More Bad News For Saint Hillary

I think some of the lower-downs might have to pay a price.

Hillary's the most powerful gangster in the world. She could teach the mafia things.

You are a sick fuck! We know all about you sick fucks and where you get your news!

and she's human garbage. I don't say that lightly. I try to see the good in people. there's just no there there.

Too funny, four years later and they still have a hard on for Hillary, you would think eventually they would comprehend that they allow her to define them, but I don't know, seems pretty entrenched
LOL The 'Pied Piper' has nothing on today's right wing Pied Pipers, mention Hillary and the fools will follow you over the cliff cheering. What dummies. One has to wonder seriously, are they this dumb and this easily controlled. Years from now medical scientists will still ponder the idiocy of the American conservative.

'The former George W Bush speechwriter thinks 21st-century conservatism has ‘delivered much more harm than good’'

"Some fellows get credit for being conservative when they are only stupid." Kin Hubbard