, wed, Fridays full time.
third year: TBD

Well, my baby is now 22, brother and sister, 24 and 26. The 2 year program was 3 mornings a week. 3 year old 5 mornings a week. 4 year old, full day. LOL! I was stay at home, but the kids loved it. Actually though, the youngest I did pull out, he needed less time at school and more mom time. He ended up in cooperative preschool, 3 mornings a week.
We looked at the Montessori school in our area, but they seriously were training little Democrats. They had stuff on their curricula that put it beyond a doubt what their political leanings were.
We looked at the Montessori school in our area, but they seriously were training little Democrats. They had stuff on their curricula that put it beyond a doubt what their political leanings were.

GASP!!! Because its so much more important that kids don't become Democrats, than it is that they get a top notch education. LOL

I don't know what you're talking about Damo. My cousins went to monetsori, and got a better primary education than I did. In math, science, and language.

I'm not sure what those academic subjects have to do with democrats. Unless republicans have pretty much given up on the whole Evolution thing, and think the earth is 6000 years old.

GASP!!! Because its so much more important that kids don't become Democrats, than it is that they get a top notch education. LOL

I don't know what you're talking about Damo. My cousins went to monetsori, and got a better primary education than I did. In math, science, and language.

I'm not sure what those academic subjects have to do with democrats. Unless republicans have pretty much given up on the whole Evolution thing, and think the earth is 6000 years old.

Nah, I think teaching them to read rather than political ideology is more important. Basically, training them in their political ideology strikes me as the exact same thing as training them in a religion. Neither belongs in the curriculum of a pre-school.
Damo, do you have any examples on how they were teaching them to be Dems?
The specific school had "classes" on "why the government helps". It was supposed to teach them why some of the kids might have "needs".

Basically it was a lot like learning from the "Why Mommy is a Democrat" book that used to advertise on the site.