More neo-con right-wing hypocrasy

Why not just call both the Democrat & Republican Parties the ”Duopoly Dictatorship” since they’ve together rigged the ballot access system, the national debate system, they own the national media and have bribed all of the Wall Street and Special Interest loot into their campaign coffers with BIG government regulation, the tax code, subsidies & bailouts and favorable legislation for their loyal donors?
So are you advocating a proportional electoral system vs a winner take all system?
So are you advocating a proportional electoral system vs a winner take all system?

Actually I advocate for a “Constitutional Convention” that would amend our Constitution as follows.

!, All election ballots for national and State elections be made uniform throughout the nation.

2, All election ballots will be devoid of political party affiliation identification with all candidates.

3. All ballots throughout the nation for all elections shall be uniform in their number requirement for ballot access at 5000 signatures for any and all elections.

4, Only individual citizens of the United States are authorized to contribute a maximum of $5,000 to any and all political campaigns. Collective and special interest groups, corporations, labor unions, political partys or any kind of collective money is prohibited as donations to any candidate for any political office.

5, No taxpayer money shall be used by any State to finance in any way political party primary ballots or primary elections.

6, Any arrangement by political parties, private collectives, media broadcasters or any group or collective body or individual for a political debate must include all candidates that have met the requirements for access to the ballot for a State office election and all candidates for a Presidential election shall be included that have met ballot access requirements in enough States to have a numerical possibility of winning enough electoral college votes to become President.
More neo-con hypocrisy comes with the debate over gay marriages. The very same neo-con Republicans that like to argue that America isn’t a “democracy” but a “ Republic,” are now arguing that “majority mob rule/democracy” should be the order of the day to deny gays their constitutionally guaranteed right to make free agreeable marriage contracts with one another.

Seems the real perverts in the debate are the hypocrite neo-cons that pervert their own lying ass claims. Then they wonder why their religionist right, authoritarian, busy body Taliban candidates can’t win a national election. Seems the nation would rather be governed by a communist than the Taliban, huh?

If the country was willing to be governed by a communist, we wouldn't have a poverty rate higher than unemployment.
There are no guarantees except death & taxes.

We Agree!
