Most liberal states = least free states

Can you please show where anyone said that they wanted "...everyone running around strapped 24/7..."??

I made the proposal to those who support the opening article that puts forth the notion that gun control laws in general are inhibiting an American citizens freedom. Read the article.....given it's premise, and those who support/defend it, I merely pointed out that their contentions would logically conclude that their idea of "freedom" is for any citizen who can afford it to be able to buy and carry a weapon without interference from the gov't. Now read below what I stated....there are states that can relieve their angst. I NEVER wrote YOU SAID, I merely made the logical suggestion based on statements and material presented.

Well, then quit your whining and BS, because like I said, if you are a citizen/homeowner/legal resident without a criminal record, you can own a gun in accordance to your individual State law. You want to be strapped 24/7 in public, there are states that allow that to if you meet the requirements. So move there, because people like me are NOT going to allow paranoid gun nuts to turn this country back to frontier days
For well over 200 years, we in this country, have lived with the 2nd Amendment and for those 200+ years, there was no doubt about what right it set in stone for the citizens....

How come todays pinheads are having such a hard time with it....????
The 'militia' is every able bodied citizen and NOT some state government funded and maintained organization. It never was and it never will be. read the federalist papers and stop leaning on 19th century judicial activist opinions.

The Federalist papers is your Bible, not mine. To date, it cannot prove the contention that every American citizen is automatically part of a militia. That's why you have a draft during declarations of war, genius. That is why, like I previously stated, The Constitution guarantees the right of each state to maintain a militia and it's members to bear arms, and why you have people in some states actually forming and registering a militia with their state.

Back to square one...the original article that opened this thread is just plain silly. You are a law abiding citizen and afford it, you can get a gun. Each state has varying laws, and if you're feeling particulary oppressed, as the article alludes, you can move to a state with very liberal gun laws.
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I made the proposal to those who support the opening article that puts forth the notion that gun control laws in general are inhibiting an American citizens freedom. Read the article.....given it's premise, and those who support/defend it, I merely pointed out that their contentions would logically conclude that their idea of "freedom" is for any citizen who can afford it to be able to buy and carry a weapon without interference from the gov't. Now read below what I stated....there are states that can relieve their angst. I NEVER wrote YOU SAID, I merely made the logical suggestion based on statements and material presented.

Well, then quit your whining and BS, because like I said, if you are a citizen/homeowner/legal resident without a criminal record, you can own a gun in accordance to your individual State law. You want to be strapped 24/7 in public, there are states that allow that to if you meet the requirements. So move there, because people like me are NOT going to allow paranoid gun nuts to turn this country back to frontier days

AWWWWWWWWWWWW- So basically you lied!!
Thanks for clearing that up.
AWWWWWWWWWWWW- So basically you lied!!
Thanks for clearing that up.

You really should have paid attention in grade school when they were teaching English composition. Obviously, you don't understand the difference between a suggestion and a declarative statement. Here, read it again, and then go get someone to explain it to you in detail, or remain blissfully ignorant in your attempts to be an irritant along with the satisfaction of having the last word ....I've done all I can here. :corn:

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
I made the proposal to those who support the opening article that puts forth the notion that gun control laws in general are inhibiting an American citizens freedom. Read the article.....given it's premise, and those who support/defend it, I merely pointed out that their contentions would logically conclude that their idea of "freedom" is for any citizen who can afford it to be able to buy and carry a weapon without interference from the gov't. Now read below what I stated....there are states that can relieve their angst. I NEVER wrote YOU SAID, I merely made the logical suggestion based on statements and material presented.

.....Well, then quit your whining and BS, because like I said, if you are a citizen/homeowner/legal resident without a criminal record, you can own a gun in accordance to your individual State law. You want to be strapped 24/7 in public, there are states that allow that to if you meet the requirements. So move there, because people like me are NOT going to allow paranoid gun nuts to turn this country back to frontier days
You really should have paid attention in grade school when they were teaching English composition. Obviously, you don't understand the difference between a suggestion and a declarative statement. Here, read it again, and then go get someone to explain it to you in detail, or remain blissfully ignorant in your attempts to be an irritant along with the satisfaction of having the last word ....I've done all I can here. :corn:

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
I made the proposal to those who support the opening article that puts forth the notion that gun control laws in general are inhibiting an American citizens freedom. Read the article.....given it's premise, and those who support/defend it, I merely pointed out that their contentions would logically conclude that their idea of "freedom" is for any citizen who can afford it to be able to buy and carry a weapon without interference from the gov't. Now read below what I stated....there are states that can relieve their angst. I NEVER wrote YOU SAID, I merely made the logical suggestion based on statements and material presented.

.....Well, then quit your whining and BS, because like I said, if you are a citizen/homeowner/legal resident without a criminal record, you can own a gun in accordance to your individual State law. You want to be strapped 24/7 in public, there are states that allow that to if you meet the requirements. So move there, because people like me are NOT going to allow paranoid gun nuts to turn this country back to frontier days

That's OK; I understand how hard it was for you to have to finally admit that what you had posted , had no merit.

Thanks again :thup:
The Federalist papers is your Bible, not mine. To date, it cannot prove the contention that every American citizen is automatically part of a militia. That's why you have a draft during declarations of war, genius. That is why, like I previously stated, The Constitution guarantees the right of each state to maintain a militia and it's members to bear arms, and why you have people in some states actually forming and registering a militia with their state.
stop being an ignorant moron. The federalist papers is not a 'bible'. It's one half of an argument to determine a position for the anti federalists to ratify the constitution. To date, it proves, without a doubt in a reasonable persons mind, that every american citizen is indeed part of that militia. To try to debate otherwise is not only ignorant, but ridiculous in light of all the factual historical evidence indicating otherwise.

Back to square one...the original article that opened this thread is just plain silly. You are a law abiding citizen and afford it, you can get a gun. Each state has varying laws, and if you're feeling particulary oppressed, as the article alludes, you can move to a state with very liberal gun laws.
would this also mean that you think the states can make laws that reduce the effectiveness of the 1st, 4th, 5th, and 6th amendments as well?
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
The Federalist papers is your Bible, not mine. To date, it cannot prove the contention that every American citizen is automatically part of a militia. That's why you have a draft during declarations of war, genius. That is why, like I previously stated, The Constitution guarantees the right of each state to maintain a militia and it's members to bear arms, and why you have people in some states actually forming and registering a militia with their state.

stop being an ignorant moron. The federalist papers is not a 'bible'. I didn't say it was, genius. Learn to read carefully and comprehensively. I said it was "your" bible....a metaphor as to how NRA dupes always jump to the federalist papers to justify your contentions as if it's content is somehow divine proof. Hint: it's not. It's one half of an argument to determine a position for the anti federalists to ratify the constitution. To date, it proves, without a doubt in a reasonable persons mind, that every american citizen is indeed part of that militia. To try to debate otherwise is not only ignorant, but ridiculous in light of all the factual historical evidence indicating otherwise. Translation: You accept it as proof of what you believe...I don't. I have the 2nd Amendment on my side, and to date you STILL haven't disproven my previous statements.[/COLOR]

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Back to square one...the original article that opened this thread is just plain silly. You are a law abiding citizen and afford it, you can get a gun. Each state has varying laws, and if you're feeling particulary oppressed, as the article alludes, you can move to a state with very liberal gun laws.

would this also mean that you think the states can make laws that reduce the effectiveness of the 1st, 4th, 5th, and 6th amendments as well?

Would this mean that you'll introduce and then stretch a hypothetical to fantastic lengths to AVOID THE FACT that you cannot disprove what I previously stated? Seems so.
I'm left with the only thing possible, and that is your just plain retarded. Especially considering that you THINK you have the 2nd Amendment on your side. laughable at best.
I'm left with the only thing possible, and that is your just plain retarded. Especially considering that you THINK you have the 2nd Amendment on your side. laughable at best.

Translation: you still can't logically or factually disprove what I previously posted....but then again your debate style reflects your screen much more to pity.

Say goodnight gracie...shows over for you.
Translation: you still can't logically or factually disprove what I previously posted....but then again your debate style reflects your screen much more to pity.

Say goodnight gracie...shows over for you.

be a dipshit all you like. you're idiotic claim that I haven't proved anything is specious at best considering i've got history and evidence on my side. All you got on yours is revisionist history.
be a dipshit all you like. you're idiotic claim that I haven't proved anything is specious at best considering i've got history and evidence on my side. All you got on yours is revisionist history.

Stamp you widdle feet all you want, genius. The chronology of the post prove me right.....the premise of the opening article (that "freedom" is hampered by gun laws) is absurd, as any law abiding citizen can purchase a gun.....each state having varying degrees of gun laws with regards to CCWP and types/numbers of weapons purchased, (save for Washington, DC, which has recently changed) etc. What is the author questions asked, as many guns (and types) you want and NO registration? Been there, done that, didn't work out well in the long run, so the laws were inacted and/or changed.

Rather than admit such, jokers like you beat their chest and cry the usual NRA dupe war cries...."federalist papers, 2nd amendment guarantees your right....states have no right to gun control, federal gov't has no right to gun control, etc., etc. But when challenged, all the false bravado pseudo-intellectual clap-trap goes out the window....because its' what you BELIEVE that counts..and everyone else's examination of the facts are wrong if it counters that belief. So be I said before, if you're so paranoid that your freedom is endangered because of gun laws, then find a state/region where the laws suit your fancy or just get the hell on up and out of the country. No one is stopping you from either choice...or from having a gun for that matter.

You may have the last insipidly stubborn word...I'm done with you here.
I already answered you. Evidently, you're incapable of comprehending the answer. I suggest you find someone to explain it to you, as I'm tired of doing homework for willfully ignorant neocons. Here it is again:

Oh I did indeed present a valid reason why your source is so full of it to even present such an absurd just don't like it because you cannot logically refute what I've in typical neocon/NRA dupe fashion, you want to alter the conversation to a question that you feel will justify your stance. Once again for the cheap seats.....ANY law abiding citizen who is a home owner/state resident can obtain a gun, providing they meet the requirements deemed by their State. If you want a CCWP, you meet that states requirements (if that State has the option). Now if you don't like what's going on in your state, write your congressman to change the they did in Washington, DC. Until then, spare us all this regurgitation of NRA BS.

And if the State makes it onerous for the law abiding citizen, why would you be against that person from obtaining a weapon for protection and carrying it with them concealed as expeditiously as possible? Why require a permit at all?
Translation: you still can't logically or factually disprove what I previously posted....but then again your debate style reflects your screen much more to pity.

Say goodnight gracie...shows over for you.


And FYI, liberal political scientists cite the Federalist Papers as well as conservative ones...
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Translation: you still can't logically or factually disprove what I previously posted....but then again your debate style reflects your screen much more to pity.

Say goodnight gracie...shows over for you.

And FYI, liberal political scientists cite the Federalist Papers as well as conservative ones...

And did I state anything to contradict this moot point of yours? Nope...I just pointed out that for THIS PARTICULAR ISSUE most NRA parrots with delusions of intellectualism default to them.

You should learn to Read Carefully and Comprehensively before you attempt to insult someone....makes you look less of a fool. My statement still stands. Carry on.
And if the State makes it onerous for the law abiding citizen, why would you be against that person from obtaining a weapon for protection and carrying it with them concealed as expeditiously as possible? Why require a permit at all?

Define "onerous" as it pertains to the discussion at hand, my willfully ignorant neocon friend. Washington, DC just dumped it's 30 year law of banning guns for home owners, thanks to the people voting it out and years of legal determination. Outside of them, where in the original article are the legal requirements so "onerous" that NRA clowns like you just won't fill out the forms to get your weapon. Elucidate, my child, elucidate!