More Lies From The Democrats

What facts?

You presented some guy's OPINION of what is supposed to happen when the minimum wage goes up.

But guess what?

It didn't happen in a matter of fact, it didn't happen any of the other times minimum wage was increased either.

Thats only because its such a pitifully small number of people that work for minimum wage, idiot...

Are you really that stupid that you didn't realize that ?

Peons are working for much more than what you consider min. wage.......try raising that real min. wage that the peons work for, a few bucks higher and see what happens....
Absolutely. How many conservatives here are religious but not spiritual, and how many liberals are spiritual but not religious?

Personally speaking, most religious liberals that I know are also spiritual. I certainly am.

Now you're gonna delve into the religious versus spiritual aspects of the species ?...give me a fuckin' break.....ain't there some 'special' site you
crazies can log into ?
Now you're gonna delve into the religious versus spiritual aspects of the species ?...give me a fuckin' break.....ain't there some 'special' site you
crazies can log into ?

excuse me, turd chaser.... I didn't know anyone was putting a gun to your head and forcing you to read what anyone else posts. GFY write.
What facts?

You presented some guy's OPINION of what is supposed to happen when the minimum wage goes up.

Actually dimwit the only thing that happens when the minimum wage goes up is small franchised business owners and their customers end up with less money in their pockets and the high-school dropouts end up with those folks money in their pockets. Otherwise there’s absolutely no detectable economic effect to the economy regardless of the fucking Democrat’s absurd lie.

But guess what?

It didn't happen in a matter of fact, it didn't happen any of the other times minimum wage was increased either.

What are you claiming didn’t happen douche-bag? Just because the economy might or might not get better or worse after a minimum wage hike doesn’t mean the minimum wage hike was any attributable factor to the event. Of course lying ass leftist will claim every uptick in the economy is attributable to some fucking leftist government vote buying racket, but close observation always shows all kinds and manner of economic events contribute to economic conditions and a silly simple event like a minimum wage increase is less effective to economic conditions than pissing in the fucking ocean pea-brain.

How venal and small minded a person must be to presume one's freedom derives solely from their ability to decide what to do with their money.

Your priorities are waaaaaaay outta whack.
And what in your fucking pea-brain should I be aiming my priorities at Goober? Oh! That’s right in fucking Lefty-Land I should and would, (if I were an idiot lefty, prioritize the fucking fantasy that liberty is handing over my money to BIG-ASS fucking government because in Lefty-Land Mammy Government knows best and better what should be done with MY MONEY huh Goober?

And ain’t it sweet how y’all fucking lefties ignore the fact that the federal government has no constitutional authority to pay out unemployment compensation or legislate a national minimum wage. Those actions are solely the 10th amendment authority of the individual States.

I’ll take special notice Goober that you ignored my challenge to you to find constitutional authority for both or either.
Absolutely. How many conservatives here are religious but not spiritual, and how many liberals are spiritual but not religious?

The spiritual agenda of fucking lefties is figuring out another racket whereby they can extort other people’s money to buy the votes of deadbeats and high-school drop-outs and in that process ease their conscience that they never support private charities because they gave at the government.
the guys at the bottom are CERTAIN to pump every increase in their wage immediately back INTO the economy. The folks at the top.... not so much, so the economy will see stimulus.

Another economic genius who thinks the Government can just print money.

Expanding long term unemployment compensation does NOTHING to stimulate the economy. Anything the Government spends must first be forcefully extracted FROM the economy. This why the multiplier effect for Government spending is basically a wash. It is also why after spending $850 billion on another leftist pile of buffoonery euphemistically called a "jobs" bill in 2010, the economy didn't re-bound and we continued to see the labor participation rates decline.

Yes dunces, we have 2.7 million FEWER citizens participating in the work force.
See, the thing these greedy SOB Righties don't want to tell you is that if the minimum wage had kept pace with the cost of living over the past 40+ years, it would be near $20.00 an hour right now.

So where did all that money go if it didn't go to the employees doing the work in the form of yearly COLA raises?

Why, into those fat corporate BONUSES given to CEOs every year.

I'm not surprised economic morons like you ask such questions or make such moronic claims.

Where did you study economics if I may ask?

Do you think that the economic pie is finite, or infinate?

How many jobs do you think can be created if the Government raised the minimum wage to $20 an hour and how do you arrive at that figure? Impress us with your vast economic knowledge.
Righties like to whine that raising the minimum wage would hurt the middle class because the price of everything would go up...which is outright bullshit.

All they'd have to do to keep prices down is forego a couple year's worth of their HUGE CEO bonuses.

UNfortunately we all know those with more money than GOD can't afford to go without their yearly six-figure bonus. OH GOD the hardships those folk would be forced to live through if they didn't get their HUGE ANNUAL BONUSES!!

Hugo Chavez showed similar economic prowess you are here; how's that working in Venezuela?
$10 hr ain't hunting nobody
Why should I get to shelter $170,000 income tax free
And a poor slob pushing a mop can't get $10 hr!

Here's hoping they come after you next. How amusing that you think you're protected if you support such nonsense.

But then, you're an uneducated dunce with the economics knowledge of a third grader.
Let me splain it to you lucy in the head screws.

wealthy people had the chance to prove they would "trickle down" some jobs.

They made more profits than ever and did not do any trickling you fucking brain dead idiot.

Your shit FAILED yet again asshole

and yet again like the insane fucking piece of shit you are you deny you failed yet again.

Your party has not been correct on ANYFUCKING thing for a vey long time.

We are not going to listen to your stupid ass anymore because you guys never get it right and keep fucking crashing the economy.

Another brain running on empty; assuming of course that there is room for a brain in that dense cranium.
wanna bitch at progressive income tax... start a thread. It's been around through a whole lot of presidents from both parties. It's very "American".

Is that the topic, progressive tax rates? I could have sworn it was about raising the minimum wage and the idiotic DNC premise it will expand the economy?

Oh that's right; you're a dishonest hyper partisan dimwit who likes to crapflood threads with your off topic stupidity.
What facts?

You presented some guy's OPINION of what is supposed to happen when the minimum wage goes up.

But guess what?

It didn't happen in a matter of fact, it didn't happen any of the other times minimum wage was increased either.

I can't wait to see your facts on how raising the minimum wage increases economic output.
How venal and small minded a person must be to presume one's freedom derives solely from their ability to decide what to do with their money.

Your priorities are waaaaaaay outta whack.

That wasn't the argument you dishonest dumbass; it was that neither you, the Congress or the President, have a right to take ANYONE'S money to give it to SOMEONE ELSE.

But I will wait for your logical argument on how raising the minimum wage will improve this laggard economy five years into this dunces Presidency.
Now you're gonna delve into the religious versus spiritual aspects of the species ?...give me a fuckin' break.....ain't there some 'special' site you
crazies can log into ?

BINGO! They really are THAT stupid and THAT dishonest.
The spiritual agenda of fucking lefties is figuring out another racket whereby they can extort other people’s money to buy the votes of deadbeats and high-school drop-outs and in that process ease their conscience that they never support private charities because they gave at the government.
