Most mentally unstable member of JPP


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Its OK meme we all like you and want you to reach deeper.

Personally I think you have it in you and have put up walls to keep it from happening.
he didn't create a poll, just voted on it.

He made some stupid comment about how many closet bush fans were still on the site, (or something to that effect) then it turned out he voted to make conservatives look dumb or something. i can't really remember

OOhhhhh yeah. I made that poll.
you're being saved for the retard poll

Thanks, I will be in training for it.

No he isn't. There's all ready a retard poll, 3D didn't even make the poll...Oh granted I've met lumps of coal with more personality then 3D but compared to Watermark he's a Rhode's Scholar.

Dammit, nevermind Grind, you fucking renob.

Mott, I have plenty of personality, but in such a sophisticated manner - that of a patrician - that a plebe like you could never hope to relate to it. But yes, Watermark is pretty retarded.