Morality? Rule Of Law? Common Sense?

LOL. How are communists any more evil than capitalists? Do they enjoy watching others suffer as much as the average American?

Yes, the Khamer Rouge in particular loved to torture people. With Americans its just sheer stupidity. With capitalism its strictly business, and there is no specific pleasure in harming other people unless the business is contact sports like UFC. Also, communists don't believe in God.
Yes, the Khamer Rouge in particular loved to torture people. With Americans its just sheer stupidity. With capitalism its strictly business, and there is no specific pleasure in harming other people unless the business is contact sports like UFC. Also, communists don't believe in God.

You were doing well until that last line.
Yes, the Khamer Rouge in particular loved to torture people. With Americans its just sheer stupidity. With capitalism its strictly business, and there is no specific pleasure in harming other people unless the business is contact sports like UFC. Also, communists don't believe in God.

Yes but capitalists have tortured just as many people. Capitalists Christians like Hitler killed millions.

No one was tortured in the Paris Commune, which is probably as close the world ever came to the true communist ideal. Comunism wasn't meant to be through an omnipresent state, but through a bunch of confederations of Communes.
Yes but capitalists have tortured just as many people. Capitalists Christians like Hitler killed millions.

No one was tortured in the Paris Commune, which is probably as close the world ever came to the true communist ideal. Comunism wasn't meant to be through an omnipresent state, but through a bunch of confederations of Communes.

Well who cares anyway it's an absurd fantasy.
WM you lose this thread via the logical fallacy of reductio ad asshat; whereby whichever side Asshat agrees with loses.
WM you lose this thread via the logical fallacy of reductio ad asshat; whereby whichever side Asshat agrees with loses.

When a true genius appears, you can know him by this sign: that all the dunces are in a confederacy against him.

-Jonathan Swift
Yes, the Khamer Rouge in particular loved to torture people. With Americans its just sheer stupidity. With capitalism its strictly business, and there is no specific pleasure in harming other people unless the business is contact sports like UFC. Also, communists don't believe in God.

Yeah how about the business of harming people ? Ie the industrial military complex ?
Morality? Rule Of Law? Common Sense?

"Those things limit profits and that's communism, are you a commie?" (TM)

I don't understand the first three questions, but the answer to the fourth question is "NO!"

Communism is a system by which all people work for the commune, or state. There is no "profit" in a communist system, it all goes to the state and is equally distributed to the masses.... short the difference required by the communist regime running the show, of course.

Limiting profits is almost impossible in a capitalist free-market system. The only way to limit profits is through boycotts of a company's business. Restrictions and regulations do not curb profits, because the corporation simply passes the cost on to the consumer.
I don't understand the first three questions, but the answer to the fourth question is "NO!"

Communism is a system by which all people work for the commune, or state. There is no "profit" in a communist system, it all goes to the state and is equally distributed to the masses.... short the difference required by the communist regime running the show, of course.

Limiting profits is almost impossible in a capitalist free-market system. The only way to limit profits is through boycotts of a company's business. Restrictions and regulations do not curb profits, because the corporation simply passes the cost on to the consumer.

we limited the public utilities profits for many years and they did fine. There are far fewer telcos now than before deregulation.
Telco and power company stocks were the meat of many retirement portfolios for many years.
Yes but capitalists have tortured just as many people. Capitalists Christians like Hitler killed millions.

No one was tortured in the Paris Commune, which is probably as close the world ever came to the true communist ideal. Comunism wasn't meant to be through an omnipresent state, but through a bunch of confederations of Communes.

You know perfectly well that Hitler was commited to Germanic paganism and persecuted Christians, especially the Church. Now, that said, there are obviously plenty of practicing Christians you could point to throughout history that were vile people (like the American South).
we limited the public utilities profits for many years and they did fine. There are far fewer telcos now than before deregulation.
Telco and power company stocks were the meat of many retirement portfolios for many years.

No, we regulated price and there is a difference. Public utilities are largely funded by the people through state and local taxes. Corporations are not like public utilities in a number of fundamental ways, which are not pertinent to this thread.

You simply can't effect profits of Corporations unless you do so on the consumer end. There is no way to confiscate a portion of their profits, they will increase prices to account for this and just make more. What you end up doing is harming the consumer. Want to add a new tax? Again, you effect the consumer, because the corporation is not going to forfeit their profits, they have an obligation to the stockholders to increase profits, not forfeit them to socialists. That's just the way it is, and you don't have to believe me, go read up on business and find out for yourself.