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This brazen, "balls out", fraud by Democrat election officials captured on CCTV is unbelievable....

Until the day before yesterday, I hadn't seen this particular surveillance footage. It exposes some the cheating carried by the Democrats' goons in the 2020 Presidential election and to me it seems that it is not just the individual acts of fraud that we see taking place in this polling center in Georgia that are outrageous, but the fact that they could only have been perpetrated in an area where there was clearly no diligent official supervisors keeping an eye on things - where there were no honest conscientious ballot counting/processing invigilators on duty.

Because if there actually were authorized observers in that room inspecting the ballot-counting process/s, then the only conclusion one can draw is that they must have taken a "Benjamin or two" (or so other type of bribe) to "turn a blind eye" to any dodgy goings on that they might happen to notice on their shifts.

The video depicts merely one type of ballot fraud; the fact is, there are so many different ways to defraud individual ballots and ballot-tallying processes (especially in an election like Nov, 2020, where the number of "mail - in " ballots was totally "off the wall." It was GINORMOUS and unprecedentedly so.

A recently-published "Axios - Momentive" poll reported that over 40% of Americans do not believe that Joe Biden legitimately won the November, 2020, Presidential election. That's a LOT of people and I have to say I'm not surprised. I was suspected the fix was in, when vote-counting was mysteriously and simultaneously stopped in a number of Swing States late on the night of the 3rd of November,2020, and when other "irregularities, like the so-called "glitch" in (dodgy-as-hell) Dominion computer system suddenly flicked 6,000 odd votes from Trump to Biden in a split second, I knew something was rotten. By the time the Associated Press announced at 10:40AM on Saturday 7th of November (after Pennsylvania had been called for him the day before) that Biden had reached the 270 Electoral College vote cut-off and was the winner of the election, I had seen and heard so many reports of dubious goings on, the stench of major corruption was unmistakable.


As everyone with an IQ over 100 points knows - (psst... that's your cue to stop reading this post right now, BIDENPRESIDENT; ditto: WALT, POLITALKER, CONCART, ARCHIVES, etc.):tardthoughts: - the Democratic Party Establishment are all innately corrupt; all Congressional Democrat "progressives" or members of the Black Caucus are mentally unstable, vengeful, lying hypocrites and low - IQ, nasty, ass-holes. The Democrats and their "dirty money" backers (like George Soros) funded the brazen defrauding of US Presidential election which illegitimately installed a poop-pants, demented, sexual pervert (a hair-sniffing, "octopus"), puppet POTUS, "Blow - Hole" Joe Biden, into the White House. "Blow-Hole" Joe - ( aka "fingers" Joe) - runs the US by doing exactly what his minders and handlers tell him to do. These minders and handlers are almost all slippery (to say the very least) Jews who are also members of the Council on Foreign Affairs - Ha, Ha, Ha what a funny coincidence ! - and are devoted to progressing the anti-American, globalist, socialist agenda (aka the "New World Order") that a clique of elite plutocrats wish to see realized. So the 2022 election theft, has had some very serious anti-American fall-out: open borders/mass illegal immigration, since Biden took up office as President some 2,000,000 illegal aliens have flooded into America across the Southern Border. The cost to the American taxpayer, just in terms of Welfare benefits and care will be astronomic (these illegals are also importing the potent opioid drug "Fentanyl", with the result that thousands of Americans have died of cardiac arrest caused by the drug); loss of energy independence (Keystone-XL); economic inflation now at a 40-year high due to reckless government spending. A shocking US Military debacle in Afghanistan, thousands of Americans abandoned by their own government and still stranded in a country run by Violent and primitive medieval savages ; political "dark money" funding the election of radical progressive, "soft-on-crime" DA's, resulting in spikes in violent/property crimes in cities across America, super - powerful teacher unions closely affiliated with the Democrat party (esp. the NEA and AFT) politicize the K-12 curriculum/pedagogy in public school in all 50 states with: radical woke ideology (e.g. Critical Race Theory), the teaching of the discredited, revisionist anti-American history (the Marxist "1619 Project") inappropriate pornographic materials relating to sexual orientation - (in Elementary schools) - with an emphasis on transgenderism; Biden's ongoing use of destructive Identity Politics to sow the seeds of division and hate to destabilize/fragment the nation, in particular, by "playing the race card." Biden and his globalist, progressive/socialist advisors oppose the Constitutional right to possess and bear arms - disarming citizens is a key step towards installing a totalitarian (globalist/socialist) state. Biden refuses to abide by and enforce Supreme Court decisions and plans to pack the Supreme Court with Marxist ideologues I'll finish with the "Woke Military (though it is certainly not the last example of Biden's anti-American rampage to date). The Woke Military is a Biden administration disaster, where the Department of Defense has been ordered to carry out a Woke offensive. The leaders of the Woke assault are targeting White servicemen/women and/or who support the US Constitution for "re-education" or if necessary expulsion. Wokeism is feminizing the American military and degrading the patriotism and the war - fighting capabilities of US armed forces.


The industrial - scale corruption and fraud that stole the November 2020 Presidential election from its rightful winner, Donald Trump, and placed the fate of America into the hands of a clique of slimy, anti-American CFR, globalist Jews, and their feeble-minded puppet POTUS - poop-pants, "China" Joe Biden, was a terrible thing indeed. No sooner were the globalist progressives in Biden's Cabinet and the Executive administrative heads installed in their various roles, they were pushing with all their might to realize their "transformative" agenda. It was revolutionary, but it was also, in a sense, a very straightforward agenda. It boiled down to.... "Use whatever means you must to destroy the American nation-state as quickly as possible." As you can see, they have done a pretty good job so far in terms of issuing reams of Executive Orders and legislation that have done a huge (unprecedented) amount of damage to America in many different ways.

Although the November 3rd, 2020, Presidential election will go down as one of the darkest hours in American history, it did manage to bring some very good news to light. Actually, when I say "good news", that's an understatement, because what I am referring to is something truly wonderful - something miraculous ! Allow me to explain what I am talking about....

Recently (near the end of January, 2022) the Wisconsin State Assembly held a hearing on its ongoing investigation of the 2020 election. In this hearing the members of the State Assembly were presented with incontrovertible, hard, scientific evidence confirming that elderly Wisconsinites enjoy extraordinary, robust good health. Indeed (!), if Wisconsin's 2020 election result is accurate and legitimate -(namely, that "Blow-Hole" Joe Biden did win the state by a bone fide 20, 682 votes) it means that Wisconsin has more than 100,000 active voters who are over the age of 124 ! What a remarkable and wonderful finding! Here's a brief summary of how it was discovered....

On Wisconsin's voter rolls for the 2020 election, there are 569,277 voters in the system registered to vote on January 1, 1918. They must all have been men because it would not be until August 26th, 1920, that women were given the right to vote in America, so all of the registrants must have been young men. It was also decades before the the voting age was lowered to 18 in the US, so all of them had to be at least 21 years old when they registered back in 1918. This means that if they were alive today, in 2022, they would be around 124 years old.

"So, WTF has this got to do with anything?", you ask." All of those guys you're talking about would now be dead. The whole 569,277 of those dudes on the voter roll would be six feet under right now - pushin' up daises", you say. Well, that's what I would have thought too, but get this!....The official number-crunchers who are currently investigating the 2020 election in Wisconsin have confirmed for a concrete, cold fact that 115, 252 of the old dudes actually cast ballots in the 2020 election !

Man (!) - how mind-blowing is that ?! It's only a matter of time now before an army of medical and scientific experts and researchers from all over the world descend on the state Wisconsin, USA to investigate the phenomenon of extraordinary longevity (and therefore robust good health across the lifespan) among the male population of the state (and perhaps the female population as well) Could it be something in the water? Is it due to the state's of "ice - cream culture"? Wisconsin has LOTS of dairy cows and farms, and its probably because there is a plentiful supply of cow's milk, that it makes and consumes huge amounts of delicious ice cream. Is there something special about Wisconsin ice-cream that promotes good general health and longevity ? Or could it be beer? Wisconsin has a long beer-brewing tradition and is host to breweries like Pabst, Miller, Blitz, etc; maybe these beers are health - promoting when taken in moderation ? Who knows what the scientists may discover when they perform their probes? They might find that Wisconsinites have sex at least 6 times a day and this is what allows them to still be running around "full of beans" at the age of 125 - poking the odd, young blonde with nice tits behind the barn, :yay: or popping "monos" along some main drag in Wisconsin on a big Harley (Harley-Davidson motorcycles were founded in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in 1903).

So, there is some really good news, right? Now that we know many thousands 0f (at least) 124 - year - old men are "alive 'n' kicking" in Wisconsin, we may well be able to learn the secret of their remarkable good health - longevity. Let's hope so. :)

But, of course, there are always the "dark clouds" - the "party-poopers" - aren't there? Those miserable souls who hear glad tidings like this and immediately begin to criticize, deride and mock. For instance, they will claim that the fact in the 2020 election there were 569,277 voters on the roll in Wisconsin who registered to vote in 1918 is nothing but incredibly sloppy book-keeping. Moreover the fact that 115,252 of these men cast votes in the 2020 election (which is 5.5 x more than Biden's margin of victory) was evidence of fraud because there are not 115,250 odd men aged 124 (or over) who rocked up to a polling station in Wisconsin and voted Biden in the 2020 election. Why not ? BECAUSE THEY WERE ALL F**KING DEAD, THAT'S WHY !

It just amazes me how downright nasty and skeptical some people can be. Know what I mean ? ;)


DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter ! :ausflag::usflag:
Could the person who shifted my post (above) to "Conspiracies and Conspiracy Theories" please identity themselves so that I can ask a couple of questions ?


Dachshund Lives Matter !
Could the person who shifted my post (above) to "Conspiracies and Conspiracy Theories" please identity themselves so that I can ask a couple of questions ?


Dachshund Lives Matter !
It was I who moved it. Voter fraud in the 2020 election is not a current event.
That’s pretty funny, Rudi’s blog with “proof,” and evidently the poster believed it, guess he forgot Rudi’s axiom, “the truth ain’t the truth”
Nice job by Rudy.

Yeah, I also wanted to highlight how they've ( just recently) PROVED for a concrete, cold fact, that Biden stole Wisconsin. They've got the goods on him, now, and its easy for anyone to see how the Democrats are now exposed as defrauding the ballot count. Unfortunately a member of the admin team - and I'm 95% sure its this (very) low - IQ (Maxine Waters level), leftist bitch called "Phantasmal" - has moved my post (above) to this backwater of the forum. She is so stupid, she wouldn't understand what I have written , just to begin with. So, if any senior moderators are reading this, I suggest it would be a good idea for you to ditch this political air-head of a woman, because she is an utter liability !


DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !
Yeah, I also wanted to highlight how they've just recently proved that Biden stole Wisconsin. They've got the goods on him, now, and its easy for anyone to see how the Democrats are now exposed as defrauding the ballot count. Unfortunately a member of the admin team - and I'm 95% sure its this (very) low - IQ, leftist bitch called "Phantasmal" - has moved my post (above) to this backwater of the forum. She is so stupid, she wouldn't understand what I have written , just to begin with. So, if any senior moderators are reading this, I suggest it would be a good idea for you to ditch this political air-head of a woman because she is an utter liability !


DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !

Stop crying, it should have been moved to the fiction forum where it belongs
It was I who moved it. Voter fraud in the 2020 election is not a current event.

Yes it is numbskull, because at the end of January , rock sold evidence was presented to the Wisconsin State Assembly's hearing into the 2020 election, PROVING very simply that Biden and his crooks stole the state via ballot fraud. PERIOD. Explaining this is what most of my post was about.


DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter
Yes it is numbskull, because at the end of January , rock sold evidence was presented to the Wisconsin State Assembly's hearing into the 2020 election, PROVING very simply that Biden and his crooks stole the state via ballot fraud. PERIOD. Explaining this is what most of my post was about.


DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter

LOL because the Aussie "knows" the truth :laugh:
He’s a derelict.

He knows what he’s doing. He’s good at it but he’s a very small individual.
The work is heavy and labor intensive. He’s suffers from
Pain. He self medicates. There’s grandmama, sorry we have
no more work for you. The same for spider.
I’m at her house. The bitch can’t take down the pipe.


We don’t pay him. It’s a friend of a friend.

Im not on any meds. She’s not on any narcotics. It’s high blood pressure and water pills.


Three doors down. Dude the b!ch is a crackhead. It’s the truth. I’m stating facts!
So you didn't watch the video, but chose to comment anyway.

Don’t have to watch the video, Rudi has been established as a 100% habitual liar, remember he told us, “the truth ain’t the truth, I don’t watch any video RT puts out either, same thing, if it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, and talks like a duck, common sense tells one it sure as hell ain’t an elephant
Don’t have to watch the video, Rudi has been established as a 100% habitual liar, remember he told us, “the truth ain’t the truth, I don’t watch any video RT puts out either, same thing, if it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, and talks like a duck, common sense tells one it sure as hell ain’t an elephant

So you didn't watch the video, but chose to comment anyway.
So you didn't watch the video, but chose to comment anyway.

Guess you missed the point, if it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, talks like a duck, I ain’t watching some video put out by a recognized liar trying to tell me it is an elephant
Guess you missed the point, if it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, talks like a duck, I ain’t watching some video put out by a recognized liar trying to tell me it is an elephant

So you didn't watch the video, but chose to comment anyway.
at the end of January, rock sold evidence was presented to the Wisconsin State Assembly's hearing into the 2020 election, PROVING very simply that Biden and his crooks stole the state via ballot fraud.

Is this the rock solid evidence you were referring to, Dachshund?

"Wisconsin Assembly Votes to Withdraw Its 10 Electors for Joe Biden in 2020 Election" - Jan. 26 Facebook post from Prime Time Patriots.

Similar claims went viral on Twitter, where users circulated a Jan. 25 article from The Gateway Pundit headlined “Wisconsin Assembly Votes to Advance Rep. Ramthun’s Resolution to Reclaim Wisconsin’s Electors That Were Certified Under Fraudulent Purposes.”

But there was no vote on removing the state’s 10 Electors for President Biden as claimed. And no resolution to that end advanced anywhere.

A lone Republican state representative introduced a resolution devoid of cosponsors that was referred to the Rules Committee and then rejected by Assembly leaders, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

The story stems from a resolution introduced on Jan. 25 by state Rep. Timothy Ramthun, in which he alleged Wisconsin's electoral ballots were "certified under fraudulent intent and purpose.” Ramthun’s proposal was then referred to the Rules Committee, as required under Assembly rules.

But Republican Assembly Majority Leader Jim Steineke, chairman of the committee, called the resolution illegal and “plain unconstitutional”.
“As chair of the Rules Committee, there is ZERO chance I will advance this illegal resolution,” Steineke wrote in a Jan. 25 tweet.

Biden won Wisconsin by more than 20,000 votes. A hand recount, audits and several lawsuits have found no evidence of widespread voter fraud that would affect the state’s election outcome.

Sources cited here:
This brazen, "balls out", fraud by Democrat election officials captured on CCTV is unbelievable....

Until the day before yesterday, I hadn't seen this particular surveillance footage. It exposes some the cheating carried by the Democrats' goons in the 2020 Presidential election and to me it seems that it is not just the individual acts of fraud that we see taking place in this polling center in Georgia that are outrageous, but the fact that they could only have been perpetrated in an area where there was clearly no diligent official supervisors keeping an eye on things - where there were no honest conscientious ballot counting/processing invigilators on duty.

Because if there actually were authorized observers in that room inspecting the ballot-counting process/s, then the only conclusion one can draw is that they must have taken a "Benjamin or two" (or so other type of bribe) to "turn a blind eye" to any dodgy goings on that they might happen to notice on their shifts.

The video depicts merely one type of ballot fraud; the fact is, there are so many different ways to defraud individual ballots and ballot-tallying processes (especially in an election like Nov, 2020, where the number of "mail - in " ballots was totally "off the wall." It was GINORMOUS and unprecedentedly so.

A recently-published "Axios - Momentive" poll reported that over 40% of Americans do not believe that Joe Biden legitimately won the November, 2020, Presidential election. That's a LOT of people and I have to say I'm not surprised. I was suspected the fix was in, when vote-counting was mysteriously and simultaneously stopped in a number of Swing States late on the night of the 3rd of November,2020, and when other "irregularities, like the so-called "glitch" in (dodgy-as-hell) Dominion computer system suddenly flicked 6,000 odd votes from Trump to Biden in a split second, I knew something was rotten. By the time the Associated Press announced at 10:40AM on Saturday 7th of November (after Pennsylvania had been called for him the day before) that Biden had reached the 270 Electoral College vote cut-off and was the winner of the election, I had seen and heard so many reports of dubious goings on, the stench of major corruption was unmistakable.


As everyone with an IQ over 100 points knows - (psst... that's your cue to stop reading this post right now, BIDENPRESIDENT; ditto: WALT, POLITALKER, CONCART, ARCHIVES, etc.):tardthoughts: - the Democratic Party Establishment are all innately corrupt; all Congressional Democrat "progressives" or members of the Black Caucus are mentally unstable, vengeful, lying hypocrites and low - IQ, nasty, ass-holes. The Democrats and their "dirty money" backers (like George Soros) funded the brazen defrauding of US Presidential election which illegitimately installed a poop-pants, demented, sexual pervert (a hair-sniffing, "octopus"), puppet POTUS, "Blow - Hole" Joe Biden, into the White House. "Blow-Hole" Joe - ( aka "fingers" Joe) - runs the US by doing exactly what his minders and handlers tell him to do. These minders and handlers are almost all slippery (to say the very least) Jews who are also members of the Council on Foreign Affairs - Ha, Ha, Ha what a funny coincidence ! - and are devoted to progressing the anti-American, globalist, socialist agenda (aka the "New World Order") that a clique of elite plutocrats wish to see realized. So the 2022 election theft, has had some very serious anti-American fall-out: open borders/mass illegal immigration, since Biden took up office as President some 2,000,000 illegal aliens have flooded into America across the Southern Border. The cost to the American taxpayer, just in terms of Welfare benefits and care will be astronomic (these illegals are also importing the potent opioid drug "Fentanyl", with the result that thousands of Americans have died of cardiac arrest caused by the drug); loss of energy independence (Keystone-XL); economic inflation now at a 40-year high due to reckless government spending. A shocking US Military debacle in Afghanistan, thousands of Americans abandoned by their own government and still stranded in a country run by Violent and primitive medieval savages ; political "dark money" funding the election of radical progressive, "soft-on-crime" DA's, resulting in spikes in violent/property crimes in cities across America, super - powerful teacher unions closely affiliated with the Democrat party (esp. the NEA and AFT) politicize the K-12 curriculum/pedagogy in public school in all 50 states with: radical woke ideology (e.g. Critical Race Theory), the teaching of the discredited, revisionist anti-American history (the Marxist "1619 Project") inappropriate pornographic materials relating to sexual orientation - (in Elementary schools) - with an emphasis on transgenderism; Biden's ongoing use of destructive Identity Politics to sow the seeds of division and hate to destabilize/fragment the nation, in particular, by "playing the race card." Biden and his globalist, progressive/socialist advisors oppose the Constitutional right to possess and bear arms - disarming citizens is a key step towards installing a totalitarian (globalist/socialist) state. Biden refuses to abide by and enforce Supreme Court decisions and plans to pack the Supreme Court with Marxist ideologues I'll finish with the "Woke Military (though it is certainly not the last example of Biden's anti-American rampage to date). The Woke Military is a Biden administration disaster, where the Department of Defense has been ordered to carry out a Woke offensive. The leaders of the Woke assault are targeting White servicemen/women and/or who support the US Constitution for "re-education" or if necessary expulsion. Wokeism is feminizing the American military and degrading the patriotism and the war - fighting capabilities of US armed forces.


The industrial - scale corruption and fraud that stole the November 2020 Presidential election from its rightful winner, Donald Trump, and placed the fate of America into the hands of a clique of slimy, anti-American CFR, globalist Jews, and their feeble-minded puppet POTUS - poop-pants, "China" Joe Biden, was a terrible thing indeed. No sooner were the globalist progressives in Biden's Cabinet and the Executive administrative heads installed in their various roles, they were pushing with all their might to realize their "transformative" agenda. It was revolutionary, but it was also, in a sense, a very straightforward agenda. It boiled down to.... "Use whatever means you must to destroy the American nation-state as quickly as possible." As you can see, they have done a pretty good job so far in terms of issuing reams of Executive Orders and legislation that have done a huge (unprecedented) amount of damage to America in many different ways.

Although the November 3rd, 2020, Presidential election will go down as one of the darkest hours in American history, it did manage to bring some very good news to light. Actually, when I say "good news", that's an understatement, because what I am referring to is something truly wonderful - something miraculous ! Allow me to explain what I am talking about....

Recently (near the end of January, 2022) the Wisconsin State Assembly held a hearing on its ongoing investigation of the 2020 election. In this hearing the members of the State Assembly were presented with incontrovertible, hard, scientific evidence confirming that elderly Wisconsinites enjoy extraordinary, robust good health. Indeed (!), if Wisconsin's 2020 election result is accurate and legitimate -(namely, that "Blow-Hole" Joe Biden did win the state by a bone fide 20, 682 votes) it means that Wisconsin has more than 100,000 active voters who are over the age of 124 ! What a remarkable and wonderful finding! Here's a brief summary of how it was discovered....

On Wisconsin's voter rolls for the 2020 election, there are 569,277 voters in the system registered to vote on January 1, 1918. They must all have been men because it would not be until August 26th, 1920, that women were given the right to vote in America, so all of the registrants must have been young men. It was also decades before the the voting age was lowered to 18 in the US, so all of them had to be at least 21 years old when they registered back in 1918. This means that if they were alive today, in 2022, they would be around 124 years old.

"So, WTF has this got to do with anything?", you ask." All of those guys you're talking about would now be dead. The whole 569,277 of those dudes on the voter roll would be six feet under right now - pushin' up daises", you say. Well, that's what I would have thought too, but get this!....The official number-crunchers who are currently investigating the 2020 election in Wisconsin have confirmed for a concrete, cold fact that 115, 252 of the old dudes actually cast ballots in the 2020 election !

Man (!) - how mind-blowing is that ?! It's only a matter of time now before an army of medical and scientific experts and researchers from all over the world descend on the state Wisconsin, USA to investigate the phenomenon of extraordinary longevity (and therefore robust good health across the lifespan) among the male population of the state (and perhaps the female population as well) Could it be something in the water? Is it due to the state's of "ice - cream culture"? Wisconsin has LOTS of dairy cows and farms, and its probably because there is a plentiful supply of cow's milk, that it makes and consumes huge amounts of delicious ice cream. Is there something special about Wisconsin ice-cream that promotes good general health and longevity ? Or could it be beer? Wisconsin has a long beer-brewing tradition and is host to breweries like Pabst, Miller, Blitz, etc; maybe these beers are health - promoting when taken in moderation ? Who knows what the scientists may discover when they perform their probes? They might find that Wisconsinites have sex at least 6 times a day and this is what allows them to still be running around "full of beans" at the age of 125 - poking the odd, young blonde with nice tits behind the barn, :yay: or popping "monos" along some main drag in Wisconsin on a big Harley (Harley-Davidson motorcycles were founded in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in 1903).

So, there is some really good news, right? Now that we know many thousands 0f (at least) 124 - year - old men are "alive 'n' kicking" in Wisconsin, we may well be able to learn the secret of their remarkable good health - longevity. Let's hope so. :)

But, of course, there are always the "dark clouds" - the "party-poopers" - aren't there? Those miserable souls who hear glad tidings like this and immediately begin to criticize, deride and mock. For instance, they will claim that the fact in the 2020 election there were 569,277 voters on the roll in Wisconsin who registered to vote in 1918 is nothing but incredibly sloppy book-keeping. Moreover the fact that 115,252 of these men cast votes in the 2020 election (which is 5.5 x more than Biden's margin of victory) was evidence of fraud because there are not 115,250 odd men aged 124 (or over) who rocked up to a polling station in Wisconsin and voted Biden in the 2020 election. Why not ? BECAUSE THEY WERE ALL F**KING DEAD, THAT'S WHY !

It just amazes me how downright nasty and skeptical some people can be. Know what I mean ? ;)


DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter ! :ausflag::usflag:


Overall, we rate Rumble Right Biased and Questionable based on the promotion of right-wing propaganda and conspiracy theories and false information, use of poor sources, and a lack of transparency.

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That’s pretty funny, Rudi’s blog with “proof,” and evidently the poster believed it, guess he forgot Rudi’s axiom, “the truth ain’t the truth”

So you don't believe your eyes and instead, pound your tiny fists in poutage and refuse to open them. Ironic and stupid. :palm: