more holyroller hypocrisy....they hate gays but themselves are fat pigs


Junior Member
remember american idol, where holyroller mandisa made a dig on 'lifestyle addictions' and how god can help you overcome your addictions, however last time i checked gluttony was one of the seven deadly sins.... so one would think that the south would be choc full of thin people however that is not the case... see they hate everyone else when they really should be hating on themselves...

Mississippi continued to lead the way. An estimated 29.5 percent of adults there are considered obese. That’s an increase of 1.1 percentage points when compared with last year’s report, which is compiled by Trust for America’s Health, an advocacy group that promotes increased funding for public health programs.

Indeed, the five states with the highest obesity rates — Mississippi, Alabama, West Virginia, Louisiana and Kentucky — exhibit much higher rates of poverty than the national norm.

then where do all the sinners live?? LOL you guessed it!!!

Meanwhile, the five states with the lowest obesity have less poverty. They are Colorado, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Vermont.

all blue states w/ the exception of Colorado where they kill pitbulls.
Yeah if you read and believe the bible(I think it is a fairy tale) then you should believe that all sin is the same in the eyes of god. They are so focused on gays yet they forget that their fatass lying selves are sinning just as much.

Any time you insulted someone, lied, got jealous, thought of another woman, etc. you sinned just as much as the gay guy.

This is why they are extreme hypocrites.
Yeah if you read and believe the bible(I think it is a fairy tale) then you should believe that all sin is the same in the eyes of god. They are so focused on gays yet they forget that their fatass lying selves are sinning just as much.

Any time you insulted someone, lied, got jealous, thought of another woman, etc. you sinned just as much as the gay guy.

This is why they are extreme hypocrites.

just that alone makes it impossible.... i mean its impossible not to look at someone hot ever... even if your married etc... you can't go through your life and not check other people out... its just common sense... and human biology... but science is like kryptonite to a holyroller.
Rob you use the bible to make your point but ignore what it says about Gays ?

Leaning, you got that right, we po folks can't afford the grommet restaruants with the little fancy servings either :) Plus we hillbillys think our fishes should be fried not raw.

BTW KY seems pretty much like a red state to me. Both senators and the gov are repubs and we went for Bush.
some of my gay friends go to church, i dont, i don't really see the point in worshiping some cult that hates me.

See it for what it is but don't classify a whole lot by what it is not. I have a more conservative view on things than most here, I'm a christian, but I have no hatred towards gays. What they do is their business as far as I am concerned.
a serious question, Does the bible say we (christians)should subject all those around us (ie non believers) to gods laws ? Or just that the christians are supposed to live by gods laws ?
Rob you use the bible to make your point but ignore what it says about Gays ?

Leaning, you got that right, we po folks can't afford the grommet restaruants with the little fancy servings either :) Plus we hillbillys think our fishes should be fried not raw.

BTW KY seems pretty much like a red state to me. Both senators and the gov are repubs and we went for Bush.
Wow we must be really poor if all we can afford is to eat out at McDonalds.

Remember when poverty actually meant not having enough food, really puts both the whole BS coming from the left about kids starving and recession hurting into perspective doesn't it?
Ironically when Mandisa spoke out against lifestyle, she was referring to food indulgence and says she hates no one (although she didn't want to perform at gay events, big deal that's her personal choice ):

"On March 28, she preceded her performance of Mary Mary's “Shackles (Praise You)” with this statement: "This song goes out to everybody that wants to be free. Your addiction, lifestyle, or situation may be big, but God is bigger." In a later interview with MTV, Mandisa responded to speculation as to whether "lifestyle" was code for "homosexuality", saying it "broke my heart because I really do try to live my life according to the value system that you treat others the way you want to be treated. I absolutely hate nobody" and added that by "lifestyle", she was referring to how she has given in to "every food indulgence [she] ever had." However, in an interview with The Advocate, she also stated that she would not perform at gay events due to her personal beliefs. This statement makes Mandisa the first contestant on American Idol to alienate a demographic of viewers - the GLBT community."
a serious question, Does the bible say we (christians)should subject all those around us (ie non believers) to gods laws ? Or just that the christians are supposed to live by gods laws ?

Ooohhh!!! Oooohhhh!!! Pick me!! Pick me!!! I can answer that. (If I could do the Arnold Horshack raising my hand bit I would)

Seriously, Christians choose to hold themselves accountable to God's laws. They are supposed to be teaching and leading others to want to follow by example, not for their own glorification but for God's (Matt. 514-16). They are also to teach others of the way (Matt. 28:19-20), but the others should be willing participants - "not casting your pearls before swine..." (Matt. 7:6; 10:14). This may not be the way people like to hear it put but it is the way Christ put it and is exactly what He was addressing. Hope that helps.
Wow we must be really poor if all we can afford is to eat out at McDonalds.

Remember when poverty actually meant not having enough food, really puts both the whole BS coming from the left about kids starving and recession hurting into perspective doesn't it?

I know dano, I originally posted that tongue in cheek and us was chiming in. But there are those who will use it as an excuse.
Fast food for the most part is purchased by people too lazy to prepare their own food, so whadda you expect ?
I wanted to make one more point with rob (and whoever wants to read) on the title of this thread before I leave today. The religious world is full of hypocrites. In my teaching I point this out all the time. Many people use that fact as an excuse for not wanting to try to follow God's laws and to them I say this:

If you allow a hypocrite to come between you and God you need to stop and consider who is closer to God.
Another thought on fast food. People would rather have both parents working so they can have new cars and widescreen TV's and such as oppoesed to one parent staying home and preparing food and such. We put too much emphasis on our "material status" in life rather that our genuine quality of life.