Just kidding. Bush did all that, but he didn't get rid of loopholes, and otherwise pursued a variety of policies that were economically boneheaded. I don't think "cut taxes" is a magic bullet, but I also think that 33% is a reasonable top tax rate & a noble goal for America. Of all the talk right now about new programs (mainly, healthcare), and the need to bring taxes UP, I haven't heard ONE WORD about making gov't more efficient, eliminating wasteful bureacracy & trying to trim costs. Not a peep.
That is a major, major problem. To me, it is lacking in creativity, and shows contempt for the American taxpayer. You want a new program? Show us how you're going to pay for it without putting it on the backs of the so-called "rich," and tell us where you might be able to cut our current spending to make room for it.
We're far too accepting of the fact that our government is incredibly wasteful.
I knew someone would use the 9/11! ploy.
Supply side economic, as practiced by Bush is a dismal failure. So, let us agree that mindless "let's cut taxes on investment income and corporations" schemes don't necessarily lead to sustainable economic growth and an expanding middle class. We see what's happened. While america's infrastructure crumbles, and our manufacturing base fades away, all that's happened is that some people got rich on paper. There was nothing that happened that helped build american's infrastructure, or health of the middle class.
And, you are a well read person oncelear. I'm sure your not one of those types who would throw your hands in the air, and declare "well, if we don't do supply side, WHAT are we going to do???!!!"
You know there are all kinds of centrist, and progressive economic policies that have worked over the decades. It would be superflous for me to pretend you don't know what they are.