More reasons Dems will win again

It's already known that the next race will most likely go to the Democratic side since the country is pushing ahead racially and demographically.

The gay guy that makes me feel strange to listen to has the point. But gays never judge us for feeling "strange" around them. They just hate being judged.
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Anti-Party, considering that you dominate everyone on this board in debate, liberal or conservative, one might think you would be more magnanimous to the commoners on the board.
Anti-Party, considering that you dominate everyone on this board in debate, liberal or conservative, one might think you would be more magnanimous to the commoners on the board.

You are exactly (R)ight. I plan to vote (R)ight.

But I nearly KNOW FOR A FACT that the ignorant Right will make me vote Left.
Wise up kids.
Oh, c'mon! Gun toting, racial slur spewing GOP muslim haters? It's every liberal's wet dream!'s almost like it was staged!(wink, wink, nudge!)

FOX NEWS<---------------

"Wherever you look on earth there is a bomb going off, or a car going up in flames. And it's Muslims screaming for the blood of Christians, or Jews, or anyone they hate....And 90% of them are on welfare!"

I'll just assume most right wing morons cant see the racism in that and won't be able to recall stating that just a few years back about the blacks.

I LOVE that Savage brings up that the Koran is a document of slavery when so many Libertarians worship the Magna Carta today and place it above our Constitution, that supports the Governments right to step into Commerce.
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