more holyroller hypocrisy....they hate gays but themselves are fat pigs

Another thought on fast food. People would rather have both parents working so they can have new cars and widescreen TV's and such as oppoesed to one parent staying home and preparing food and such. We put too much emphasis on our "material status" in life rather that our genuine quality of life.

This is kinda off topic but not............As for the obesity that we have in this country it is just amazing. I see alot of kids that are extremely overweight for instance this is something that really annoys me and is not fair to the child we had a little boy on my sons pee wee football team he was 5 pounds over the weight limit at weighins, the parents had this poor child in sweats in 89 degree weather outside running for 2 hours, he was crying and so upset, my point is they knew last year that this child needed to lose weight, why do they wait till the last minute and have this child so upset and feeling horrible. and the worst part for all that little boy's hard work he still didnt make weighins.
I wonder if the fat kid or his parents were pushing him to be on the team ?

You must have watched North park last night ?
Is it because the poorer a person is the more likely it is that he will be eating at McDonalds?:)

That's what the bleeding heart libs will tell you, they have an excuse for anyone!

Myself, I say, take responsibility for what you put in your mouth and stop whining! It's all about personal responsibility.
I wonder if the fat kid or his parents were pushing him to be on the team ?

You must have watched North park last night ?

No actually never even heard of north park I don't watch much tv.

The kid really wants to play, his parents have the option of moving him up to the 9 year old team, since he is over the weight limit for the 7 and 8 year old team. However they don't want to do that, instead they would rather baby him and have him sit on the side lines watching all his team mates play. So the poor kid gets to suit up and sit on the bench, instead of playing on the 9 year old team.

I did overhear a conversation the kid's parents were having at practice 2 days before weigh ins they were talking about how they went to McDonalds and this child ate 2 double cheeseburgers, a large fry, and an apple pie oh and hears the kicker he had a diet coke........... Hello I'm an adult and that is way to much food for me let alone a 7 or 8 year old child.

I feel really sorry for these kid's who have parent's that clearly do not have a clue when it comes to food.
rob,I'm just wondering if there is anything in this world that we Christians aren't guilty of? Seriously...not to be rude,but you seem obcessed. You have the wrong idea of Christianity. I,like SE am a Christian,but I do not hate anyone for their lifestyle. We all sin...period. We will disagree on what is right and wrong,but I for one am a little tired of hearing how horrible of a person I am.

It is not my job to judge you,I will leave that to God. I don't want anyone judging me either. Like I said,we all sin and I don't know that God looks at one worse than the other....I'm wondering if you have been ridiculed or something by a Christian or group? To me in a true Christian church,they would not scorn you,but welcome you.