MORE WOKE CRAP -Quarters will soon have faces of women WHO DID NOTHING!!!

Text Drivers are Killers

Joe Biden - "Time to put Trump in the bullseye."
Why don't we honor people who actually did something like henry ford or thomas edison or steve jobs or bill ruger???

Beginning in 2022, women’s faces will circulate through the nation’s currency on quarters — something long overdue, according to Rep. Barbara Lee, a California Democrat who has been working on this legislation since 2017.

“I wanted to make sure that women would be honored, and their images and names be lifted up on our coins. I mean, it’s outrageous that we haven’t,” Lee said. “Hopefully the public really delves into who these women were, because these women have made such a contribution to our country in so many ways.”

The Mint selected the first two women to be in circulation by 2022: the civil rights activist and poet Maya Angelou and astronaut Dr. Sally Ride. Three others were announced in June: Wilma Mankiller, Adelina Otero-Warren and Anna May Wong.
This is so pathetic. Why can't we just admit that 99% of important people have been men.? Science, business, politics - nearly all the great ones have been men.
Do you spend time looking at whose faces are on coins?

no but the mint made, well, a mint selling state/natl park/etc quarters for the last 20 years or so.

so much for that.

but to be fair, they were running out of ideas for collectable coins.

time to ditch pennies n dollar bills and ramp up dollar coins and two dollar bills.

that would save a considerable amount of production costs, not impact cash register trays and be a minimal programming change in modern cash registers.
Putting nobodies on coins says a lot about how pathetic and stupid the Left really is. Can't they find one paragon of virtue among their ranks that actually amounted to something, or is it that all the Leftists that actually did something are so reviled that putting their face on a coin would only invoke more hatred of the Left?
Why don't we honor people who actually did something like henry ford or thomas edison or steve jobs or bill ruger???

Because there aren't any radical Leftists that have done anything positive and the radical Left wants their own on coins. So, they pick nobodies that did nothing and meaningless gestures as their choices for this.
Putting nobodies on coins says a lot about how pathetic and stupid the Left really is. Can't they find one paragon of virtue among their ranks that actually amounted to something, or is it that all the Leftists that actually did something are so reviled that putting their face on a coin would only invoke more hatred of the Left?

I can think of one paragon of virtue on the left, Teddy I'll leave you drowning a car I drive drunk off a bridge and will wait 8 hours to tell anyone about it Kennedy. He didn't spend a moment in jail so there's a virtuous leftie for you. Maybe they could put Mary Jo Kopechne on the coin. That's the last teddy killed.
Why don't we honor people who actually did something like henry ford or thomas edison or steve jobs or bill ruger???

Does this one scare you?

Putting nobodies on coins says a lot about how pathetic and stupid the Left really is. Can't they find one paragon of virtue among their ranks that actually amounted to something, or is it that all the Leftists that actually did something are so reviled that putting their face on a coin would only invoke more hatred of the Left?
