Most liberal states = least free states

That is too funny. I spent a long time in Alaska and it is about as backward a place as one can find, and if you check out the Indian/Eskimo populations I doubt they would agree or even know what you were talking about.

But seriously is anyone in any way affected by this nonsensical study? Will you move to Alaska, it was sort of nice hiking in the wilderness, but lifestyle matters too. And for me I'll take the culture of New York or a large city over the humble drunkenness of backroad hicks. And New Jersey beaches are beautiful in a number of ways.

Can all those who see in this sense, please move there, and report back by smoke signal (?) how it is there and how you and the mosquitoes are enjoying your new found freedom. ROTFLMAO
According to a new study released by the Mercatus Center of George Mason University...

Now, I don't know who all funds the centers at major universities... whether it's George Soros or Scaifes, Waltons, and Gramms. Those details don't normally factor into liberal studies from major universities, and last I checked, is technically not a university. What kind of funny double standard shit are you trying to pull here?

The Mercatus Center 'AT'(please note) George Mason University is a well-funded Conservative thinktank. You will find it is an independent body based at the university funded by substantial endowments from well known Conservative sources. If you can identify Liberal thinktanks based 'AT' a university and funded by wealthy Liberals your comparison would be valid, but it would probably be no less biased in its outlook.
The Mercatus Center 'AT'(please note) George Mason University is a well-funded Conservative thinktank. You will find it is an independent body based at the university funded by substantial endowments from well known Conservative sources. If you can identify Liberal thinktanks based 'AT' a university and funded by wealthy Liberals your comparison would be valid, but it would probably be no less biased in its outlook.

I read "OF" not "AT" in the tag line. I think the Mercatus Center is part OF the University, otherwise, it wouldn't be AT the university. Who funds the center, is not relevant to data compiled in a study. We see liberals throwing up these studies all the time, and because they were supposedly conducted BY a university, they are somehow made to be facts for the left. It's interesting, now you want to get into details of who funds the centers who conduct the study? Why was that not an issue all the times you presented studies before?

Let's be honest about your position... If a liberal thinktank at a liberal university, comes out with a study favorable to a liberal position, you will defend it as fact that can not be disputed, and insist the liberal thinktank is fair and impartial, and backed by the university, regardless of the contributors. If a conservative thinktank comes out with a study favorable to a conservative position, you will attack it as being phony and illegitimate, based on who contributes to the center where the study is based. That is how you operate, and we all know this. Why you want to pretend to argue that you have a basis for your hypocrisy at this point, is beyond me.


So being "free" according to NewsMax means that every adult walks around strapped 24/7 and they don't pay taxes.

Someone PUH-LEEZE put these people on medication!
So being "free" according to NewsMax means that every adult walks around strapped 24/7 and they don't pay taxes.

Someone PUH-LEEZE put these people on medication!
Get with the program, Liberal! The study was by the Mercatus Center of George Mason University. Newsmax simply reported on it. There are links to the original study in this thread that you can download free of charge, read, then argue that instead of attacking the messenger. :readit:
Get with the program, Liberal! The study was by the Mercatus Center of George Mason University. Newsmax simply reported on it. There are links to the original study in this thread that you can download free of charge, read, then argue that instead of attacking the messenger. :readit:

Oh PUH-LEEZE. NewsMax is a second rate neocon rag that even Murdoch wouldn't be proud to call his own. And the Mecatus Center is a notorious neocon think tank.

The moronic presumption is that state gun laws are a gradient towards personal freedom totally ignores the FACT that America has already gone through a period where you had a vast majority of people either carrying and/or owning guns with little to no was called the Wild West and the early 1900's. Been there, done that....didn't work out too well.....laws were made to correct problems. Deal with it.
Oh PUH-LEEZE. NewsMax is a second rate neocon rag that even Murdoch wouldn't be proud to call his own. And the Mecatus Center is a notorious neocon think tank.

The moronic presumption is that state gun laws are a gradient towards personal freedom totally ignores the FACT that America has already gone through a period where you had a vast majority of people either carrying and/or owning guns with little to no was called the Wild West and the early 1900's. Been there, done that....didn't work out too well.....laws were made to correct problems. Deal with it.

More attacks on the messenger- whouda thunk a liberal would do that?

The "wild west" wasn't as wild as you've seen in Hollywood movies. Concealed carry and guns in the hands of law abiding citizens saves lives- why would you want innocent people to die?
More attacks on the messenger- whouda thunk a liberal would do that?

The "wild west" wasn't as wild as you've seen in Hollywood movies. Concealed carry and guns in the hands of law abiding citizens saves lives- why would you want innocent people to die?

Of course you leave out WHY I attacked the source of your material....typical neocon bullshit.

Once again, in typical gun nut fashion, you ignore the FACT that America finally figured out that having clowns like you run around strapped wasn't good for the status quo. Town tamers, sheriffs, US marshalls, town gun ordinances, city ordinances regarding who can purchase weapon purchase, who can carry, when and where, all evolved in order to cut down the number of killings done by guns and to give the law enforcement the edge (in a situation a cop can't tell instantly who is the good guy with a gun if everyone is strapped....unlike the fantasy of western movies or the scenarios spun by NRA numbskulls.). Like I said before, the idiotic premise that state gun laws is a gradient for personal freedom is absurd. But hey, if you feel so strongly that you can't live without being strapped, then you can move to a state and a particular region there within that will allow such. Meanwhile, I'll just go to the local bar and argue politics....and look forward to voting as I choose in the next election, or watch with pleasure kids walking home from a school of their parents choosing. Carry on.
I'm not surprised redneck knuckledraggers like Souther tool read news max.
FOX is to left for him and dumberthananybogy ie smarter than you. LOFL
The moronic presumption is that state gun laws are a gradient towards personal freedom totally ignores the FACT that America has already gone through a period where you had a vast majority of people either carrying and/or owning guns with little to no was called the Wild West and the early 1900's. Been there, done that....didn't work out too well.....laws were made to correct problems. Deal with it.

you do realize that there are more gun murders now than there were in the so called 'wild west' and that there are more laws designed to prevent people from doing so. not really working out now, is it. I say we go back to the wild west then, it was alot safer and freer. You're just ignorant.