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That having money doesn't necessarily make you happy...,2933,290544,00.html

BEVERLY HILLS, California — Troubled starlet Lindsay Lohan was busted for DUI early Tuesday for the second time in less than a year.

The 21-year-old actress’ arrest happened about 2:15 a.m. in Santa Monica, Calif., near Pico Boulevard and Main Street, according to gossip site

Lohan checked out of a Malibu rehab center on July 13, after a stay of more than six weeks. She has been wearing an alcohol-monitoring ankle bracelet, going to Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and receiving therapy ever since.
From what i've seen of Ms Lohan it's not an "alcohol-monitoring ankle bracelet" that she requires as much as a nice pair of knickers.
That having money doesn't necessarily make you happy...,2933,290544,00.html

BEVERLY HILLS, California — Troubled starlet Lindsay Lohan was busted for DUI early Tuesday for the second time in less than a year.

The 21-year-old actress’ arrest happened about 2:15 a.m. in Santa Monica, Calif., near Pico Boulevard and Main Street, according to gossip site

Lohan checked out of a Malibu rehab center on July 13, after a stay of more than six weeks. She has been wearing an alcohol-monitoring ankle bracelet, going to Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and receiving therapy ever since.

Poor thing. I think it's also evidence that kids who become famous so early, tend to grow up to become really messed up adults.
On a side note, its almost like they are trying to one up each other in the tabloids. I admit it, I read tmz regularly and between, her, Nicole Ritchie and Paris, its like they are trying to out do each other for attention: negative or positive. Its quite pathetic. I can't wait for her and Ritchie to go to jail.
That having money doesn't necessarily make you happy...,2933,290544,00.html

BEVERLY HILLS, California — Troubled starlet Lindsay Lohan was busted for DUI early Tuesday for the second time in less than a year.

The 21-year-old actress’ arrest happened about 2:15 a.m. in Santa Monica, Calif., near Pico Boulevard and Main Street, according to gossip site

Lohan checked out of a Malibu rehab center on July 13, after a stay of more than six weeks. She has been wearing an alcohol-monitoring ankle bracelet, going to Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and receiving therapy ever since.

More evidence that Fox News likes puff pieces about tabloid news, rather than real news affecting real americans ;)
On a side note, its almost like they are trying to one up each other in the tabloids. I admit it, I read tmz regularly and between, her, Nicole Ritchie and Paris, its like they are trying to out do each other for attention: negative or positive. Its quite pathetic. I can't wait for her and Ritchie to go to jail.

LOL. I hope not though, they are going to make prison chic or something.
I'm teasing Damo - I know that MSNBC is as bad as Fox on the tabloid crap.

Oh God, and what is their obsession with prisons? I can't take it. You know if you're lying around on a weekend, and want to watch some news, forget MSNBC. Just forget it. It's all prison stories all the time. Oh, that's right, they do break it up with some stories here and there about pervs they set up by pretending to be 13 year old girls or something.

That's why I always end up watching book tv on saturday mornings if I'm around.
Oh God, and what is their obsession with prisons? I can't take it. You know if you're lying around on a weekend, and want to watch some news, forget MSNBC. Just forget it. It's all prison stories all the time. Oh, that's right, they do break it up with some stories here and there about pervs they set up by pretending to be 13 year old girls or something.

That's why I always end up watching book tv on saturday mornings if I'm around.
cnn is not an option?

I watch whichever catches my attention at the moment with a story of some merit.
Oh God, and what is their obsession with prisons? I can't take it. You know if you're lying around on a weekend, and want to watch some news, forget MSNBC. Just forget it. It's all prison stories all the time. Oh, that's right, they do break it up with some stories here and there about pervs they set up by pretending to be 13 year old girls or something.

That's why I always end up watching book tv on saturday mornings if I'm around.

Yeah, MSNBC is a joke. Are they really a "News" cable network? Hardball and Countdown are the only reason I bother to tune in. Christ, I saw tucker carlson yesterday - he had on Katrina Van Denhuevel. She was being serious and substantive, as she always is. And you know what tucker was doing? He was hurling childish taunts at her, like : "You liberal chardonnay-drinker!".

Can it get anymore lame?
I'm starting to think CNN is the only half serious news channel.

these young girls are out for the pub and bad ass rep as that gets them more roles than the girl scout image.:clink:
I'm starting to think CNN is the only half serious news channel.

these young girls are out for the pub and bad ass rep as that gets them more roles than the girl scout image.:clink:
I seriously doubt that she had it planned quite that far.

"Let's see, I need to be in the news, let me go and endanger families by driving under the influence of cocaine! That way I'll be in the news!"

Seriously. This is what you believe that she was thinking?
And you know what tucker was doing? He was hurling childish taunts at her, like : "You liberal chardonnay-drinker!".

Can it get anymore lame?

? What's wrong with Chardonnay? I mean, I'd prefer a cool glass of Pinot Grigio if given the option, but to degrade chardonanny drinkers?
Yeah, MSNBC is a joke. Are they really a "News" cable network? Hardball and Countdown are the only reason I bother to tune in. Christ, I saw tucker carlson yesterday - he had on Katrina Van Denhuevel. She was being serious and substantive, as she always is. And you know what tucker was doing? He was hurling childish taunts at her, like : "You liberal chardonnay-drinker!".

Can it get anymore lame?

I saw that! I was yelling at my tv Cypress. I have had it with that whining little bow-tied moma's boy. I would like to personally kick his ass. No wonder he is always crying about having to cross his legs when he sees a woman because he's afraid she's going to castrate him.

There's going to be a line to do just that soon.
I saw that! I was yelling at my tv Cypress. I have had it with that whining little bow-tied moma's boy. I would like to personally kick his ass. No wonder he is always crying about having to cross his legs when he sees a woman because he's afraid she's going to castrate him.

There's going to be a line to do just that soon.
He's MSNBC's answer to Colmes. They wanted somebody just as poor at debate on the R side to match him on their show.