Mortgage company offer 1%-down mortgages - BUT ONLY TO BLACKS!!

I read the topic. I addressed the other morons who refused to address the topic of a company employing raced base discrimination. Then your moronic self had to change the topic to pre 13th Amendment bullshit that did not fucking apply to the topic while claiming that it was the topic.

maybe YOU should read the thread, given that you have a bullshit masters degree, shit for brains.

It has everything to do with the topic. Massive generational wealth was built on the backs of slave labor. Any concessions to black Americans, who continue to bear the burden of that economic system, PALES in comparison to the massive wealth generated by slave owners.
You can’t sue them for giving special loans to their families

You cant sue them for giving private loans to their friends

You can’t sue them for giving private loans to their church members

You can only sue them if they refuse a loan to a white person

See how that works

They don’t have to offer friends and family members special programs to just anyone

So fuck you racist
No gas station or store has to put up a sign that says

We offer cheaper or free stuff to our friends and family huh
It has everything to do with the topic. Massive generational wealth was built on the backs of slave labor. Any concessions to black Americans, who continue to bear the burden of that economic system, PALES in comparison to the massive wealth generated by slave owners.

so you agree with discrimination. got it. and NO, it had NOTHING to do with the topic. It was only your idiot race card you libs think wins every debate. Not this time, you lose.
are you implying that the dead person was a slave, or the 5 cops that killed him were slaves. do you even know what the topic really is? or are you just using your masters to throw bullshit at a wall?

Putin is training your children to be war fodder in school now

You would sell their lives to Putin for a cigarette huh dumb shit
so you agree with discrimination. got it. and NO, it had NOTHING to do with the topic. It was only your idiot race card you libs think wins every debate. Not this time, you lose.

Are you allowed to give free or special pricing to anyone you choose in your private business asshole?

You Russians really don’t understand the free market
anyone that currently lives in a community that is 51% black qualifies. That is how this program is legal. They are not rejecting you based on your race, they are rejecting you based on where you reside
So companies are now allowed to refuse service to white people!! Fine - now lets let retailers put up signs saying "DUE TO THEFT, BLACKS ARE NOT ALLOWED IN THIS STORE."

Prove to us that White People cannot apply or be qualified for these very same loans!

We'll wait for your proof!

Just because these loans are targeted for areas where minorities predominately live, does not disqualify White people or anyone else living or wanting to live in these same areas!

These types of programs are created to help the poor become Home Owners, and the only thing that disqualifies you is one's HIGH income and Bad debt history- NOT THE COLOR OF YOUR SKIN!

What a DOPEY RACIST FOOL AND INTENTIONAL DECEPTIVE LIAR! Get off the crack pipe and find your SOUL- if you have one.
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It has everything to do with the topic. Massive generational wealth was built on the backs of slave labor. Any concessions to black Americans, who continue to bear the burden of that economic system, PALES in comparison to the massive wealth generated by slave owners.

HAHAHA. Look at all the money america has given negroz over the last 50 years in welfare and affirmative action jobs. It's around a TRILLION DOLLARS every year. Negroz have massively ripped off working white people. It's white people who deserve reparations not the worthless negroz. THINK
If a realtor offered cheap mortgages to people who lived in cities that were mostly white, you libs would be howling!!! THINK

This already happened, that went on all the way through the Bush Jr. years in office. The feds kept the interest rates low, but only the rich could afford to take advantage of the low rates, to buy cars or homes because of the ongoing recession and High Rate of Unemployed people in record numbers accumulating in every state.
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