Mason Michaels
Verified User
You would just stain it.
How so?
You would just stain it.
I have no brains
How is this any different than any other Hollier-than-thou-roller out there thumping their bibles in everyone's face.
Because you could say the same thing about Catholics, Jews, Baptists, 7th day Adventists, etc.
Every religion wants your faith and your soul, and if you give it to them, they promise you'll have a place in Heaven.
If you don't they'll promise you a place in Hell!
Guno: "This week is Purim on the Jewish calendar"
Jack: Is attacking other Belief Systems part of the Celebrations? Part of 'Jewish Identity'?
attacking the oppressor is never wrong
nope, jews do not proselytize or advertize for any converts
that's a shame. that PP is retarded.....
I can't quite get the trick of this.....when PMP does it, its funny......when I do it I just look like an idiot
nope, jews do not proselytize or advertize for any converts
Heaven is located somewhere in Utah. Oh yeah and there's allegedly a vast web of tunnels and a secret base but don't tell anybody because it's a secret.
attacking the oppressor is never wrong
I believe Mormons think the Garden of Eden is in Missouri. They are really nuts. I can't see anyone believing in religions, but some are worse than others. Mormonism and Scientology are jokes. How anyone can read their history and belief without embarrrassment is amazing. You keep thinking"this is crazy". Others say sure, I can get my own planet.Makes sense. A bad Sci Fi writer,who figured out how much money is in religion,will someday be elevated to Jesus level as time erases his truth and the leaders can change it.
Smith was a conman, who is now a Mormon deity. Only took a century.
I believe Mormons think the Garden of Eden is in Missouri. They are really nuts. I can't see anyone believing in religions, but some are worse than others. Mormonism and Scientology are jokes. How anyone can read their history and belief without embarrrassment is amazing. You keep thinking"this is crazy". Others say sure, I can get my own planet.Makes sense. A bad Sci Fi writer,who figured out how much money is in religion,will someday be elevated to Jesus level as time erases his truth and the leaders can change it.
Smith was a conman, who is now a Mormon deity. Only took a century.
The Mormons are like the Scientologists. They are a recent invention and we know what their founders were like. They were low-level con men who duped a lot of people. Much on the level of Jim Jones without the Koolaid. Or Donald Trump minus the religion. What scammers .
I think its funny that an atheist thinks its okay to criticize what someone else one could possibly be more irrational than an atheist.......