More evidence...

? What's wrong with Chardonnay? I mean, I'd prefer a cool glass of Pinot Grigio if given the option, but to degrade chardonanny drinkers?

It's an old con insult, usually used to demean liberal men. The chardonnay drinking homosexuals at coctail parties in Noo Yawk city. Like that.
I saw that! I was yelling at my tv Cypress. I have had it with that whining little bow-tied moma's boy. I would like to personally kick his ass. No wonder he is always crying about having to cross his legs when he sees a woman because he's afraid she's going to castrate him.

There's going to be a line to do just that soon.

lol I think Katrina could kick Tucker's ass. I mean c'mon...a dude named "Tucker"? Do you know how often he got his ass kicked in middle school for having that name?

And katrina did look REALLY pissed lol
lol I think Katrina could kick Tucker's ass. I mean c'mon...a dude named "Tucker"? Do you know how often he got his ass kicked in middle school for having that name?

And katrina did look REALLY pissed lol
Tucker rhymes with?

And you can clearly see where that went in Middle School.
LOL Tucker the F*cker, I never thought of that, he probably did get an ass kicking on a regular basis.

And he looks like Thurston Howell the third is his father anway.

I totally noticed that Katrina looked like she would have kicked his butt if she was in the same studio Cypress. I don't think he would have had the nerve to talk shit like that if she was though. He's scared of women.
It's an old con insult, usually used to demean liberal men. The chardonnay drinking homosexuals at coctail parties in Noo Yawk city. Like that.
LOL, yeah real men only drink Budweiser :)
boy are we self made victims of advertising ....