Mortgaging Our Childrens Future

Skip the tax cuts, how does the spending make sense?
If the spending was actually stimulating the economy it wouldn't trickle in. The trickle in stimulus is designed to get them re-elected as most of the stimulus takes place only in election years.
If the spending was actually stimulating the economy it wouldn't trickle in. The trickle in stimulus is designed to get them re-elected as most of the stimulus takes place only in election years.

So the new deal kicked in in 6 months?

But yes I think the current stimulus could be better done than it is.
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If the spending was actually stimulating the economy it wouldn't trickle in. The trickle in stimulus is designed to get them re-elected as most of the stimulus takes place only in election years.

That's kind of ridiculous. Yes, they should be allocating it faster, but the idea that they're holding it until election years is nuts.

Even as politicians, they're interested much more in the effects stimulus spending will have in 6, 12 & 18 months than in its immediate results.
That's kind of ridiculous. Yes, they should be allocating it faster, but the idea that they're holding it until election years is nuts.

Even as politicians, they're interested much more in the effects stimulus spending will have in 6, 12 & 18 months than in its immediate results.
Only "kind of"... And no it isn't ridiculous when you read the legislation.
Why were none of you righties complaining of this during the Bush spendfest?
For some reason it only became an issue to your types when a dem took office.

WHAT?? Are you smoking crack? There have been NUMEROUS people from the right and center-right, who complained about Bush spending, LOUDLY! In fact, a very legitimate argument can be made, this is precisely why Republicans lost congress in '06 and the White House in '08!

Now if you guys will excuse me, my checkbook is severely overdrawn, but I plan to go on a shopping spree at Walmart today, so by Monday or Tuesday, I should be out of debt... at least according to Democrats! We'll see how that works out.
That's kind of ridiculous. Yes, they should be allocating it faster, but the idea that they're holding it until election years is nuts.

Even as politicians, they're interested much more in the effects stimulus spending will have in 6, 12 & 18 months than in its immediate results.

Thanks for admitting Liberal politicians are nuts! Acceptance is the first step to recovery. As Damo said, go read the legislation, he is right, the bulk of this shit kicks in at reelection time. It was designed and planned that way, by LIBERALS who want to fool the people into thinking the economy is improving when it comes time to vote.
Thanks for admitting Liberal politicians are nuts! Acceptance is the first step to recovery. As Damo said, go read the legislation, he is right, the bulk of this shit kicks in at reelection time. It was designed and planned that way, by LIBERALS who want to fool the people into thinking the economy is improving when it comes time to vote. think the admin, and Congressional Democrats, intended to throw away the '10 mid-terms in favor of winning in '12? think the admin, and Congressional Democrats, intended to throw away the '10 mid-terms in favor of winning in '12?

No, and I'm not sure where you gleaned this from my post. I haven't read through all the other posts, but I don't think anyone else suggested this either.

Onezies, this seems to often be your problem, have you not noticed it? You simply must be reading posts with voices going off in your head, and you comprehend things that have not been said by anyone, other than those voices in your head. Try to remain focused on the actual text posted, and stop reading when you hear the voices start up. This may help you in future debates.

The BULK of the SPENDulus Bill, is designed for distribution at key election times, and in some cases, key election districts. It is particularly favorable to 2012, but it also includes specified distributions during the 2010 campaign season as well. It is all TIMED to coincide with politicians being reelected, and plays to their (democraps) favor. IF you read the text of the legislation, without letting those little voices in your head confuse you, it is abundantly clear this is what they are doing.

This whole "stimulus package" is a package alright... a package of steaming political cow shit! It will do NOTHING to stimulate long-term growth, it is a temporary fix.... like a fucking heroin addict kind of "fix" ...for the economy! For a few weeks, maybe a few months, we "feel" like things are getting a little better.... look, we only lost 250k more jobs... look, only 20k more foreclosures this quarter... unemployment is back in the single digits... we may be over the recession... THIS is what your liberal koolaid producers will be unveiling to you and the pinhead masses in the coming months.

It's a JOKE! A very cruel and despicable joke on the stupid American public. Everyone who is intelligently supporting this garbage, should be ashamed of themselves, because they KNOW it will not produce long-term results. They KNOW it is merely designed to keep them in power! By deceit, by trickery, smoke and mirrors... whatever-the-fuck it takes! Liberal elites will take any advantage they can, if it means they prevail and remain in power.
Ohh I don't know just check history and how we recovered from the depression.

the exorbitant spending that occurs for any economic issue is ludicrous.

"I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle."
-- Winston Churchill
As I think TARP should have worked. Give loan payment vouchers to the citizens. Pay off the bad loans to bail out the stupid finiancial industry. These vouchers could only be used to pay off loans/debts.
And with debts paid off citizens would have more disposable income to boost the economy.