More hilarity brought to you by the party of NO!!!

Its freekin' "g" is your friend, try it....or maybe the urban dictionary, that might have it....

Cripes, pretty soon you'll be ridiculing President Obama for saying "corpse" men in a speech, instead of "corps"men.....3 times no less....

or would you stoop that low ?......Clarabelle.....

Put your skirt one is buying.

You spelled a word WRONG, and continue to do it in an effort to enforce your point. The "urban dictionary" is not Websters or's not the standard in decent grade or high schools or colleges and last time I checked, street slang didn't go over well in a job interview.

So for you to invoke the latest neocon orgasm over Obama's ERROR as a comparsion to my pointing out your proud defense of your poor composition is an action of a an insipidly stubborn child. But hey, if "clarabelle" is still a knee slapper at the "home", then I guess anything is possible with you. Carry on. :cof1:
Put your skirt one is buying.

You spelled a word WRONG, and continue to do it in an effort to enforce your point. The "urban dictionary" is not Websters or's not the standard in decent grade or high schools or colleges and last time I checked, street slang didn't go over well in a job interview.

For a liberal, you're being very conservative about spelling.

Establishment Dictionary = Conservative
Urban Dictionary = Liberal

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Then, if you're so inclined, we can have a rational discussion on the facts.

????....but where would I find someone to have it with?......

When you act rational and demonstrate a willingness to discuss ALL facts presented, I will respond in kind. If you do not, you get back what you put out. The choice is yours.
For a liberal, you're being very conservative about spelling.

Establishment Dictionary = Conservative
Urban Dictionary = Liberal


What was that? How does that disprove what I told that imbecile Bravo? If Moma didn't tell you, don't go into a job interview with this BS you just posted, because they'll tell you that proper use of the language is not a conservative or liberal issue, but one of proper use of education. But hey, be a dummy and just keep repeating the nonsense you just posted...I'm sure it's a great "got'cha" point for you and the other neocon parrots to squawk over with maudlin glee! Carry on.
Put your skirt one is buying.

You spelled a word WRONG, and continue to do it in an effort to enforce your point. The "urban dictionary" is not Websters or's not the standard in decent grade or high schools or colleges and last time I checked, street slang didn't go over well in a job interview.

So for you to invoke the latest neocon orgasm over Obama's ERROR as a comparsion to my pointing out your proud defense of your poor composition is an action of a an insipidly stubborn child. But hey, if "clarabelle" is still a knee slapper at the "home", then I guess anything is possible with you. Carry on. :cof1:

Cripes, pretty soon you'll be ridiculing President Obama for saying "corpse" men in a speech, instead of "corps"men.....3 times no less....

or would you stoop that low ?......Clarabelle...

So tell me Miss Clara, now that your a year or two out of the ebonics stage, how is it pronounced....kor-men or korpse-men.....
Your Harvard, affirmative action educated Messiah thinks its Corpse-men...

Is that freekin' right.....Oh, did you google 'freekin' yet.....174,000 hits on freekin'....
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you know, I tried.....I really tried....until I came to the important one....

and what did I find when I clicked the sublink provided?....

I find that well as consistent with your argument....."not found"........:pke:

All you had to say was, "the link didn't work"....:palm:

As you're not really interested (or too lazy) in basic research of the issue, just this once, I'll do your homework for you. I've provided a article from the source plus a clearer chart from another source. Note the source of the chart used on both:
Sometimes I truly believe that you are sincerely that dense! But hope springs eternal. Note the chart used in this article and the source of that chart:

Whats your point fool.....why use some boneheaded left wing bullshit site when you can go directly to the US SENATE and get the official figures...thats why you're an idiot, you read left wing crap and its clogging what little brain you might have....

Cloture Motions - 110th Congress
From January 4, 2007 through January 2, 2009, 139 cloture motions were filed.

Note WHO FILED these motions....

Originally Posted by bravo View Post
Cloture Motions - 107th Congress
From January 3, 2001 through November 22, 2002, 72 cloture motions were filed.
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All you had to say was, "the link didn't work"....:palm:

As you're not really interested (or too lazy) in basic research of the issue, just this once, I'll do your homework for you. I've provided a article from the source plus a clearer chart from another source. Note the source of the chart used on both:

yep I see the chart of cloture votes brought by the party of obstruction.....however, as bravo has pointed out, that party is the party of Harry Reid, the guy who filed the keep ignoring that part.....much to our amusement....
yep I see the chart of cloture votes brought by the party of obstruction.....however, as bravo has pointed out, that party is the party of Harry Reid, the guy who filed the keep ignoring that part.....much to our amusement....

:palm: FYI for the laughing boys:

From the U.S. Senate webpage Bravo is so stoked on:

Just over 160 filibusters filed by the GOP from 2009 to present

Now, pay attention (also from the U.S. Senate webpage)

cloture - The only procedure by which the Senate can vote to place a time limit on consideration of a bill or other matter, and thereby overcome a filibuster. Under the cloture rule (Rule XXII), the Senate may limit consideration of a pending matter to 30 additional hours, but only by vote of three-fifths of the full Senate, normally 60 votes.

filibuster - Informal term for any attempt to block or delay Senate action on a bill or other matter by debating it at length, by offering numerous procedural motions, or by any other delaying or obstructive actions.

So it would seem that Reid was filing a cloture for a REASON...not to just be an obstructionist to the neocon driven GOP, as you and the false bravado have erroneously deduced.

Laugh that one off, chuckles!
Whats your point fool.....why use some boneheaded left wing bullshit site when you can go directly to the US SENATE and get the official figures...thats why you're an idiot, you read left wing crap and its clogging what little brain you might have....

Cloture Motions - 110th Congress
From January 4, 2007 through January 2, 2009, 139 cloture motions were filed.

Note WHO FILED these motions....

Originally Posted by bravo View Post
Cloture Motions - 107th Congress
From January 3, 2001 through November 22, 2002, 72 cloture motions were filed.

Wipe the spittle off your screen and then get an adult to connect the dots for you...I'm pretty sure PMP gets it, even though he'll never admit it outright:

[ame=""]Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - More hilarity brought to you by the party of NO!!![/ame]
So tell me Miss Clara, now that your a year or two out of the ebonics stage, how is it pronounced....kor-men or korpse-men.....
Your Harvard, affirmative action educated Messiah thinks its Corpse-men...

Is that freekin' right.....Oh, did you google 'freekin' yet.....174,000 hits on freekin'....

How would you use "freekin" or "freeking" in a job interview??

Would it be something like:
"I really want to work for your freeking company; because I need a freekin J-O-B."
Originally Posted by bravo
So tell me Miss Clara, now that your a year or two out of the ebonics stage, how is it pronounced....kor-men or korpse-men.....
Your Harvard, affirmative action educated Messiah thinks its Corpse-men...

Is that freekin' right.....Oh, did you google 'freekin' yet.....174,000 hits on freekin'....

How would you use "freekin" or "freeking" in a job interview??

Would it be something like:
"I really want to work for your freeking company; because I need a freekin J-O-B."

Hey, that's Bravo for you......he's so pissed off that I just called him out on his consistent error that he's actually trying to pass off the "urban" dictionary as equal to the STANDARD for English grammar as taught for generations in our schools.

He's so flustered, he's devolved to racists overtones in his attempts to insult me. I mean, how stupid is it that a man who is trying to pass off some misspelled slang as "legit" is accusing me of "ebonics", when clearly I've never used that nomenclature on these threads. Oh well, I guess with a mindset that considers "clarabell" a hip insult, anything, anything makes sense. Sad. :palm:
So tell me Miss Clara, now that your a year or two out of the ebonics stage, how is it pronounced....kor-men or korpse-men.....
Your Harvard, affirmative action educated Messiah thinks its Corpse-men...

Is that freekin' right.....Oh, did you google 'freekin' yet.....174,000 hits on freekin'....

Even this guy sees your folly!

[ame=""]Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - More hilarity brought to you by the party of NO!!![/ame]