More infringment on your rights

TOKYO - Toyota Motor Corp. is developing a fail-safe system for cars that detects drunken drivers and automatically shuts the vehicle down if sensors pick up signs of excessive alcohol consumption, a news report said Wednesday.

Cars fitted with the detection system will not start if sweat sensors in the driving wheel detect high levels of alcohol in the driver's bloodstream, according to a report carried by the mass-circulation daily, Asahi Shimbun.

The system could also kick in if the sensors detect abnormal steering, or if a special camera shows that the driver's pupils are not in focus. The car is then slowed to a halt, the report said.

seems like a lot of people wont be going anywhere. i mean what if you need cateraks surgery?? it wont let you drive?? what if there is a glare on your glasses??

seems to me this is just a way to get more into our business and our lives.

not to mention how can sweat sensors detect alcohol levels in your BLOODSTREAM??

BAC isn't in sweat... what if its hot out and your sweating alot??

too many variables here and i doubt many will get to work on time and this will criple our economy.
More importantly, what happens when the machine is malfunctioning? How dangerous would that be if you're car just ups and stops?
exactly lady t.... what if im driving my pit to the doctor and he's been drinking?? or what if my friend is drunk in my car??

doesn't seem all too reliable.
exactly lady t.... what if im driving my pit to the doctor and he's been drinking?? or what if my friend is drunk in my car??

doesn't seem all too reliable.

well, I think it would probably work to specs in the first 3 years and then afterwards, like with most things you'd get kinks in them and I think that could really be dangerous. Not to mention the fact that a computer should not override a person when it comes to deciding when to stop a car. Who knows where you'll be or if you'll even be drunk. Good intentions, but I tend to agree there are too many variables here than can be dangerous and counter productive to the purpose which is "transportation"
TOKYO - Toyota Motor Corp. is developing a fail-safe system for cars that detects drunken drivers and automatically shuts the vehicle down if sensors pick up signs of excessive alcohol consumption, a news report said Wednesday.

Cars fitted with the detection system will not start if sweat sensors in the driving wheel detect high levels of alcohol in the driver's bloodstream, according to a report carried by the mass-circulation daily, Asahi Shimbun.

The system could also kick in if the sensors detect abnormal steering, or if a special camera shows that the driver's pupils are not in focus. The car is then slowed to a halt, the report said.

seems like a lot of people wont be going anywhere. i mean what if you need cateraks surgery?? it wont let you drive?? what if there is a glare on your glasses??

seems to me this is just a way to get more into our business and our lives.

not to mention how can sweat sensors detect alcohol levels in your BLOODSTREAM??

BAC isn't in sweat... what if its hot out and your sweating alot??

too many variables here and i doubt many will get to work on time and this will criple our economy.

I wonder if the system can "sniff" alcohol in open containers?

They have these drive-through daiquiri places in new orleans that I used to swing by in my car to buy a drink. I wonder if your car would stall if it sniffed the daiquiri you just bought?
There is an American product that works like a breath test, you have to blow into a tube before you start your car. Dawg you should like that one.
Yada yada yada, I remember the same type of thing about seat belts and such as well. Anything that can be done to keep drunks off the road wins my apporval.

Remember your driving is a priveledge not a right.
sigh.....I hate to say it, but Toby's right {shudder}

I think the aparatus that makes you blow into it before it starts is better. although it can easily be usurped.
i suppot installing the machines in vehicles of those convicted of DWI or DWAI for a long period of time; 5 years, say.
i suppot installing the machines in vehicles of those convicted of DWI or DWAI for a long period of time; 5 years, say.
Yes and a flag on the liscence and a big ticket if anyone with this flag is caught driving an unmonitored vehicle.
what may be better is that every drivers license has a mag strip like a cradit card. inser the license into a reader and then the car will start. the info on the license will teel the car whether the drive has to blow the breathalhyzer beofre starting the car. you could do all sorts of other neat stuff, too; like record hwo you drive so when the cop pulls yoiu over he can plug yor license into hius reader and find out how may laws you blofke in the alst 15 minutes!!! great revenue generator!!!

it would be very sad if THIS is my million dollar idea!!!
what may be better is that every drivers license has a mag strip like a cradit card. inser the license into a reader and then the car will start. the info on the license will teel the car whether the drive has to blow the breathalhyzer beofre starting the car. you could do all sorts of other neat stuff, too; like record hwo you drive so when the cop pulls yoiu over he can plug yor license into hius reader and find out how may laws you blofke in the alst 15 minutes!!! great revenue generator!!!

it would be very sad if THIS is my million dollar idea!!!

I take it you fully supported the patriot act?
Actually how fast the car has been going recently and stuff like that is currently stored in most Cars computers, CURRENTLY!
I figure in 15 years or so the car will print out you a ticket and copy the law office by wireless communication. then they can kill your engine remotely if they desire to. Most of the parts exist, just a matter of linking em up.
i vaguely recall one of the rental companies stareted to use GPS to trakc thier cars and were putting surcharges on the bill for exceeding the speed limits! they stopped when customers went through the roof.

but cops could do the same thing from the confort of their own trakcing station and just send out to tickest to the registerd driver, who would have to prove he wasn't the operator (just like they do with red light cammeras)
Technically, this can't be an infringement of your rights. Driving is a privilege, not a right. It may be an invasion of privacy but it's not an infringement of your rights. Technically.
