More extreme left PC idiocy....

Fuck you, goofball.

I have NEVER defended Bernie Sanders.

I even speculated that if he had won the primaries and gotten the nomination over Biden, I might not even cast a vote for President last year.

So shut the fuck up, bitch.

You don't know what the fuck you're flapping your yap about.

You just did defend him fuckstick.
Yes, I know I have a long tradition here of championing the causes and agenda of the Democratic Party and the left in general. And I have argued vehemently against what I see as the intransigence of the right.

And I still feel the same. Nothing has changed.

I have, however, been known to speak out against my own side when the extremist fringe loonies have said or done things that even solid Democrats like myself find embarrassing, outrageous and beyond the pale.

A viral meme involving the outfit Bernie Sanders' wore on inauguration day has flooded the internet over the past few weeks.

It's a photo of him sitting alone in a chair bundled against the freezing cold with a puffy parka style jacket and mittens.


Apparently, Sanders has licensed the image and has used it to raise millions of dollars for various charities, including Meals On Wheels.

That's a good thing, right?

Not according to some San Francisco dipsh*t school teacher who saw it as a glaring and outrageous example of Bernie Sanders' "white privilege".

According to this dipsh*t whose name is Ingrid Seyer-Ochi, writing in a San Francisco Chronicle op-ed piece, Sanders' choice of clothing represented...

“privilege, white privilege, male privilege and class privilege” symbolized by Sanders’s choice of a relatively casual Burton snowboarding jacket and repurposed wool mittens.

Seyer-Ochi addressed the topic with her students, who she said were also upset by what they saw as the implicit message being delivered by Sanders’s choice of outerwear.

“What did they see? They saw a white man in a puffy jacket and huge mittens, distant not only in his social distancing, but in his demeanor and attire,” Seyer-Ochi wrote, adding, “What did I see? What did I think my students should see? A wealthy, incredibly well-educated and -privileged white man, showing up for perhaps the most important ritual of the decade, in a puffy jacket and huge mittens.

“I don’t know many poor, or working class, or female, or struggling-to-be-taken-seriously folk who would show up at the inauguration of our 46th president dressed like Bernie.”

Fortunately, common sense still prevails amongst the populace and the Tweets in response put things back into perspective and hopefully, her in her place.

A couple of examples:


I will never embrace right-wing conservatism even though as a centrist Democrat I occasionally agree with them in principle on some issues.

But sh*t like this makes me understand why so many on the right hate the left.

This dumbass does not represent the majority of those of us on the left.

These idiots need to be roundly shouted down and not just by the right.

But by every one on the left who is concerned about our side's credibility.

And it teaches kids
They are not teaching our kids at schools...people like this idiot are!

'Mindless'? On the evidence so far, you traded yours in for rotgut years ago. 'Zombie'? You claim still to be alive? 'Lunatic'? You think the coup was attempted by sane people? You think a sane President would claim, on no evidence whatever, that he was cheated in the election? Seems to me Nomad is right on the ball.
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I don't know why the maggot Nomad doesn't just join the Q'Anon Seditionist-Fascist Republican Party.

Luke warm phony liberals are just fascists without the balls to admit it.

I can't imagine what it would be like to go through life as such a feckless, craven coward.
You, Nomad, suck the puss out of the sores on syphilitic little fascist penises, you disgusting DINO.

This doesn't have much to do with this thread, frankly.

It's something that's needed to be said every time Nomad makes an appearance.
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All I can say is that if this is the nonsense we are going argue about then we have made a turn for the better over the last four years.

And for the record I agree with the OP.
I don't know why the maggot Nomad doesn't just join the Q'Anon Seditionist-Fascist Republican Party.

Luke warm phony liberals are just fascists without the balls to admit it.

I can't imagine what it would be like to go through life as such a feckless, craven coward.
You, Nomad, suck the puss out of the sores on syphilitic little fascist penises, you disgusting DINO.

So in your book unless one is all in on CRT and the Ibram Kendi, Nicole Hannah Jones (1619 Project) and others vision of America you aren’t a real Democrat?
All I can say is that if this is the nonsense we are going argue about then we have made a turn for the better over the last four years.

And for the record I agree with the OP.

Maybe I’m misunderstanding you but you’re saying that arguing over white privilege in this country is nonsense?
So in your book unless one is all in on CRT and the Ibram Kendi, Nicole Hannah Jones (1619 Project) and others vision of America you aren’t a real Democrat?

I am not an expert on Afro-centric political initiatives.
We each prioritize our own issues, this not being a comment or opinion on the issues important to others.

If you don't demand a more comprehensive and effective public sector and a much more regulated private sector, then no, you are not a real Democrat.
If you claimn to be, you're a pathetic DINO like Joe Manchin.

Also, if you believe in moderate solutions for immoderate problems, you are not serious about repairing America and are in fact contributing to its failure.
I was not Critical of Jim Jordan for his many appearances during Congressional House hearings in Khaki Pants, short white sleeve shirt, and no tie, pants unzipped etc.

BECAUSE IT IS JUST TOO PETTY! Would I dress that way, NO! But, of all things to dislike about Jim Jordan- his dress is not what I focus on as a Congressman! A tie and $1,000 5th Avenue Alpaca Wool Overcoat does not make the man- AS DONALD TRUMP PROVES!

And Inauguration Day was colder than a cast iron commode in Greenland.
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Maybe I’m misunderstanding you but you’re saying that arguing over white privilege in this country is nonsense?

No I am saying they are seeing something there that does not exist, because some see racism in everything they see and if it is not actually there they make it up.

This is not a monopoly of the Libs either, the right does it also, the proof is a bunch of morons whining about a supposed stolen election and that we are about to be turned into a communist country both of which are complete Nonsense.

Racism is an important issue and needs to be in the open and addressed, but in this case it is Nonsense.
You just did defend him fuckstick.

You are a complete fucking idiot.

Defending his choice of clothes he was wearing to stay warm in cold weather is not the same as defending his political positions.

You would understand that if you weren't such a complete fucking idiot.

But you're such a complete fucking idiot, so you need to have it explained to you.

Fucking idiot.
They are not teaching our kids at schools...people like this idiot are!

While I don't disagree that this kind of nonsense just like the extreme right nonsense rubs off on kids to a certain degree, I cannot agree that they are not teaching kids in school.

After I became semi-retired about 20 years ago, I worked as a substitute teacher for several years because the pay wasn't bad, the days were relatively short and I could work or take days off whenever I wanted to. But I saw first hand how the system was working and I can tell you, they are still teaching academic knowledge as well as they always have and in many cases, better.