New member
Didnt need to, I was already educated!You could have gone to school once you immigrated!
You dumbass immigrant
Didnt need to, I was already educated!You could have gone to school once you immigrated!
You dumbass immigrant
Didnt we just show that you can indeed own a tank?
You really are retarded aren't you retardo?
You can still use the 50mm machine gun in some states!You can own a tank, But the weapon's have to be made useless first, Hence putting a big ass chunk of metal down the barrel.
I'm unmoved by gun nuts stubbornnessI have to say in this argument even with our diffferences 007 has beat you 'The Dude'.. He said you could own a tank, You said he couldn't, He proved it, You said he couldn't, He re stated the facts and you went on to childish name calling, Grow up and learn to bow out hen you realize your wrong with a little dignity.
I'm unmoved by gun nuts stubbornness
What a piss ant, you can't own an armed tank was the point, you fascist gun loverNo, your unmoved due to smoking to much weed, 007 stated the facts, you acted like a child and still refuse to admit it, Love being me, Ill call out any one who being a dumb ass no matter if they agree with my views or not. =)
Don't lie, you asked can you own a tank, I said you can.What a piss ant, you can't own an armed tank was the point, you fascist gun lover
Nobody loves guns, idiot!What a piss ant, you can't own an armed tank was the point, you fascist gun lover
What a piss ant, you can't own an armed tank was the point, you fascist gun lover
Don't lie, you asked can you own a tank, I said you can.
You can also own an armed tank if you choose.
And what you, in your ignorance, refer to as a bazooka.
You can buy a RPG legally.
You can own a RPG.Fucking retard immigrant.
Everyone has seen disarmed tanks on the news!
Can you own an armed bazooka or howitzer
You love guns
You nazi fuck face
The wuuses on the left will only get assaults banned, the toe tappers on the right will preserve thier perverse murder lust!You can own a RPG.
Which is a bazooka by another name.
Gun control is a nazi law, freedom and liberty are opposed to nazi values Or are you today.
You sir are the Nazi.
When outright bans are in place there will be an explosion in crime rates!The wuuses on the left will only get assaults banned, the toe tappers on the right will preserve thier perverse murder lust!
Nice going 00dahmer
Build a rabbit proof fence, that should work!I stated my self in a previous post on this thread that the tank had to be disarmed (barrel plugged with concrete or steel etc) while you have gone back and forth between you can own one and you cant own one. As for me being a gun lover, I'm sure a few on here can already tell you that my view's on gun's in there eyes make me evil seeing as I believe in tougher gun regulation so stop smoking the pot and pay attention to what is going on. I may be a gun enthusiast (I like to go shooting, These damn rabbits the British gave us Aussies are a fucking pest lol) but I dont go all out getting any and every gun so I am not a gun lover.
I wasnt quite sure so I checked up on some of your statement's, As far as I can tell civilian wise you can own a disarmed tank, But I am not certain if it can be armed for commercial purposes (Would be popular amongst the mid life crises men and hormonal young boys) for a fun day of blowing shit up? But as of yet all I can find is that you can own a tank, But it must be disarmed.
As for the RPG, You can own one but it requires and FBI check as well as follow on FBI checks for when you buy more rockets/grenades? and the RPG and ammo come with a 200% tax? so that would limit the mass use of them and ownership.
Quick side note: Even though some of you Yank gun nut's piss me off I got a slab of beer for each of you if you can come Down Under and eradicate our Rabbit issue, Estimates put there numbers in the hundreds of millions+ =)
Build a rabbit proof fence, that should work!
Seriously though, a decent air rifle should be sufficient to kill rabbits.
Rabbit is a fine meat for stews and pies.
Providing of course rabbits are not diseased!