Most heartwarming bible stories

that one wasn't's from Judges 19

and when God wrote it what do you think he wanted you to learn from it?.....
It sounds incredibly like Lot's story when the Angels came to visit in Genesis 19. I was wondering about the concubine that died as in Lot's story the angels drew him inside and smote the crowd with blindness... it your assumption that the guy was doing what God wanted when he gave them his concubine? that assumption warranted by the text?......

No, it's a book of Jewish mythology. The Jews who originally wrote the book considered it impressive that he'd give up his concubine and virgin daughters to be raped to protect his male guests. That's why it's such a common meme. When they were writing it down, it was just an oral tradition. Obviously the people who wrote this down didn't consider themselves divinely inspired.

If God really wrote the bible, why is his style so inconsistent? And why did he choose to make Shakespeare such a better writer than himself? Why did he choose to write in a the bizarre style and including the bizarre moral choices of ancient books of myth? For some reason, God, through his infinite knowledge, has come to produce a book that looks exactly like what we'd expect to see from a desert peoples book of myths. Why is that? Why does God so often choose to do things in a way that common sense, naturalistic explanations could just as easily describe?

Because he doesn't exist. Fool.
It sounds incredibly like Lot's story when the Angels came to visit in Genesis 19. I was wondering about the concubine that died as in Lot's story the angels drew him inside and smote the crowd with blindness...

It does, but the one you (and me, for that matter) are thinking of is more famous, and dealt with Sodom & Gomorrah.
No, it's a book of Jewish mythology. The Jews who originally wrote the book considered it impressive that he'd give up his concubine and virgin daughters to be raped to protect his male guests. That's why it's such a common meme. When they were writing it down, it was just an oral tradition. Obviously the people who wrote this down didn't consider themselves divinely inspired.

If God really wrote the bible, why is his style so inconsistent? And why did he choose to make Shakespeare such a better writer than himself? Why did he choose to write in a the bizarre style and including the bizarre moral choices of ancient books of myth? For some reason, God, through his infinite knowledge, has come to produce a book that looks exactly like what we'd expect to see from a desert peoples book of myths. Why is that? Why does God so often choose to do things in a way that common sense, naturalistic explanations could just as easily describe?

Because he doesn't exist. Fool.

oh chuckie.....if it's merely a book of Jewish mythology why do you start so many threads about it.....are you equally irate that Zeus screwed his siblings....

be that as it may, even if it were a book of Jewish mythology, it makes no sense for you to misinterpret it and pretend it says something it doesn't say.....nowhere in the passage you quoted does it say that God was pleased that what happened, happened....nowhere does it say the people were acting as they did because they wanted to please God....yet, you choose to present it as evidence that God is evil.....all you've really proved is your ignorance.....
If God really wrote the bible, why is his style so inconsistent? And why did he choose to make Shakespeare such a better writer than himself?

are you finding fault with the authorship or the author.....there are many who would argue that the Bible could be used as a text to demonstrate conciseness of writing.....certainly it outshines your offerings.....
It sounds incredibly like Lot's story when the Angels came to visit in Genesis 19. I was wondering about the concubine that died as in Lot's story the angels drew him inside and smote the crowd with blindness...

this one has a different ending...
So all the men of Israel got together and united as one man against the city.
this one has a different ending...

oh chuckie.....if it's merely a book of Jewish mythology why do you start so many threads about it.....are you equally irate that Zeus screwed his siblings....

be that as it may, even if it were a book of Jewish mythology, it makes no sense for you to misinterpret it and pretend it says something it doesn't say.....nowhere in the passage you quoted does it say that God was pleased that what happened, happened....nowhere does it say the people were acting as they did because they wanted to please God....yet, you choose to present it as evidence that God is evil.....all you've really proved is your ignorance.....

You're the one who thinks its the word of God.
If they're Christians their opinion is worthless.
If this were Southern Man posting about homosexuality, Watermark would be one of the first to accuse him of being "closeted"...

My guess is that Watermark is a huge believer, a faithful follower of Ted Haggard, voted for GWB and remains in the closet about it all. Based solely on his opposition, it must be true.
If this were Southern Man posting about homosexuality, Watermark would be one of the first to accuse him of being "closeted"...

My guess is that Watermark is a huge believer, a faithful follower of Ted Haggard, voted for GWB and remains in the closet about it all. Based solely on his opposition, it must be true.

Damo, I would like you to get one post of me j'accusing people of being homosexual just because they oppose homosexuality. I don't consider it a valid argument.
P.S. I don't actually know or pay attention to which of the lefties is always shouting, "closet homosexual"... I know Topspin and Cypress do it because they do it so often...

I was just making a funny, and it must have stung. Watermark really is a closet Christian... Actually, if you take the opposite of everything he posts you get his actual opinion of things. They also make much more sense when you realize he simply takes what he would have written and writes it obversely with a twist of insane to make it "interesting'...
P.S. I don't actually know or pay attention to which of the lefties is always shouting, "closet homosexual"... I know Topspin and Cypress do it because they do it so often...

I was just making a funny, and it must have stung. Watermark really is a closet Christian... Actually, if you take the opposite of everything he posts you get his actual opinion of things. They also make much more sense when you realize he simply takes what he would have written and writes it obversely with a twist of insane to make it "interesting'...

Maybe he's making a parody?? LOL