Loyal to the end
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
I suggest you do the research work instead of relying on your imagination. In effect, you want to carry a gun with little expense, training or any investigation into your character. Got news for ya, COPS go through far more than what you described in order before their given the right to carry that weapon. So pardon me if I don't see YOU as being given a pass that we wouldn't give our law enforcement....THAT would be "onerous" indeed.
Amazing how you just ignore everything that transpired in previous post to just parrot the same BS as before. Bottom line: we have a police force, you can buy a gun for home protection, and if you want to carry one, there are procedures. The final point was brought forth by YOU in your example....I just merely pointed out that all your whining boils down to YOU wanting to supercede requirements that YOU (the taxpaying citizen) require of candidates for law enforcement. That is just absurd.....much like the contentions of the original article posted. So if all you've got is some BS dodge, I'd say we're done here.
So are you suggesting that if someone approaches my car with a baseball bat while I'm stopped in traffic, obviously intending to break the window and hijack my vehicle that I call 911? Wouldn't I be more safe drawing my concealed pistol?