Most Likely Places to Find Alien Life in the Solar System

Heheheheh. I always thought maybe it was because of Wright-Pat AFB, the Wright Brothers, and so on. We didn't live far from there as kids (in Kettering); I still remember the huge sonic booms that would shake the windows and knock things around inside the cupboards when the fighter jets went over.
I can relate. My alma mater is right next to Wright Patt.
I hope you're jotting all these stories down in a Journal to hand down to your kids and grandkids. You know, rather than some bland "he was born, he lived, he died" statistic in a Family Tree, a little Narrative makes the person come alive, especially if it's historic like in your case.
My grandmother has a Narrative of a direct woman relative that worked in a California mining camp as a Cook and met Kit Carson, I thought that was kinda' cool, ... always wondered about the 'Cook' part though?
Actually my Uncle and crewmates had a small book published about their war adventures. Unfortunately Venus the Love Goddess hasn’t been kind to me where children are concerned.
Actually my Uncle and crewmates had a small book published about their war adventures. Unfortunately Venus the Love Goddess hasn’t been kind to me where children are concerned.

Children are overrated ... or so people have told me.

You may have saved yourself from Big Headaches, I've still got one at home that seems like he will NEVER leave. He's 29. :(
"If confirmed, the buried pocket of water could answer a few questions about where Mars’s ancient oceans went, as well as provide a resource for future human settlements. Even more thrilling for astrobiologists, such a feature may be an ideal habitat for extraterrestrial life-forms."

I hope Leonthecat doesn't see this, it could blow his fucking mind!
Just making a effort,there are many great woman available.
Getting the confidence to approach women is the hardest part!

No, I think that is the problem. Too many women just want to have fuck buddies and don't want to get married and have kids anymore. It's all about the toys. (kids are a financial drain)
No, I think that is the problem. Too many women just want to have fuck buddies and don't want to get married and have kids anymore. It's all about the toys. (kids are a financial drain)

I had adds a few years ago looking for a wife.
The vast majority who answered,were 23 year old women!
I asked,why aren't you interested in guys your age,I'm 60 years old,no sugar daddy,you will have to work,if we hook up.
Every girl had the same answer
"These young guys are immature,all they want to do
is fuck me"!
Great woman are out there!
I had adds a few years ago looking for a wife.
The vast majority who answered,were 23 year old women!
I asked,why aren't you interested in guys your age,I'm 60 years old,no sugar daddy,you will have to work,if we hook up.
Every girl had the same answer
"These young guys are immature,all they want to do
is fuck me"!
Great woman are out there!

I don't know, Mason. Once you hit 29 (almost 30), I'm thinking 'kids' aren't a high priority. (you know, parents want to be grandparents)
"Underground Lake Found on Mars? Get the Facts.
The 12-mile-wide reservoir could solve a Martian mystery—and offer a new target in the hunt for extraterrestrial life."

Extraordinary. I saw that news yesterday, and as far as I know this is the first, large standing body of liquid water ever found on the red planet. Albeit, it is 1.5 km underground, and too saline and mineral-rich to support life as we know it on earth. But the possibilities could be endless!

I have always said, and will say again: the worst day as a planetary geologist is still better than the best day as a tax accountant.
For a man no,for a woman probably!
Either way,time to head out into the world!

This is the guy that worked on an oil rig in equatorial Africa for a month, then ended up running around Europe for a month. Met some babe from Colombia and spent the last 2 weeks with her in Spain.
He's walked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon and met Aussie girls at Phantom Ranch (a crash site at the bottom), rode his motorcycle to Washington DC to take part in a Al Sharpton demonstration. So, he's 'worldly', that's not the problem. I think it's today's 'culture'. You know ... "Why get married?".
This is the guy that worked on an oil rig in equatorial Africa for a month, then ended up running around Europe for a month. Met some babe from Colombia and spent the last 2 weeks with her in Spain.
He's walked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon and met Aussie girls at Phantom Ranch (a crash site at the bottom), rode his motorcycle to Washington DC to take part in a Al Sharpton demonstration. So, he's 'worldly', that's not the problem. I think it's today's 'culture'. You know ... "Why get married?".

Does he want to get married?
What does he do for a living?
If you don't mind him being home,what the heck,let him stay.
No, I think that is the problem. Too many women just want to have fuck buddies and don't want to get married and have kids anymore. It's all about the toys. (kids are a financial drain)

Hate to break this to ya, Jack...but women looking to get married and start a family...

...are not going to hold men who still live with their parents at age 29 in high regard.

My advice to any woman looking to get married and start a family would be to avoid that type at all costs. Do not even give that type of guy any consideration at all.
Hate to break this to ya, Jack...but women looking to get married and start a family...

...are not going to hold men who still live with their parents at age 29 in high regard.

My advice to any woman looking to get married and start a family would be to avoid that type at all costs. Do not even give that type of guy any consideration at all.

hahahahahaha .... Thanks, Frank. (maybe THAT'S the problem)
Astronomers find possible sign of life on Venus

Traces of a rare molecule known as phosphine have been found in the hellish, heavily acidic atmosphere of Venus, astronomers announced Monday — providing a tantalizing clue about the possibility of life. Phosphine molecules found on Earth are primarily a result of human industry or the actions of microbes that thrive in oxygen-free environments.

The researchers are not claiming life has been detected on the second planet from the sun. But the observations suggest at least the possibility of microbial activity in the upper layers of Venus' atmosphere, well away from the planet's inhospitable surface.

"We have detected a rare gas called phosphine in the atmosphere of our neighbor planet Venus," said Jane Greaves, a professor at Cardiff University in the United Kingdom and lead author of a report published in Nature Astronomy. "And the reason for our excitement is that phosphine gas on Earth is made by microorganisms that live in oxygen-free environments. And so there is a chance that we have detected some kind of living organism in the clouds of Venus."