More Wokeness



Only the owners should care about Privilege and their Rights as owners as they count their money. Those workers need to focus on their obligations and responsibilities to us, so our money making is not interupted.
Norwegian university investigates if white paint is … racist

Thanks to a $1.2 million government grant, Norway’s University of Bergen is looking into how white paint has contributed to white supremacy around the world.

"The grant does not seek to answer, however, if white paint as a product is racist. Instead it seeks to investigate how its commercial success may have historically contributed to toxic views on race and whiteness." (SOURCE) (Emphasis added)
Conservatives and especially the Trumpists are just outrage machines. They create and consume only outrage.

And they will seek out even the tiniest little piece to consume. Like watching junkies sort through trashcans looking for residual heroin.

This from the black liars matter side of the aisle. You realize dont you that people are actually able to see how leftists behave, right? It's amazing you haven't caused yourself even more physical harm

Lionfish: literally no one can keep up with you and your non-stop outrage posts. You will dig through piles of nothing to find something to be upset about. Look around. NO ONE ON THE LEFT ON HERE IS EVEN IN YOUR LEAGUE.

You scream and cry ALL DAY LONG EVERY DAY about whatever Woke outrage you can find.