T. A. Gardner
Thread Killer
Okay, judging by the time it took you to respond, you DID NOT follow the instructions on the site to click the internal links AND READ! “Quantifying the consensus on anthropogenic global warming in the scientific literature,” “The scientific consensus on climate change,” are just some of the links, in addition to the link that gives a list of the organizations that support the reality of the climate change problem.
See, you're a victim of stubborn pride and proud, willful ignorance....a deadly combination. This cause you go blather all types of irrational, ignorant supposition and conjecture....you do this with confidence based on reading information that ONLY confirms your beliefs and ideology. I, on the other hand, READ IT ALL....which is why I can pinpoint the flaws and errors in your source material in relation to what you say.
Belief is wonderful thing.....but I prefer to follow up belief with honest research of ALL THE FACTS. Sadly, you do the opposite. A pity. Carry on.
Not one of those links has to do with the viability of solar and wind power as commercial sources. I don't give a shit that "97 percent of climate scientists agree on anything. That has NOTHING to do with the viability of solar and wind as commercial sources.
If, on the other hand, you are using that page as an argument to go to wind and solar as energy sources because of that, then you are a fool and an idiot in that respect too. It is clear that nuclear and natural gas would reach the needed goal and produce cheap, clean, reliable, and plentiful power and are the logical choices. I assume you are against them because you think in lockstep with the anti-scientific radical leftist greentard religious front.