More Americans Are Finally Coming Around to Accepting The Science of Evolution

More Americans are coming to accept Charles Darwin's "dangerous idea" of evolution, according to thirty years' worth of national surveys.

Between 1985 and 2010, roughly 40 percent of surveyed adults in the US agreed that "human beings, as we know them today, developed from earlier species of animals". Taking into account the small number of fence-sitters, this suggests much of the nation was evenly divided on the theory.

By 2016, that percentage had, at last, become a majority, reaching 54 percent.

As it turns out, education has played a crucial role in that shift. When researchers began to analyze the demographics of survey respondents over the past thirty years, they noticed the completion of one or more college science courses was the strongest predictor of evolution acceptance.

"Almost twice as many Americans held a college degree in 2018 as in 1988," says Mark Ackerman, who studies collective intelligence at the University of Michigan.

"It's hard to earn a college degree without acquiring at least a little respect for the success of science."

n the current analysis, the proportion of American adults with scientific literacy increased from 11 percent in 1988 to 31 percent in 2019.
The Theory of Evolution is a religious belief; it is not science.
Thanks to Team Biden at getting over 363 million Americans vaccinated to some degree versus tRump and his GOPer sewer insurgency attempting to covid kill off as many Americans as possible.
There aren't even 363 million people in the former USA, you moron...
Ditto. We can see the tragic, dire results of that happening right now, with the pandemic.
You mean Liberalism?? That's the only pandemic that I am aware of atm...

If ppl choose to go through life blissfully ignorant of things like science that's not normally too much of a problem on a day-to-day basis. However, when the ignorant vote for other ignorants who then make national policy, we are in real trouble.
... and that's precisely what you are doing and causing.

The pandemic, again, is a great example of how that can go horribly wrong.
Yes... The Liberalism pandemic has been a real eye opener indeed.

So is climate change and our national response to it.
Define "climate change". Explain how a subjective unquantifiable thing can "change".

The old #TRE45ON (and state govt.) administrations' method of addressing it by forbidding its mention on official websites and other govt. documentation is stupid, short-sighted, and doomed.
Define "climate change". Buzzwords are meaningless drivel.
For sure.

Somebody could be awarded a PhD if they ever figured out a way to quantify the economic, social, and health care costs inflicted on us by climate science denial, evolution denial, pandemic denial, etc.
What "climate science"?? The Theory of Evolution is a religion, not science. What "pandemic"? Liberalism? That's the only pandemic currently in existence.