Most mentally unstable member of JPP


  • Total voters
even though dixie has his crazy stupid opinions, he doesn't really seem mentally ill to me. Ice dancer and usaloyal however, I think have serious real life mental problems.

Tutu seems slightly more rational

asshat is all schtick
smarterthanyou talks of revolution but he's all talk and wouldn't do shit (i.e. he's somewhat logical and would realize how infeasible his ideas are when it came right down to it - plus, if things are so bad, what is he waiting for? until it's too late? etc . .)

meme comes off as a bot and is barely sentient, but not crazy.

usfreedom falls into the dumb but not crazy category

thorn is normal

watermark is a spaz and emo, but not crazy.

I'm not crazy, I am awesome.
I would have said "KingRaw" but he hasn't been here in a long time, but kathaksung seems to be a bit unhinged...


'nuff said.
i picked watermark for the thread, i thought it was multiple choice...WM is not crazy though

i would pick touchyliberal though, he goes off the wall and curses and lies about you and then puts you on ignore because he accuses you of going off the wall and lying and cursing....
good gawd every other day there is another stupid poll about the members lovely:palm:
good gawd every other day there is another stupid poll about the members lovely:palm:

Its a long-standing tradition for those of us who came from FP. We get a kick out of them, and there are a few classic polls which forever remain in our hearts.

For example, the infamous "Who is the Dumbest Poster?" poll, started by a troll named Smeagle, and in which so many votes were recorded that Ib1 received upwards of 60 votes, beating out Desh who was in the mid-40s, and two other nominal contenders.
Its a long-standing tradition for those of us who came from FP. We get a kick out of them, and there are a few classic polls which forever remain in our hearts.

For example, the infamous "Who is the Dumbest Poster?" poll, started by a troll named Smeagle, and in which so many votes were recorded that Ib1 received upwards of 60 votes, beating out Desh who was in the mid-40s, and two other nominal contenders.

Or the one where cypress totally exposed his disingenuity because he didn't know it was a public poll.
Or the one where cypress totally exposed his disingenuity because he didn't know it was a public poll.

LOL I have botched a few polls out of ignorance, but I have never lied about my votes. I voted for LowIQ, just because (as it happens)...

My favorite poll fails were on FP, because with SR's polls, people didn't know how to deal with spacing, so with all-too-much frequency, a poll with a bunch of non-option options would be provided for people like me and Water to vote on.

Seriously, after the first few of these problems, anyone who kept it up was either trolling or FUCKING RETARDED!!!
How could cypress not have known that was a public poll? You have to SELECT the option for it to be a public poll.

Just more evidence that he might be retarded.
seems to me all these stupid polls are used for is to pick out certain members here for no rime or reason just for others to come in and dump all over them..

it's becoming boring and I for one am getting sick of it..
but whatever the fXXk blows your alls skirts up.
How could cypress not have known that was a public poll? You have to SELECT the option for it to be a public poll.

Just more evidence that he might be retarded.

he didn't create a poll, just voted on it.

He made some stupid comment about how many closet bush fans were still on the site, (or something to that effect) then it turned out he voted to make conservatives look dumb or something. i can't really remember
seems to me all these stupid polls are used for is to pick out certain members here for no rime or reason just for others to come in and dump all over them..

it's becoming boring and I for one am getting sick of it..
but whatever the fXXk blows your alls skirts up.

get thicker skin.

polifpjpp are all tough as nails. no internet comments hurt us. We go pishaw, it aint no thang. we are all like RARRRRRRRR.