More Americans Are Finally Coming Around to Accepting The Science of Evolution

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
More Americans are coming to accept Charles Darwin's "dangerous idea" of evolution, according to thirty years' worth of national surveys.

Between 1985 and 2010, roughly 40 percent of surveyed adults in the US agreed that "human beings, as we know them today, developed from earlier species of animals". Taking into account the small number of fence-sitters, this suggests much of the nation was evenly divided on the theory.

By 2016, that percentage had, at last, become a majority, reaching 54 percent.

As it turns out, education has played a crucial role in that shift. When researchers began to analyze the demographics of survey respondents over the past thirty years, they noticed the completion of one or more college science courses was the strongest predictor of evolution acceptance.

"Almost twice as many Americans held a college degree in 2018 as in 1988," says Mark Ackerman, who studies collective intelligence at the University of Michigan.

"It's hard to earn a college degree without acquiring at least a little respect for the success of science."

n the current analysis, the proportion of American adults with scientific literacy increased from 11 percent in 1988 to 31 percent in 2019.
More Americans are coming to accept Charles Darwin's "dangerous idea" of evolution, according to thirty years' worth of national surveys.

Between 1985 and 2010, roughly 40 percent of surveyed adults in the US agreed that "human beings, as we know them today, developed from earlier species of animals". Taking into account the small number of fence-sitters, this suggests much of the nation was evenly divided on the theory.

By 2016, that percentage had, at last, become a majority, reaching 54 percent.

As it turns out, education has played a crucial role in that shift. When researchers began to analyze the demographics of survey respondents over the past thirty years, they noticed the completion of one or more college science courses was the strongest predictor of evolution acceptance.

"Almost twice as many Americans held a college degree in 2018 as in 1988," says Mark Ackerman, who studies collective intelligence at the University of Michigan.

"It's hard to earn a college degree without acquiring at least a little respect for the success of science."

n the current analysis, the proportion of American adults with scientific literacy increased from 11 percent in 1988 to 31 percent in 2019.

yes there no doubt in my mind you are a product of evolution , however I think your dna is closer to that of a gorilla especially with the size of your head. guano compared to a silver back I fear guano has a differnt color strip on his back then a silver back more like a yellow streak like the yellow dutch boy
More Americans are coming to accept Charles Darwin's "dangerous idea" of evolution, according to thirty years' worth of national surveys.

Between 1985 and 2010, roughly 40 percent of surveyed adults in the US agreed that "human beings, as we know them today, developed from earlier species of animals". Taking into account the small number of fence-sitters, this suggests much of the nation was evenly divided on the theory.

By 2016, that percentage had, at last, become a majority, reaching 54 percent.

As it turns out, education has played a crucial role in that shift. When researchers began to analyze the demographics of survey respondents over the past thirty years, they noticed the completion of one or more college science courses was the strongest predictor of evolution acceptance.

"Almost twice as many Americans held a college degree in 2018 as in 1988," says Mark Ackerman, who studies collective intelligence at the University of Michigan.

"It's hard to earn a college degree without acquiring at least a little respect for the success of science."

n the current analysis, the proportion of American adults with scientific literacy increased from 11 percent in 1988 to 31 percent in 2019.

Thanks to Team Biden at getting over 363 million Americans vaccinated to some degree versus tRump and his GOPer sewer insurgency attempting to covid kill off as many Americans as possible.
As the Regressives deny the existence of biology....disagree with them and you will be hurt....that's a promise.

Hello guno,

More Americans are coming to accept Charles Darwin's "dangerous idea" of evolution, according to thirty years' worth of national surveys.

Between 1985 and 2010, roughly 40 percent of surveyed adults in the US agreed that "human beings, as we know them today, developed from earlier species of animals". Taking into account the small number of fence-sitters, this suggests much of the nation was evenly divided on the theory.

By 2016, that percentage had, at last, become a majority, reaching 54 percent.

As it turns out, education has played a crucial role in that shift. When researchers began to analyze the demographics of survey respondents over the past thirty years, they noticed the completion of one or more college science courses was the strongest predictor of evolution acceptance.

"Almost twice as many Americans held a college degree in 2018 as in 1988," says Mark Ackerman, who studies collective intelligence at the University of Michigan.

"It's hard to earn a college degree without acquiring at least a little respect for the success of science."

n the current analysis, the proportion of American adults with scientific literacy increased from 11 percent in 1988 to 31 percent in 2019.

The idea of creation seems so fantastic now that it can be placed in the realm of a fictional Hollywood production.

The Bible is a fairy tale.

The stories in the Bible, which were written by humans, are likely a collection of very old handed down fairy tales and myths which must have arisen out of unknowing parents attempting to answer the questions of curious youngsters asking impossible but innocent questions.

When ignorant parents are faced with impossible questions for which they have no answer, they have a tendency to make things up just to satisfy the curiosity of their young and dispense with the pesky questions they have no real answers to.

When someone who has been told such a tale as a youngster grows up, they have no reason to doubt these tales. And when they themselves become parents, the whole cycle is repeated, with embellishments added at will.

Long before there was writing, humans had lots of time to talk about things they did not know about. Much of the world was a mystery.

It is the human way to make assumptions about things which are unknown. If these things are never disproved, they tend to become believed as fact.

I hope everyone played the game as a child where numerous individuals sit in a circle. One person whispers something into the ear of the person sitting next to them. That person then repeats the passage to the person on their opposite side, who passes it on to the next person, and the next, and so on until the 'story' makes it all the way back to the originator. At that point, the originator usually laughs because the story typically has changed by then.


That is where the Bible came from.

Eventually humans invented writing; and a collection of such stories was written down.

It was written in a language most people would not even know today. Then it was translated several times until it was translated into English. That is why there are so many versions of the Bible, and they vary in details.

Multiply those changes by thousands of years of story-telling.

It is no wonder that so much of the Bible contradicts itself, and that nearly anything one wishes to claim, a passage can be found in the Bible to support it with very little imagination in the interpretation.

Evolution, on the other hand, is being constantly reinforced with more and more new information from archaeology. Humans and dinosaurs never coexisted. Mammals were hardly larger than a mouse until a huge meteor slammed into Earth near the Yucatan peninsula and wiped out the large dinosaurs and most of life on Earth. Only then did some mammals survive and evolve into most life forms we know today. The remaining small dinosaurs became today's birds.

It would never have been possible to take two of each of today's creatures into an ark, along with all the food and water each required for 40 days and nights. How would beavers have survived? Polar bears? The story is ridiculous. Creatures from other continents. Koala bears. Kangaroos. Lemurs. Some creatures eat other creatures. Some creatures eat only very specific foods. Many creatures mate and exist in colonies or packs, not pairs. Some creatures require an environment which would be impossible to reproduce in the ark. There is simply no way that story is real.

Evolution is the only plausible way the diversity of life came about.
More Americans are coming to accept Charles Darwin's "dangerous idea" of evolution, according to thirty years' worth of national surveys.
"It's hard to earn a college degree without acquiring at least a little respect for the success of science."

n the current analysis, the proportion of American adults with scientific literacy increased from 11 percent in 1988 to 31 percent in 2019.

I got to wondering if the rejection of established science is an American thing, or is universal among humans. This Wikipedia article has a listing of countries around the world and brief entries regarding beliefs. You might find it interesting, too.
Hello ThatOwlWoman,

I got to wondering if the rejection of established science is an American thing, or is universal among humans. This Wikipedia article has a listing of countries around the world and brief entries regarding beliefs. You might find it interesting, too.

"There is a notable difference between the opinion of scientists and that of the general public in the United States. A 2009 poll by Pew Research Center found that "Nearly all scientists (97%) say humans and other living things have evolved over time – 87% say evolution is due to natural processes, such as natural selection. The dominant position among scientists – that living things have evolved due to natural processes – is shared by only about a third (32%) of the public."[1]"

I'm a 32% er!

No way some magic guy got bored and decided to amused himself by snapping his finger and whipping up the universe. And of course, that begs the question of who created him? And just what was 'He' doing prior to creation? Just sitting around bored?

If 'souls' can be neither created nor destroyed, how many of them are there?

And then, why does the human population continue to expand?

Why do humans share nearly all of their DNA with other creatures?

Why do all the various religions differ so greatly?

Which one is correct? Why? The humans who claim to be the most knowledgeable about each religion are all so adamant that THEIR religion is the end-all be-all. How can that be true for each?

How can living humans possibly know about a presumed fantastical existence after death?

Why would anyone really WANT to live forever? Wouldn't it get kind of boring after a few hundred years? How many games of checkers do you want to play?

I am totally fine with being a human, living a human life to the end, and then ceasing to exist. Closure to a life well-lived.

And along the way, I am fascinated by the constant discoveries of science supporting evolution.

And where are there any modern occurrences of miracles? Every time somebody claims anything like this it really just appears to be nothing more than coincidence.

Evolution is the only plausible explanation for the unanswered questions.
(snipped) Why do humans share nearly all of their DNA with other creatures?

Evolution is the only plausible explanation for the unanswered questions.

So many questions, asked of the wrong person. lol

I find it hard to believe that only a third of the adults in this country understand that evolution is the explanation for our existence. I suspect that the number is actually much higher.
I am not okay with USA citizens being ranked below Bulgaria in scientific literacy

Ditto. We can see the tragic, dire results of that happening right now, with the pandemic.

If ppl choose to go through life blissfully ignorant of things like science that's not normally too much of a problem on a day-to-day basis. However, when the ignorant vote for other ignorants who then make national policy, we are in real trouble. The pandemic, again, is a great example of how that can go horribly wrong. So is climate change and our national response to it. The old #TRE45ON (and state govt.) administrations' method of addressing it by forbidding its mention on official websites and other govt. documentation is stupid, short-sighted, and doomed.
More Americans are coming to accept Charles Darwin's "dangerous idea" of evolution, according to thirty years' worth of national surveys.

Between 1985 and 2010, roughly 40 percent of surveyed adults in the US agreed that "human beings, as we know them today, developed from earlier species of animals". Taking into account the small number of fence-sitters, this suggests much of the nation was evenly divided on the theory.

By 2016, that percentage had, at last, become a majority, reaching 54 percent.

As it turns out, education has played a crucial role in that shift. When researchers began to analyze the demographics of survey respondents over the past thirty years, they noticed the completion of one or more college science courses was the strongest predictor of evolution acceptance.

"Almost twice as many Americans held a college degree in 2018 as in 1988," says Mark Ackerman, who studies collective intelligence at the University of Michigan.

"It's hard to earn a college degree without acquiring at least a little respect for the success of science."

n the current analysis, the proportion of American adults with scientific literacy increased from 11 percent in 1988 to 31 percent in 2019.

Does it really matter what ignorant people believe?
Hello ThatOwlWoman,

So many questions, asked of the wrong person. lol

I find it hard to believe that only a third of the adults in this country understand that evolution is the explanation for our existence. I suspect that the number is actually much higher.

Prolly a lot won't admit it.

Peer pressure again.
Ditto. We can see the tragic, dire results of that happening right now, with the pandemic.

If ppl choose to go through life blissfully ignorant of things like science that's not normally too much of a problem on a day-to-day basis. However, when the ignorant vote for other ignorants who then make national policy, we are in real trouble. The pandemic, again, is a great example of how that can go horribly wrong. So is climate change and our national response to it. The old #TRE45ON (and state govt.) administrations' method of addressing it by forbidding its mention on official websites and other govt. documentation is stupid, short-sighted, and doomed.

For sure.

Somebody could be awarded a PhD if they ever figured out a way to quantify the economic, social, and health care costs inflicted on us by climate science denial, evolution denial, pandemic denial, etc.
yes there no doubt in my mind you are a product of evolution , however I think your dna is closer to that of a gorilla especially with the size of your head. guano compared to a silver back I fear guano has a differnt color strip on his back then a silver back more like a yellow streak like the yellow dutch boy

Right, Darwin & Evolution are kind of racist.

Not that it's necessarily a bad thing.
Thanks to Team Biden at getting over 363 million Americans vaccinated to some degree versus tRump and his GOPer sewer insurgency attempting to covid kill off as many Americans as possible.

That's amazing considering there's only 332 million Americans.

Rolls eyex.

Proof that many have comprehension issues.

I think you meant 363 million doses, including double doses.