More neo-con right-wing hypocrasy


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More neo-con hypocrisy comes with the debate over gay marriages. The very same neo-con Republicans that like to argue that America isn’t a “democracy” but a “ Republic,” are now arguing that “majority mob rule/democracy” should be the order of the day to deny gays their constitutionally guaranteed right to make free agreeable marriage contracts with one another.

Seems the real perverts in the debate are the hypocrite neo-cons that pervert their own lying ass claims. Then they wonder why their religionist right, authoritarian, busy body Taliban candidates can’t win a national election. Seems the nation would rather be governed by a communist than the Taliban, huh?
a republic is a type of democracy.

they want to bring it to the middle east yet they trash the word at home in their own democracy.

You can tell there is some set of assholes feeding the right stupid talking points that dont make any sense.

they still lap it up like pablum
they have refused for decades now to say the democratic party name correctly and sopend hours denying the dictionary and encyclopedias definitions of Democracy.

I would love to know who actaully writes this crap to feed to the right wing masses.

I would also know what drugs they give them to make them incaplable of telling what a lie or the truth is
The fun part is these clones are so well trained that you can spot a con trying to pretend to be a dem on these internets becuase they are incapable of saying or spelling the Democratic party name correctly.

they REALLY have it ingrained in their little brains

what clones
denying the very definitions of words just to try and sully the other partys name?

They take a great concept such as Democracy ad try to turn it into the same way they use socialism or faschism.

They want it to be on par with "poo poo head".

remember when Rove got on TV after the election and said the democratic party merely called robmoney a "Poopy Head" so the American voter didnt like him?
the right today is completely morally bankrupt.

how anyone stiill votes for these sociopathic assholes who run that party is beyond me
More neo-con hypocrisy comes with the debate over gay marriages. The very same neo-con Republicans that like to argue that America isn’t a “democracy” but a “ Republic,” are now arguing that “majority mob rule/democracy” should be the order of the day to deny gays their constitutionally guaranteed right to make free agreeable marriage contracts with one another.

Seems the real perverts in the debate are the hypocrite neo-cons that pervert their own lying ass claims. Then they wonder why their religionist right, authoritarian, busy body Taliban candidates can’t win a national election. Seems the nation would rather be governed by a communist than the Taliban, huh?

You are incorrect. Nobody is denying them the right to enter into contracts. Just don't call it marriage. Why do they have to call it marriage? That is what people object to. I don't care about anything else. It is not a marriage. A marriage is between a man and a woman. The rest of your post is sophistry

Democratic Party (United States)

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"Democrat Party (United States)" redirects here. For the use of the term "Democrat Party" as an epithet, see Democrat Party (epithet).

Democratic Party


Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL)

President of the United States

Barack Obama (President) (IL)

Senate Leader

Joe Biden (President) (DE)
Patrick Leahy (President pro tempore) (VT)
Harry Reid (Majority Leader) (NV)
Dick Durbin (Majority Whip) (IL)

House Leader

Nancy Pelosi (Minority Leader) (CA)
Steny Hoyer (Minority Whip) (MD)

Chair of Governors Association

Peter Shumlin (VT)[1]


1828 (modern)
1792 (historical)


430 South Capital Street SE,
Washington, D.C., 20003

Student wing

College Democrats of America

Youth wing

Young Democrats of America


Liberalism (American)
Internal factions:
• Libertarianism
• Third Way/Centrism
• Conservatism
• Labor unionism
• Christian left
• Social democracy
• Keynesianism

International affiliation

Alliance of Democrats



Seats in the Senate

53 / 100

Seats in the House

200 / 435


19 / 50

State Upper House Seats

866 / 1,972

State Lower House Seats

2,589 / 5,411


Politics of United States
Political parties

United States

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the United States

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The Democratic Party is one of the two major contemporary political parties in the United States along with the Republican Party. Since the 1930s, the party has promoted a socially liberal and progressive platform,[2][3][4] and its Congressional caucus is composed of progressives, liberals, and centrists.[5] The party has the lengthiest record of continuous operation in the United States and is among the oldest political parties in the world.[6]

Current President of the United States Barack Obama is the 15th Democrat to hold the office of Presidency. As of the 113th Congress following the 2012 elections, the Democratic Party currently holds a minority of seats in the House of Representatives and a majority of seats in the Senate, as well as a minority of state governorships and control of a minority of state legislatures.
You are incorrect. Nobody is denying them the right to enter into contracts. Just don't call it marriage. Why do they have to call it marriage? That is what people object to. I don't care about anything else. It is not a marriage. A marriage is between a man and a woman. The rest of your post is sophistry

MARRIAGE: 1.a legally recognized relationship, established by a civil or religious ceremony, between two people who intend to live together as sexual and domestic partners 2. a married relationship between two people, or a somebody's relationship with his or her spouse 3. the joining together in wedlock of two people the ceremony in which two people are joined together formally in wedlock. (ENCARTA ENGLISH DICTIONARY)

nine states prohibit same-sex marriage by statute and 30 prohibit it in their constitutions.[7]

A marriage is simply a “commitment contract” between agreeable people. Free American people have a constitutional right to assume any right they choose for themselves as long as what they assume doesn’t violate any right of anybody else.

What right of yours or anybody else’s is violated by gay marriage?
MARRIAGE: 1.a legally recognized relationship, established by a civil or religious ceremony, between two people who intend to live together as sexual and domestic partners 2. a married relationship between two people, or a somebody's relationship with his or her spouse 3. the joining together in wedlock of two people the ceremony in which two people are joined together formally in wedlock. (ENCARTA ENGLISH DICTIONARY)

nine states prohibit same-sex marriage by statute and 30 prohibit it in their constitutions.[7]

A marriage is simply a “commitment contract” between agreeable people. Free American people have a constitutional right to assume any right they choose for themselves as long as what they assume doesn’t violate any right of anybody else.

What right of yours or anybody else’s is violated by gay marriage?

You are wrong
a republic is a type of democracy.

they want to bring it to the middle east yet they trash the word at home in their own democracy.

You can tell there is some set of assholes feeding the right stupid talking points that dont make any sense.

they still lap it up like pablum

Yeah, we should probably remind North Korea and China that they aren't actually Republics. :D

I would say that the representative form of government is what defines a Republic more than how its officers are installed. That said, in the modern world, it is increasingly obvious that democratic elections are the viable way to appoint said officers. In the past, they would have inherited the right to hold office, had power brokers arrange it, been appointed by councils/monarchs/etc., had their terms arranged via a governing document which in some way rotated them in, or some other non-democratic method.

Also, I agree with Desh that calling it the "Democrat Party" is retarded. Democratic Party is offensive enough, but it is just ignorant and illiterate to call it by the name that proles have assigned it. It's just a moronic and braindead as "Repug" and other names that supposedly intelligent posters such as DQ throw around.
a republic is a type of democracy.

they want to bring it to the middle east yet they trash the word at home in their own democracy.

You can tell there is some set of assholes feeding the right stupid talking points that dont make any sense.

they still lap it up like pablum

America was founded by our forefathers as a ”Constitutional Republic” it’s only relationship with ”democracy” was the right of the governed to democratically elect their ”representation” which is sworn to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution and not to protect any whims, biases or partisan ideologies and prejudices of any majority.
calling it the "Democrat Party" is retarded. Democratic Party is offensive enough, but it is just ignorant and illiterate to call it by the name that proles have assigned it. It's just a moronic and braindead as "Repug" and other names that supposedly intelligent posters such as DQ throw around.

Why not just call both the Democrat & Republican Parties the ”Duopoly Dictatorship” since they’ve together rigged the ballot access system, the national debate system, they own the national media and have bribed all of the Wall Street and Special Interest loot into their campaign coffers with BIG government regulation, the tax code, subsidies & bailouts and favorable legislation for their loyal donors?